Hello, Sup Forums. This is Abigail Williams, also known as Abby. She appears in a game called Fate Grand Order

Hello, Sup Forums. This is Abigail Williams, also known as Abby. She appears in a game called Fate Grand Order.
What do you think about her?

I want to lewd her.

I would lick her navel

She's the second best Tales girl.

looks like a half drawn piece of shit

>Almost have another 30 quartz
Can't wait to fail getting her again.
Better go read the Necronomicon backwards to increase my chances.


looks like a ripoff of nowi

video games, my autistic virgin friends

Horrible compared to the real one.


but that's an actor

no, that's an oven dodger

Someone give this child some clothes, she must be cold!

Those are very practical clothes

Fateshit is only good for feet art of the waifus

Should be stoned or hung

I can't wait for Abe-sama to ban this shit.


>imposing your shitty drug and futa fetishes

It actually is a great combo

Abe's only going to put constraints on h-material, starting with loli and shota.
Maybe change what can and can't be shown in the street and in shop windows, too, but that's about it.

So how are eldritch monsters on the same power level as kings, princesses, literal whores, and fabled knights?

Because TM powerlevels have always been fucked.
Also don't underestimate those whores, some of them can shove the entire planet up their vaginas.

They aren't. Abigail possessed by Yog is nerfed hard when summoned as a Servant, it's even explained in her profile. Actual Outer Gods would probably be at the level of Velber.

Age of God era humans were on another scale compared to modern-day humans plus there are plenty of crazy strong servants like Karna, serious Gil and he'll Passionlip can crush anything that "fits" between her hands.

>Actual Outer Gods would probably be at the level of Velber.
That's honestly still a massive underestimation of power, if that's the only credit Outer Gods are being given with respect to the Nasuverse. Something like Yog would be beyond anything in the Nasuverse to date, including Akasha and God.
There's a reason Demonbane is as stupidly overpowered as it is.

I think my waifu Mashu is better.

I want to give her a good lockpicking

Stay away from Wu you degenerate footfags.

No, Wu has the sexiest feet and I want her to step on my face

She's cute as heck and I want her in some proper game!

She's very cute too! It makes me want to play the Tales game she's in just by looking at her!

What's with these literally who OC donut steels trying to mingle in with muh Gilgamesh and Mozart.

Literal whore

Shuten is much better.

Looks incredible bland, how is this supposed to be someone ready for combat?

Who greenlights this shit?

Fate is trash.

Why would you need to be ready for combat when you are channeling Yog-Sothoth, the literal God of tentacle rape?

There's a simple answer to your question.

Roses are red
Violets are blue
waifu threads are cancer
and so are you

How far into the story do I have to be to farm her Ascension materials? I'm still working through Septem right now.

unironically could not give two shits because this is what she actually deserves to wear