Aim directly at enemy while standing still

>Aim directly at enemy while standing still
>Bullets go in a weird spiraling circle cone and I have to pray that the RNG works in my favor
>Stand still, fire pistol directly at the head of an enemy who is also standing still, game will decide at random if it hits
>Hit boxes are SMALLER than character models
Great game Valve.

Other urls found in this thread:

>all that shit
Great thread op.

nice bait attempt my dmg friend

just get gud you stupid nigger

>just get gud

Go shill your shitty video somewhere else faggot

not mine lol

The randomness makes it more skillful by emphasizing skills other than raw aim.

CS:GO is 70% luck 30% skill, don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise. This is why it's so popular, it's literally the perfect game for brain dead people.

>This is why it's so popular, it's literally the perfect game for brain dead people

That applies to every ASSFAGGOTS

People need to start training their luck stat and complain less about RNG. No wonder they can't shoot things.

As long as people can kind of pretend skill matters while luck is the real determinant, they'll keep on playing this shit

Stop playing CS.

t. Silver

I don't play CS :^)

i'll never understand games which don't have visual recoil so you can adjust accordingly. with garbage like counter strike you have no idea where your bullets are going if you're strafing so it's 100% luck

t. someone who never shot a gun before

making half these shots in real life would be incredibly hard

just play source if you want a good counterstrike, stop playing the global duty meme

>i didn't play it but its luck based hurr durr

You just made yourself more credibility, off yourself now

Reminder that Half-Life 1's weapons functioned better than CS.
You shit eaters praise and defend bad programming done by the makers of CS.

How is that better?

>CS 1.6-
populated by nerds and fags who hated all those darn arena shooters, was pretty different for time and refreshing but still casual
introduced a whole lotta content with updated graphics, cool physics which could impact the game, mods,FPS doug, Myg0t 2 video, extra gamemodes, heaven and hell berettas, source game feel, but lacked some shit like func_vehicle i think? but definatley didntinclude the shield
literally the worst CS, below even the nexon shit, pretty much a worse version of CSS with less physics objects, no MP5 or silenced TMP, cant chose player model, no shield, no Silenced M4, lacked mods and mod support, basically removed alot of the cool shit source and 1.6 had. but they brought a fanbase full of children and manchildren, shitty skin economy and the scammers and advertisers with it, cheating everywhere, hordes of elitests, worse gunplay, no kino like FPS doug or myg0t but instead some shitty nu-male e-celebs and didnt really improve anything over 1.6 or CSS just literally updated the graphics, killed a part of both 1.6 and CSS playerbase who never returned. and basically source is populated soley by players who act just like konane. why did they even make CSGO anyway? why not expand the game? it already had a source release

The gun actually points where your shots are going when it fucking recoils. Webm related is what CS should've been like in order to be a good game.


Sorry autismo but CSGO is mechanically the best with best level design

>CSGOY above anything

No we don't need spamming faggots like you, learn to burst and single shot or fuck off

Said the retard that thinks CSS is good with its oversized hitboxes and props that get in the way

>spamming faggots
You can literally get headshots by holding down M1 and pulling your aim down with any gun in your shitty garbage """game""".

CSGO is kinda like poker of FPS.

At least I'm not wasting my time on Autismo Offensive

>oversized hitboxes
wow stop being shit bro
>props that get in the way
boy do i hate using props as cover which win me the game
>like poker
so full of faggots that talk shit?

>Valve reluctantly sends cease and desist letters to gambling sites telling them they can't use the Steamworks API anymore
>concurrent playerbase suddenly plummets by 200,000 players
>/csgog/ dies

CS GO's headshot is twice as big as the model's head.You just such ass brah
CS 1.6 Is better anyway

it's been over 10 years, why can't they just add iron sights? Jesus Christ.

Because then it would actually somewhat resemble shooting a weapon instead of learning spray patterns and therefore make the plebbit autists butthurt.

This statement is true which is why the top players consistently stay at the top
They have the most luck

Yes you are wasting time posting lanky memes on a image board

Outdated hitboxes

>wow stop being shit bro

That doesn't make sense since bigger hitboxes make it easier to hit your target, probably why you like CSS since you gives baddies like you a sense of being good

Everyone knows you aim in the right corner of your dot with the AK-47, soy boy. Stop sucking at video games.

