Return to form or final nail in the coffin?

Return to form or final nail in the coffin?


Not really either. It’s a solid enough entry that will probably lead to 2 mainline sequels of a similar style like the others. 1-3 tank controls, 4-6 over the shoulder action, CV a semi transition of both.


It has its problems but yeah it is a breath of f resh air after ye ars of nothing but crap RE games .

All they really have to do in order to improve on the next one is more enemy variety and make a great and engaging setting.

I liked the Baker residence but try to make the setting and atmosphere solid from start to finish in the next game.

Also, bring back mercenaries and make more free content in the base game. A lot of great content was locked behind paywalls, though that's probably asking to much in this day and age.

Loose return to form, could be better but it can easily go up from where it currently stands so whatever. Recent DLC only drove it home even more.

literally trash.

>Your post.

step in the right direction but still shit

over 4 mil sales, get ready for 8

From a gameplay perspective I think they nailed movement, gun use/combat, and exploration. The amount of items hidden also encourages a lot of secret-finding which suits the old games' play styles. The environments are well-designed though I think there should have been more open areas.

As a test of a new style of game, I think it is very successful, and the game itself is fun to play. The renewed focus on powerful enemies and bullet-sponge mooks make things more tense than Resident Evil games have been for the last 12 years, especially for a first-time player. Given that there were further tweaks in the new DLCs, I am hoping for a more refined first-person take with RE8 - bigger map, more interconnected areas, more enemy types, etc.

As another user said, the biggest fault is probably locking all the crucial extra modes which exploit the game's strengths and quirks behind DLC. I still am a little salty about paying nearly a c-note for the "full game."

>nail in the coffin
It is the coffin
Even 6 would only be 1 foot in the grave compared to 7

Don't worry though, REmakes will keep them alive, y'know, of the actual good games and not this shit


If Capcom are smart they'll improve upon the formula and make something special.

Or they could go way too far down the wacky route and completely fuck it up.

I enjoyed the hell out of 7 though, one of the few games this year I actually finished so it's evidently doing something right.

How good are the recent additions (Not a Hero, End of Zoe)?
Is it worth picking up the Gold Edition for $24?

Is there anything worthwhile in the Banned Footage stuff? I'm not interested at all in fluff game modes but rather stuff like Not A Hero or End of Zoe that actually mattered to the narrative.


Bullet sponge is always garbage. Blowing enemies limbs in one shot is where kino gameplay is. Just make ammo scarce and the enemies fast if you want the player to be tense.

They going the dangerous route and trying to balance the playstyle of 1-3 with some action of 4 towards the end and the dlc that just released.It turned out well and can hopefully only get better with another release.

Sounds like you wouldn't enjoy Remake user.

Game will do 5 million+ lifetime sales

Series is more than fine

Frankly that the perfect thing to do.
Make its mostly a horror game but near the end it goes full action.

not a hero is free nigger

both campaigns are short, but enjoyable. From a base, complete-once point of view, the two add 4 hours of content onto the main game.

If you don't have the other DLC, then the Gold Edition is very much worth it. Both Banned Footages add a lot of modes that enhance the package: score/time attack trials, a Donte-Must-Die semi-joke mode (which I actually beat, fuck), and a goofy card game mode that actually can be fun for a few hours' worth of time.

Chris's Not a Hero mode is what the Salt Mines should have been instead of a final gauntlet, and End of Zoe is pure joke mode and gets progressively dumber (and funnier) as it goes, so it's enjoyable as well. Both modes offer real final bosses that you should have had in the main game, and enemy variety that was sorely lacking. however, as I said, both are pretty short - about as short as a "chapter" or segment in the main game.

I thought they were quality-wise on par with the main game, but shorter and with slightly different flavors. Not A Hero's got a good mix of action and tension while End Of Zoe's effectively a hillbilly punching simulator that's actually pretty charming. $24 for Gold Edition is certainly worth it.

I want them to do another game like REmake.

Christ the camera in RE6 is so bad.

>Christ, RE6 is so bad.

I played Remake, if i remember right its just like the old ones, you just ignore all the zombies and fight just the bosses anyways.

The magnum kills most zombies in one shot as do headshots with any gun.

