Game connects you to shady ass ukranian malware site

>Game connects you to shady ass ukranian malware site

Other urls found in this thread:

>Sup Forums is full of phoneposters

Hiro has too support this site somehow. Viewing an ad doesn't cost you anything, you cheap POS

Lmao ofc gookmoot sold out instantly, this is your fault faggots

How do I read this?

Blocks shady ukrainians, but also breaks the site.

>viewing an ad doesn't cost you anything
>the ads are fucking MALWARE
You are either retarded or a supreme faggot cuck.

works fine for me

>what is Sup Forums x

>Sup Forums x updated
Thank you based devs.

4chanx doesn't fix anything except for the white page, it didn't 15 minutes ago

>has to pay rent
>tells his tenants that they could either pay monthly or stay here for free if they watch ads
>tenants prefer ads over paying
>doesn't even give the landlord the common courtesy to watch ads to help rent
>more tenants shows up and none of them watches ads
>landlord is in desperation to pay rent and forces tenants to watch ads
>"wtf this is an OUTRAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Oh no not your secret club. Poor baby snowflake getting triggered by the dumbest shit

>being this cucked
holy shit, get a load of this faggot

This seems to work but I have to refresh every page multiple times for it to actually load properly.

To anyone who needs a proper fix.

Works perfectly for me. Thanks based user.

i own both a phone and a computer

>enemy can open doors

Hang on how long ago did this het put in?

It brought the site back to normal but now I can't do the captcha.
I had to post this from my phone.


better mine those bitcoins white piggu

You meant western russian, right?

It's a Nicaraguan latex distributor index, get it right.

I miss moot so fucking much right now, this just feels bad

pot meet kettle.

Turn off adblocker.

Stop being a leech.

Both home a and mobile poster here, Sup Forums x works but what should I do for my Phone?

I bet you also buy games faggot

I bet you also complain about online only games!

use clover

fix from Sup Forums

This didn't work for me, but Sup Forums anti-cancer userscript did. Just a heads up it shit is still broken for you after pastebin.

It brought the site back to normal but now I can't get captcha's to post and have to post from my phone.

>he doesn't have a pass
I sure enjoy paying to get fucked up the bum.

They do show up actually, they just take forever to load I guess.

>doesnt already browse with an adblocker and script blocker to begin with

>there exists a pretty niche park people go to discuss a variety of things
>park is pretty filthy, rarely maintained and looks like it was last renovated in 2001
>park manager changes
>new park manager is a known shady nip that has also managed other parks that have shady stuff on them
>new park manager decides to make more money by selling advertising space
>people don't look at the ads
>park manager makes ads huge as fuck
>people don't look at the ads
>park manager in spite infects ads with AIDS
>people start kicking down ads because they're getting AIDS
>park manager is angry because people found hammers to take down the ads that give AIDS
>retarded park goers want AIDS and don't understand why people are so mad about getting AIDS
>non-retarded park regulars leave for smaller parks
>park manager angry about losing ad revenue so forced to make ad signs even bigger and infect them with more AIDS
>retarded park regulars die from AIDS

>net neutrality gone so my internet is probably gonna get slow and expensive
>Sup Forums now wants to rape my PC with malware

Am I about to be free? Will I finally be able to play my backlog instead of being trapped on this site?

I giggled

> >non-retarded park regulars leave for smaller parks
your analogy breaks down here because you can actually enjoy being in a park without other people

>he's scared of malware
>doesn't properly protect pc to begin with

what are you, retarded?

This is punishment for the Am*ricans and C*nadian shitposters who constantly call Ukraine "western little Russia filled with subhuman hohols" despite having absolutely no knowledge of the situation between the two countries.

>ads look malware as fuck
>but don't trust user scripts posted by people on Sup Forums
what a quandary


>but don't trust user scripts posted by people on Sup Forums

Just learn how to read it. There is nothing even distantly suspicious about the script Sup Forumsfag wrote.

You can literally read the scripts yourself and see if there's anything wrong with it.

Ukraine is a country?

Clover isn't affected, right?
I just use it on the shitter

Use the uBlock scripts then?

@@||Sup^$csp=default-src 'self' * data: 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'

>block some of the scripts
>break Sup Forums

What the fuck? Why does the site need them?

this one worked for me. page is no longer white and catalog looks fine as well


wtf my laptop its expeling mustard gas

I don't understand why Hiro doesn't just make a patreon. Sup Forums would easily fund this site by themselves.

So if those three new sites don't show in ublock or umatrix I'm in the clear? I never saw any ads, but the site did act up for a while.

This one works fine.

Oh, whats that? Another problem with ads on this site? Gee you'd think some people would learn to stop browsing in such an inferior format already, I forgot Sup Forums even had ads.
Hopefully you all get this one sorted out quickly so all these silly off topic threads can disappear already. At least, until next month when you all have another issue with ads, haha.

>literally browsing ant typing on a tiny touchscreen

The pastebin work for the pc, but how do I protect my phone? Browsing Sup Forums is the only entertaining thing I can do during my lunch breaks

Is that really the best you can come up with?

Use Clover.

Odd, why isn't ublock origin or privacy badger blocking this on default?

i don't have to come up with anything. I'm the one posting from a PC while you're the one using a shitty mobile gizmo. Those are facts.

Any more and you wouldnt be able to read it

Phones don't get viruses

>people actually believe this



this is too good
there were tons of anons who predicted this would happen

Know your place, phoneshitter.

>shitty mobile gizmo
Okay buddy, whatever you want to tell yourself. Have fun tinkering with those ads.

>park analogy

Lol my place is here and you can do absolutely nothing to stop me, cuck.

Hahaha, you have far bigger problems than ads, google slave.

I change the theme once but I can't even reply anyways because the captcha doesn't show up
What the hell is going on

here's a solution that has no negative impact as far as I can tell

Grandpa, you shouldn't be so narrowminded as to think everyone needs the largefont accessibility options AND a magnifying glass like you do to browse the internet.

>muh spy boogeyman
Google doesn't care what furry hentai you fap to

Do I need the anti-cancer script if I use this?

Fuck you @anHiro I let your ads through my adblocker because it helped your bottom line, but you're getting literally zero from me, this is my last post

Yes, they don't care so much that they log all of it.

Nintenbros btfo by based russian hackers

I've been browsing Sup Forums ad free and without worry, and that's all that matters. You on the other hand...

Did you spend all your proccessing power on that or did you have to call for help?

Citation needed

I don't get it. I have Ublock Origin and I don't remember what I did with it, but I see no ads and my pages load fine. I wouldn't have known there was a problem if it weren't for non-vidya threads on Sup Forums.

Me on the other hand what? No ads, no scripts, no google analytics. Oh, and no abysmal touch-based interface.

Same here. Wtf.

But you sure have a case of asshurt. You can't stop phoneposters, you can only cry.

Upon further inspection, I've had Greasemonkey for quite some time, and in it, I noticed I had something called "Anti-Adblock Killer | Reek"

So maybe that combination is blocking the scripts/ads while getting past the broken website???

He literally mines bitcoin on your CPU on both desktop and mobile.

The only way to safely browse Sup Forums is through Clover now since it scrapes the posts through moot's ancient API for third party apps.

>not grabbing Clover off F-Droid
I came here to laugh at you.

Grandpa, you really do need to keep up with the times. Or maybe your outdated views on the amount of processing power devices have is just a projection of your own shitty netbook that you take such pride in?

Can someone give me a rundown on what's going on


This thread wouldnt even exist if there was no problem with PC browsing right now, so you can shove it with your lies.

Wow this shit works like a fucking charm, everything's fixed now