On December 18, 1987, 30 years ago today, a legend was born.
...and from it, came a timeless legacy.
Happy birthday, Final Fantasy.
On December 18, 1987, 30 years ago today, a legend was born.
...and from it, came a timeless legacy.
Happy birthday, Final Fantasy.
10 > 7 > Tactics > 4 > 12:TZA > 6 > 5 > CC > 9 > WoFF > 8 > Type-0 > 13 > 3 > 2 > 1 > 15
IV is my favourite and always has been
The Last Remnant is clearly the best FF game.
I've played the first 6 final fantasies to completion... One of these days I really ought to play at least 7 (I tried playing X and XII but I really didn't like them).
Side note: FF3 is awesome!
Anyone else still unironically consider 7 the best? Replayed it recently and the feeling hasn't left
Overrated but not bad.
V has some of the best gameplay with its job system.
>higher than 1
I can't wait for the remake.
I'm at the Jecht aeon fight in FFX. What's the best way to take him out since he keeps kicking my ass and removing all his status effects. Not to mention having to redo the weird orb part and a fairly long cutscene every time I fight him.
Why is 1 so far down?
Tactics 2 when?
Tactics advance 1 and 2 is probably the only thing we're going to get
I'm pretty sure that's what 12 was trying to be.
XII was set in Ivalice simply for fan-service. The head director said as much.
To this day I still hum that catchy as fuck overworld theme
And I didn't play the game until I was 20
Grind in the area right before the orb area
I was underleveled for that fight, it isn't too hard if you manage your resource well. Obviously make sure everyone has their limit break set up, including the Aeons. Firs turn summon an strong Aeon, not her limit break, and use the special to break the pillars besides jecht. After that just wail on jecht till one or both the pillars come back, the main thing is to ensure atleast one pillar is down all the time. It helps if you stock up on phoneix downs and mega/elixirs. Good luck
The PSP version of FF1 is totally broken
you can equipment glitch all onion weapons from one of the starting weapons
More recently i've been playing WOFF which is okay
9 is the best FF
That's it? A lame ass trailer of literally nothing at all? You'd think with all the greedy money grabbing Square Enix has been doing the last few years they'd be able to afford something more for the 30th anniversary.
I really like this picture
It's all yours, my friend
>9 is the best FF
this is 100% true, although, 10 is equally good. They are both THE BEST
from what I've seen so far I wouldn't touch 15 with a 10 foot pole. It isn't final fantasy if you're not using a menu to play the fucking game.
I do thoroughly enjoy 10 also.
15 is pretty bad but they are constantly updating it.
It's pretty much an automated crisis core
+you need to watch the movie to understand the plot
rikkus overdrive can cheese every boss use that with a guide
That's not what makes FF
>later games in the video put significantly more focus on their cinematics and less on any gameplay footage
>actually nobody discussing about final fantasy games and just shitposting
meh, this board is the -10 IQ version of /vg/
Holy fucking shit.
8 > 10 > 7 > 6 > 5 > Type-0> 3 > 2 > 1 > dogshit>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 12 and 9
>FFXII that far up
Shit taste. Shit game
best girl
Happy 30th Anniversary, Final Fantasy. Without a doubt this is the series closest to my soul.
Final Fantasy I was my first game ever. Final Fantasy VI and VII were my childhood. Thank you for so many years of delight.
I like you.
This. FFV is the best game in the series and anyone who thinks otherwise is a brain dead shithead
Final Fantasy was the de-facto origin of cinematic gaming. Arguing against that would be like claiming water isn't wet.
We love them because they were the first ones to do it, not because they set a trend which ended up being horribly overused.
My comrade in arms.
Happy birthday, FF. Time for some good FF-themed fapping.
I won't argue that, but I have always felt that Square Enix started to focus too hard on that side of the appeal at some point. It culminated with Final Fantasy XIII where that was literally all it fucking had going for it, and even that's debatable. Now it's been a decade since, and it still feels like they're trying to recover from it. XV was at least a step up, but we're still gonna be waiting another five years for a mainline Final Fantasy that's just gonna try and impress us with visuals again instead of showing us an interesting adventure, or god forbid, a fun game.
Love the series, I play ff14 and the story behind it's fall and rise is very impressive to me. Ueamatsu's role was big, there would be no ff without his music.I won't go into autistic arguments about which game is better. But I think we would all agree all games have a certain spirit that Western games haven't had for a long time now.
Oh no, it culminated with FFXIV 1.0 where a random pot of flowers stashed somewhere on any given map had as many polygons and textures as a player model. FFXIV 1.0 was a punch to Square Enix's wallet and it made them wake up. A Realm Reborn only looked average as a result, but was an altogether acceptable game.
FFXV was ultimately a salvage job from the Versus XIII project and a lot of its issues can be blamed on former CEO Yoichi Wada. Wada's been out of SE for four years now, so really, FFXVI, whenever it does come, probably will not be given to any prejudices you might expect. Square Enix has changed a good deal over the last four years. Wada was incompetent and a cancer on the gaming industry.
Replaying it with new threat and it's actually fairly fun.
Both of those games are utter trash, they don't even deserve to be called Final Fantasy.