>Just make ammo scarce and the enemies fast if you want the player to be tense.
that's one way, yes, but RE has always had sponge enemies who slowly moved towards you (remember 8 pistol bullets to kill a zombie in RE1/2?). The tension is in balancing your ammo versus numbers of enemies especially in restrictive areas - now RE7 doesn't always take advantage of that; I think one of the places that exemplifies this quality early on is the Basement in normal mode.

Banned Footage has Daughters, which is a short story prequel. There are a few tapes about the adventures of Clancy, Ultimate Cameraman which aren't exactly plot crucial - especially since he is the guy put into the score attack mode Nightmare (which is imo lots of fun).

The Banned Footages are there mostly for the gameplay modes. Story-wise you only get important stuff out of NaH and EoZ.

RE6 is so aggravating because it could've been good but instead of being a new, non-horror based IP they shoehorned it into RE instead. Could've been a fantastic action game if it was handled differently from square one, shame those solid mechanics went to waste.

Well that is true for RE7 for the most part as well.

Your talking about the big guns user.
And that's the same case for RE7 one good shotgun blast will kill any moulded in one shot to the head.

Mercenaries was kind of fun but yeah attaching the RE name was stupid especially when Capcom themselves billed it as a return to the series' roots when the opposite could not have been more true.

>Story-wise you only get important stuff out of NaH and EoZ

I see. Thanks for the explanation.

I might be forgetting but won't headshots with just the standard starting pistol kill a zombie in one shot to the head in REmake?

>Even RE7 sells more than REmake
>Retards still think tank controls are viável in this day and age
>implying REmake2 wont gonna be a third person horror like Revelations.

Gonna enjoy your tears grandpa

Yes and no.
Theirs a very slim chance you can get a lucky shot to the head the blows up their heads in one shot.
But its completely random and hard to do.

Return to form, for sure. A bit too close to the original games though. It's very short and I'm not sure if that's a good thing. Like the first game could be completed in under 2 hours. Not a whole lot of content and all the extra content has to be paid for.

How long is End of Zoe? Is it worth buying alone?

I got a good 18 hours out of my two playthroughts on normal and Madhouse.
Madhouse is different enouth to be a second campaign in my book.

Yeah that's what I thought, I also think that the chance of getting one is higher with Chris than it is with Jill.

It was great and RE VIII is confirmed in development. Suck it.

It's old school Resident Evil in First Person.

You can argue semantics all you fucking want but by and large that's what it is. It's a very good game now after the DLC imo.

>Even 6 would only be 1 foot in the grave compared to 7

In what universe is 7 worse for the series than what happened in the interim between it and 4, especially 6 of all games?

Why does it have to be either extreme option? It's a solid entry to the series that keep enough classic stuff while updating the gameplay. VR also adds a few points to it.


Older RE games had multiple scenarios, slightly non linear design, additional modes and unlock incentives for mastering the game and speedrunning it. They were built like arcade games where the games are all killer no filler with high replay value.


The only thing I wish about RE7 is the ability to skip in-engine cutscenes, especially at the beginning (e.g. deputy cutscene). The whole intro of the game is a little too slow for speed-running, even if it is all over in about 20ish minutes. New Game + should start you right at the dinner table, since it's not like any items you find in the guest house carry over. A lot of scenes are pretty short but the longer ones can get annoying on subsequent playthroughs, especially when you are going for unlocks (like the sub-4-hour run).

RE7 has all of those except multiple scenarios. The mansion and boat have slight non-linearity to them, DLC is bullshit but Madhouse is still an unlockable, and there's also unlockables for clearing difficulties, finding Mr. Everywheres, and clearing the game in under 4 hours. Don't recall if there's an unlock for antique coins but that's necessary if you want to plat the game at least.

I consider Madhouse to be a separate campaign because it changes up a lot of stuff from normal difficulty
The DLC should of been in the game from the start though

You could argue that Madhouse mode is a different scenario since they do change up some things about how you progress.

Eh, you could but it doesn't really change the story in the same way 1 has Chris/Jill or how 2 has Leon/Claire. Even then, you could say the series more or less dropped that notion after those games anyways with the major exception of 6, one of the very few things that game actually did right in concept.

