
Because kids are full of hope and wonder and feel as if anything can be hidden inside the games. As an adult you're a cynical asshole who recognises things such as gameplay loops and tropes and it just isn't as magical

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OP, is "Nemu" good?

I see you're using Linux like a real Christian. Only ever tried Mupen64 and it was fucking horrible.

Try subnautica and don't look up too much stuff before venturing out there

Because you were a kid
Fuck off with your shit nostalgia baiting

because you were a dumb child

It depends on the game, Dark Souls made me feel like that again.

This, but I think it would have blown my mind as a kid.



As an adult, Dark Souls gave that to me. I played it for the first time a month ago, and it really felt like it rewarded exploring in a meaningful way.

Because you're supposed to stop playing games once you enter mid puberty. Games are toys. Before video games, boys who played with toys after 12 would be considered degenerate queers or retards.

People think the same way today about video games, it's just no longer socially accepted to discriminate people for any reason.

Pokemon Gold. Best adventure of my childhood.

idk, I literally felt just like I did back then. Even at work all I could do was think about the game and the things I'd to on it once I got home - exact like a kid at school. It was pretty magical, being 23 years old at the time.


All of the DaS except DaS3 gave me this feeling
It's a game design more than a mindset of oneself. It can be truly crafted from the groundup to convey that excitement.

Wht. Abt. Skyrim?

Others have already posted it but Dark Souls helps you feel it, none of the newer Mario/Zelda games have really come as close as the first DaS did to making each discovery important and significant

SOTC was also pretty good with finding every Colossi, but the minimalist style leaves little else to find

That's just a social construct. I wouldn't advise living your life based on those things. Be what you want to be, do what you want to do, just don't hurt other people doing it. If you want to fuck three girls at the same time do it instead of being chained to the social construct that you HAVE to marry just one, for example.

Don't live your life for other people. Do it for yourself.

I think the lack of information we had about these games helped a bit to enchance that feeling. I miss when internet and youtube were new things and we had all sorts of urban legends and shit, nowadays the internet just spoils everything, there's no point in exploring because there's nothing new to discover

No, it's because modern video games are dumbed down and don't have a sense of discovery anymore. Everything is obvious. Developers make sure of that.

The games nowadays literally tell you every button to freakin' press. I was playing the latest Batman game and a button prompt at the bottom of the screen says "Press (control stick foward)" to move.
Like, is that really necessary? Would someone who bought the game get lost and not figure out how to move forward?

>tfw you never played any of Zelda games because you grew up in Eastern Europe.

You say that as OP's screenshot has all the literal buttons to press to use every item in the top right.

You say that as OP's screenshot has all the literal buttons to press to use every item in the top right.

Also, Kokiri village had all the "PRESS Z TO TARGET, ISN'T Z TARGETING GREAT?" kind of shit.

ui mapping is not the same thing as a limited tutorial popup
try again

Even 17 years later, this song piece still gives me that transcendental cosmic feel.

I wonder if people look up at the stars enough these days.

>That's just a social construct. I wouldn't advise living your life based on those things. Be what you want to be, do what you want to do, just don't hurt other people doing it.

>Why did the games you played as a kid had a weird feeling of discovery?
You were immersed more. You just enjoy games more as a kid. As an adult you have more feelings of responsibility and you know you need to do other shit. Plus the novelty of games has long worn off. Plus you can get laid instead which is much better than video games.

Btw, Dark Souls when I first played it at 25 years of age gave me the same wonder and immersion of adventure that Ocarina of Time did when I was 12. Maybe even more, I enjoyed it so fucking much. I didn't think it was possible anymore but Dark Souls 1 blew me the fuck away. I'm sure it can happen again if somebody else manages to make something so magical again, and I'm sure someone will.

These. Dark Souls is the only modern game that can make me feel this way.

As a dumb kid playing OoT I used to climb to the top of the lab in Lake Hylia and look out over the edge of the map and be filled with a sense of such wonder, like "wow I wonder what would be outside those walls?"