ARR saved SE, 1.0 destroyed SE financially. SE should put a statue of Naoki Yoshida in front of their hq. Also, 14 funded 15.
post your reaction when you're as old as this series
Don't forget that people were pulled from the XV project to work on ARR, that hurt its own production as well.
>no 3d remake of Final Fantasy I
what the actual fuck? I've already beat every iteration of it on handhelds and home consoles already.
Final Fantasy 1, 4, 5 and 7 are just so damn good.
I'm looking forward to what Square Enix's future holds. They do seem to be on a trail to picking up. My initial post was really about how accurately the video showed Square's own focus within the series. I mean, it really couldn't have hurt to show like one gameplay clip per game. It was even exclusively CGs for most of them too. What a way to take the fun out of seeing how the series evolved step by step.
Maybe if they hadn't wiped the slate clean at least a hundred times during development XV wouldn't have been so shit. Doesn't matter who goes to what department or project if it can't even be managed in an orderly or cohesive fashion.
>2 above dogshit
You're nuts.
>tfw 26
Fuck you time, you won't catch me.
Well, it had to be done because 1.0 had to be maintained while at the same time ARR was being developed. So they were basically doing 2 games at the same time. Secondly, ARR was the only way to save the company.
I only like XIV, but playing it made me actually interested in the rest of the series. Where should I start?
>Also, 14
And Record Keeper, Brave Exvius, Mobius, etc. They all funded XV, that is pretty much how SE (and many other companies) works now.
I would love to see a singleplayer FF game with some of the XIV's ideas (like a fucking job system instead of this "my weapon is half of my personality" meme).
Too bad the art style is atrocious.
With how well immunotherapy research is going our generation will end up living to around 120-130.
Final Fantasy is a series that reinvents itself every iteration. Simply put, there is no real defined way to start. Pick one and play it. If you like it, or if you don't like it, pick another and consider playing it too. Some are alike, but ultimately each Final Fantasy is different. It's not like other game series where it's the same game remixed upon ten times in a row.
XI is literally the most "FF" FF game ever made you fucking pleb.
>tfw I actually enjoy every Final Fantasy game and there's NOTHING Sup Forums can do about it
My top three is V, VII and X
why you din't like 3? is the perfect version of 1-2-4 in terms of grinding and gameplay
Yeah, nah. XI was trash. XIV is trash. FF and MMO don't belong together.
If you like XIV's job system, try FFV on GBA (with sound patch), FFI on PS1/GBA/PSP, FFIII on DS/PSP and Tactics on PS1/PSP (with a framerate fix patch).
Salute, brother. This series is as my heart.
My favorites are VI, XII: Zodiac Age, and XIII-2.
>I'm turning 30 in 5 days
>I've never beaten a FF game
>I've only beaten Secret of Mana
Should I finally beat FFI, lads?
High fantasy games
4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12
Modern themed FF's
7, 8, 13, 15
Much love man, much love
where you left 3
happy birthday, fantasy final
>Akira Toriyama
What a shit taste.
I love 9 ALMOST as much, but 7 felt so unique at the time with its fantasy modern steam punk setting.
All these years
All these emotions
This franchise will forever hold a special spot in my heart
Thank you, Square Enix
>30th anniversary
>No game announcements.
in the trash where it belongs
Dissidia NT is our anniversary game.
Understandable. I hope someday someone will fix your bad taste
They said next year is going to be very big for FF. Feels like they missed that opportunity this year.
>Next year
>xv dlc round 2: Moar money for us edition
>dissidia nt
>...a single 7RE screenshot. Maybe
I enjoy every FF game.
Even 2
Even Dirge of Cerberus.
Dropped that shit 5 hours in.
Sooooo is final fantasy a fantasy type genre, or a science fiction genre? I see dragons, lasers, ships, guns, knights in medieval armor, swords.
What the hell genre is it?
It's like star wars.
Depends on the game but it's usually a mix.
Someone post the final fantasy image that shows which games to play based on one's interest in genres
All of the soldiers are the exact same height and weight. Is this like Attack of the Clones?
Will we ever get a FF game where 'The Empire' isn't the bad guy?
The very first Final Fantasy had robots patrolling a levitating future fortress.
Nowdays, it's mostly a middle fantasy setting, but usually a high sci-fi civilization exists somewhere or somewhen, either at the core or peripheral of the setting. Sometimes an ancient, destroyed civilization (Allag), other times in hiding (Esthar) or just across the sea (Vector), or center-stage of the plot (Midgar).
Swords are always important, often because magic is hella strong and tech, while more flexible, can't manage the raw strength of a good ol' magic sword.
The Empire in FFXV is weird, I think those are meant to be actual people. Imperials also use Magitek Troopers as well.
The weird thing with that shot is that at that point in the timeline the keep is half overrun with Daemons, FFXV has a weird timeline of events.
seconding this since I never played a FF game before
Yes, actually. They are all clones of Verstael Besithia and share the same features beneath their armor.
The first few magitek troopers were made from orphans, but Verstael rapidly ran out of orphans.
FFXIV has a free trial up to level 35 and there are a bunch of free to play mobile FF games, one of which is on steam: Mobius.
I didn't think their basic troopers were MTs as well.