No i thought it was genuinly funny

It's neither. I don't understand why people think this game is anything like the original games.

All the DLC made RE7 a much better as a whole, the vanilla game was good but barebones. I kind of wish I had waited for Gold.

Guess there's always gotta be some catch.

Calm down

I want Rebecca to be one of the protagonists in RE8, too bad Capcom said they're retiring the old cast.

About fucking time. RE2 took that risk and did a fantastic job

Eh, I was happy to put my money where my mouth was and make sure Capcom saw a demand for a return to horror from this series. Considering how the only paid content I actually care about is End of Zoe, it could've been worse.

Coming from a guy who prefers 4/5 to the classics, I think 7 did a good job of capturing the Spencer Mansion feel, although on a smaller scale. REVII was a decent game that showed Capcoms willingness to return to the original RE formula. That being said, it was a rather crude game, what with its enemy designs and character animations. If they made REVIII as a simple game ina new enironment with better animation, weapons and a handfull more enemies, I'd be happy.

It was litmus test

I aw all those people who whined about the death of Survival horror praise this game so much
>Wow I hated tank controls so much, this controls so well!
>I am happy it's so easy, not hard like the old games
>These puzzles were just right, not too hard!
Really blackpilled me

Hell, I enjoyed RE6 a lot more. It was long and actually had gameplay. Not fucking Outlast 2 walking simulator

Aside from the first person viewpoint, it more or less is a streamlined classic RE campaign. I do see a fair bit of Rev1 in 7 as well but I don't see how it's more unlike the originals than like them, especially on Madhouse which even brought back the limited saves.

>brought back the limited saves.
I wish this was on Normal and then the amount halved for Madhouse, I know the games always gave you more than enough but I always liked the extra dynamic of managing saves and the tension it added. They could've had unlimited saves on easy.

just one more nail. There's literally nothing like the OGs in 7.

>inb4 muh shotgun puzzle & hurbs

Played through it all about 5 or 6 times. Do like it but even the first game let you play as a different person with a different story if you played on easy.

They're both pretty good but pretty short.

Not a Hero is vaguely metroid-y with you collecting items that allow you to progress in other areas of the setting culminating with a very RE1-3 style boss fight.

End of Zoe basically is service to all the positive fan reaction to Jack by letting you play as his brother. You punch shit, he goes HEE HEE HEE C'MON NOW BOI, and it's pretty entertaining.

>Those Classic things dont count!

Stay wrong

RE1 also had multiple endings and even multiple variations of individual scenes, that changed depending on how you played the game.
RE7 is just heavily scripted, "cinematic", funneling-tier linear jumpscare fest.

Why not?

>brainlet puzzles
no thx

>two superficial as fuck details are enough to make two completely different kind of games the same
Welp, all the sudden CoD is now the same as Doom!

I liked it more than the classic ones.

Yes because the puzzles in RE1 were so complicated only a Rick and Morty fan could solve them.

RE1 to 3 puzzles arn't hard either.


in RE1 (and partly 2&3 as well), the entire environment worked as a slowly unraveled puzzle of sorts.

Except for all the other stuff like.

>Item management
>Weapon management
>survival gameplay
>Key and item hunting.
>For the first half ever bullet counts
>Making the right choices in what weapons to use and bring.
>crazy and fun villains who don't die easily.
>creepy mutant bosses
>An evil corporation is behind it all.
>Madhouse changes up the whole game for a second playthrough.
>Limited saves on madhouse.
>Cute girls.
>Game turns into more of action game at the very end.
>A giant BOW (Even if she does suck)
>killing the boss final boss with a powerful weapon.
>Helicopter escape
>Ties to the old games all over the place.
>The guy who made the puzzles in the house made the puzzles in the first mansion from RE1
>A secret agent chick who was lying too you all along
>Item boxes...
>Herb mixing and ammo making.
>A secret lab underneath the main location.
>Unlockbel weapons and items
>"I'm Redfiled"

One hard puzzles dosin't change the fact that almost all the puzzles in OG RE are easy as fuck

>still using jumpscare buzzword to bitch about RE7

You guys realize that even if you are shitposting,everyone else consider you people major idiots right?i mean everyone knows all RE have jumpscares....Its falseflaggin to make RE7 haters look like dumbasses?