Dark Souls gives me this feeling even as an adult. I'll never forget the first time I got to Anor Londo, that overwhelming sense of wonder. Looking down at all the smaller buildings of the city, wondering what they were and who lived there before the city died. Or looking out over the edge of the cliff in Firelink, just wondering what was down below. It really perfectly recaptured my sense of wonder.

>nostalgia thread on Sup Forums
>it's always about either super mario64 or OOT
Why won't n64drones let go already? How much did this console traumatize them? They've been obsessed with the same 2-4 games for decades now. Is this what a nogames console does to a child? I'm glad my parents bought me a ps1. I literally had over 100 games and enjoyed the shit out of every single one of them.

Are you just pretending to be retarded?
OoT was pretty much the first game with a fully open 3d world and Z-Targetting was a brand new thing not in any other game

That's a bit different than a game in 2017 telling you that you have to use the control stick to move.

>tfw never got into shit like oot, morrowind, tomb raider etc. until the last 5 years
>tfw can't talk about them without autists chimping out about nostalgia
Sup Forums should write a book about retroactive nostalgia. see if there's any validity to that claim.


Pick up Supreme Ruler 2020, tell me that's a toy.

Might as well say, "There's no point in reading any books that are not scientific or non-fiction; fiction is a complete waste because it has no bearing in reality"

why is adult Link in MM?

t. the original soy master


I'm . I didn't even see these posts
about Dark Souls when I made my post, kek.

>The Simpsons' golden age episodes, seasons 3-6, were not the best, That's only nostalgiafags talking! The New simpsons episodes are just as good
>The original Star Wars movies aren't worse than the prequels, that's just nostalgia talking! Attack of the Clones is just as good as the Empire Strikes Back!
>The original Metallica albums aren't better than the new ones, that's just nostalgia! St.Anger is awesome!

So why is the "nostalgiafag" argument considered acceptable in video games, but not in any other form of media?

Because when the game is released there's already so much information about the game out there. Trailers, datamining and discussions removes a lot of the excitment you get from your own discoveries. So it's up to you to limit yourself from being exposed to it all.

I liked the prequels. Sure as shit better than Diversity Awakens or The Last SJW

Also I don't really get why people hated the heavily politicized nature of the prequels. I thought it gave the story and universe much more depth and complexity than LE GOOD V EVIL EPIC SAGA

>play moon after all these years
>feels like a downgrade in almost every possible way


>I liked the prequels

It’s even worse.
Tutorial popup usually appears once
The UI mapping is always there

Tutorial popup is ruining sense of discovery, it's telling you what to do or giving away things.
Having a UI show which items you have equipped isn't doing that at all.

You're just playing the wrong games my dude. Or you just need a break.
Been finally playing Breath of the Wild. I haven't had so much fun with a game in a long time. They got the sense of exploration and mystery just right.

You racists are so easily triggered, pathetic really

Pokemon just wprks best in 8bit

Shut the fuck up

it's more they're killing off all the other characters to "make room" for the new one.
because more than one group of goodguys can't exist in an entire galaxy.

No. You know it's true.

Seeing how Pokemon peaked in late gen 4, this is wrong.

that sure showed me!

Because you didn't spoil yourself with the internet

Yes, this. Plz eplain

Spotted the cuckolded SJW numale


...because you were a kid

you can rediscover that feeling btw, but the only way is LSD.

There wasn't any Internet back then. Talking to friends on the playground, helping each other, sharing experiences, lending each other games etc. Nowadays if you get stuck in a game just look it up online. Secrets gets discovered by some fucker datamining the game in a day or so. I also tend to google shit in games to get the optimal build or whatever and I hate myself for it

>implying it didn't peak with gold and silver

Not OP, but it looks like his image is a MM map ported into OoT from the Hud. Someone DID make an Adult Link replacing Fierce Deity mod for the JP debug version of MM I think though.

Unfortunately the Zelda modding community is pretty autistic and crumbles before accomplishing anything.

Am I the only one who thought the textures and sprites were creepy because of how low res they were?

Dragon's dogma did this to me but yeah it has become way harder to feel like that.

didn't that guy have like a nervous breakdown over everyone making fun of him or something?