This dude got it, everything else is wrong.

>T-They dont count!

Where is key?
Oh, i see key.
*Clapping intensifies*
Capcom take money.
Punching re7 good.
Punching re5 bad.

Also odd how they try to completely ignore all the jump scares in the classic games too.

Not sure. I'm expecting the next resident evil to answer this, just like Zelda. They both have what it takes to make a great entry in their series now.

>Yeah yeah Zelda goty
I know. I hold Zelda on a higher standard than other games and I feel its not reached it in a long time.

>>implying REmake2 wont gonna be a third person horror like Revelations.
I'd be down for that, Revelations were pretty good and felt great in both guns and surviving.
Rev 1 and 2 are both fantastic.


>that one chinese comic where “not Rebecca” gets grabbed (on the tits) by these Zombie hands and bitten before a BAD cop finds her and then Sherry

felt more like a spin-off desu
was a pretty good game overall, i'd give it at least an 8/10
i agree with this guy though
but honestly, like i said earlier, felt like a spin-off
it honestly could've been rebranded slightly with barely anything changed in the story and could've been it's own new game if also used a different name
like how twin perfect brought up their argument as to why silent hill downpour couldve been it's own game, but kept 'silent hill' in the title
honestly, i believe it would've done much better, both sales and review wise, if it had been a new IP, being owned by capcom would be irrelevant if that were the case, because it would've been seen as a new thing, therefore been more praised and given more slack

Did any of you sometimes forget this was supposed to be a Resident Evil game?

>Item management
Stock feature of the series and genre. It'd be catastrophic failure to NOT have it.
more like "puzzles". One of the weakest features of the game
>Weapon management
There's never a reason to NOT carry the knife, pistol, shotgun and flamethrower.
more like *a* BOW
>survival gameplay
Sorry, linear corridor running with one or two enemies popping out at times is barely "survival".
Unless non-regenerating HP is good enough requirement for the term now.
>Key and item hunting.
You don't really hunt them per se. They're always given to you.
that are told you by magical pills and hint photos.
>For the first half ever bullet counts
No, not really. Knife's OP against generic Molded, and you don't really need to worry about family members.
>Making the right choices in what weapons to use and bring.
see above. Only towards the end did I ditch the knife.
looks and sounds like a fucking Outlast.
>crazy and fun villains
there's nothing "fun" about them. Hills Have Eyes -tier cannibal hobos with foul language is just annoying as fuck trope.
>creepy mutant bosses
>An evil corporation
wew, what a shocker.
>Madhouse changes up the whole game for a second playthrough.
It literally does not. Apparently you though that the ""randomizer"" mode in past games was 100% a new game too?
>Limited saves on madhouse.
It should have been a stock feature on regular difficulty. And Madhouse should've been available from getgo.
>Cute girls.

>Punching re7 good.
>Punching re5 bad.

I know your shitposting but The big difference is RE5 takes punching the boulder completely seriously and its just comes off as dumb.
In RE7 Joel beating the fuck out of moulded is campy and fun, Evil Dead style.

Ok then smartass, what are the things that make a Resident Evil game then?

>Game on two most popular platforms with tons of marketing when gaming has never been more popular sells better than a GameCube exclusive

>multiple variations of individual scenes
7 had that. The garage scene can go 3 ways

>you get in the car and run over Jack
>you get in the car and Jack throws you out
>Jack gets in the car

You can also get your leg cut off by Jack at 2 different points in the game, and can potentially skip both of them and never see it.

Also, heavy scripting doesn't matter, all RE games are pretty damn scripted. It's also not as bad as RE6's QTEfest. The real problem I'd say is that the main house wasn't intricate enough. The map definitely needs to be more intricate, more doors, more rooms, etc.

>Half of those bitching is about quantity
>Other half is trying to downplay and "nu uh"answers

Embarassing stay wrong,stay mad

You know, i have considered that as long as you put red and green herbs, first aid sprays, and a few choice re used RE sound effects in an game and slap “RESIDENT EVIL” on the front of the box the fanbase will aknowldge it. Everything else is a work around.

All the things that RE7 didn't have that I like.