>being this bad at video games
whatever makes toy sleep during the day padre


No more (You)s for you since you arent even making sense anymore and just being retarded

cs is not about aim
it's about teamwork and tacticool


>shit on csgo's guns all day every single day

>claim new vegas is one of the greatest games ever
>yet that fucking turd has some of the most abominable gunplay i've ever had the displeasure of experiencing

Seriously, 100 in guns, standing completely still, while crouched, aiming at an enemy that's still while aiming down a scope, and i fucking miss?

Stupid faggot Sup Forumsposters get nuked.
Scum. Retards. Mother shoulda swallowed you. Die.

>reeeeee why can't i jump around and have prefect accuracy wahhh


>made by a Sup Forumsirgin

lmao u dumb amerimutt sub 100 iq mongrel

lanklets btfo

Cs go has more satisfying weapons (excluding the ak 47, galil, scout and awp) but that's all it gets right

What, I thought the ak and awp were considered satisfying.

This is so nice

why do i only get like 180 fps with a gtx 1070? my friends with 970s get nearly 300 fps

Probably your CPU

>Weapon inaccuracy is something new

>Defends a shit game
We get it you are mentally handicapped. Doesn't mean you have to live like a piece of shit.

I dont play counter strike.
Why does it not hit?

Because it's a garbage fucking game.

Trash mechanics that make the elitists who play CS feel superior for mastering a shitty system.


Just a friendly reminder that Sup Forums is filled with casuals who hate Counter Strike because they don't understand its mechanics or just suck at them. They will post the same webms of 1 in 10000 glitches from 3-4 years ago in the thread claiming it's a bullshit game decided by rng, and when confronted with questions such as how is there such a large gap in skill that can be consisently observed in players, why aren't they good at it if it's that easy and etc they will not answer because they don't actually play the game.

In fact, i'd say Counter Strike threads are a very good example of how Sup Forums has decayed to a pathetic state. People like claim that learning the spray patterns is "autistic", shunning the skill required to play, and showing an alarming disregard for the experience of becoming good at something. Nowdays people just want games they can pick up and play, so when handed a game such as CS where you will absolutely be destroyed for hours before learning they retreat into baseless arguments about it, and go back to playing Overwatch or something. Old Sup Forums would understand that is a stupid idea since Ironsights serve to reward those who act the fastest rather than who can aim the best, which is one of Counter Strike's most defining gameplay aspects. Old Sup Forums would tell him to go back to CoD. Nowday being a casual just became the norm here, and it makes me very sad.

Revive system in dirty bomb is annoying bullshit

Where in OP's post is the claim that New Vegas is one of the greatest games ever made?

You mean those guys that are all tweaked up on adderall and keep getting exposed using aim bots and wall hacks?

Let's not pretend DB isn't afflicted by some of the cancer mechanics that pleague modern FPS

t. Alberto Barbossa

CS was a kiddie FPS for scrubs who couldn't handle Quake or UT.

You do know that CS was created for players who couldn't handle the fast paced action of death match shooters right? This has been confirmed by the original developer of CS.

>there are people in this thread who genuinely think this should miss

>there are people in this thread who genuinely think this should hit


This guy is 100% correct.

This doesn't change in any way that Counter Strike is nowdays a very skill-based game with a lot of depth that gets completely shit on here on Sup Forums for no reason other than people sucking at it. It requires more skill to play at a high level than 99% of other shooter released in the past 10 years. Lets be real, the people shitposting in these threads aren't playing Quake or UT either, they are just trash talking this game and then going to play Overwatch or PUBG.

>u have to aim at the enemy's feet with the AK to score a headshot

People will actually defend this lmfao

Skill Ceiling (includes physical and mental capabilities):
Quake > Tribes > CS > TF2 > Everything Else
Sorry. This list is objective all your objections that I'm going to receive is just butthurt.

Scenario 1 WILL hit in cs though, provided you're standing still and fire a single shot. The following shots will follow a pattern that you must know to control the recoil and keep shooting. The only times this won't hit are in the extremely rare scenarios caused mainly by bugs that have already been fixed which get posted in these threads as the same old webms every time. You of course know this, but you're choosing to be dishonest for the sake of your "argument".


Tfw u get a minigun kill

>trolls automatically denote their posts
wtf I love Sup Forums now

>what's weapon-inaccuracy
Learn how your fucking game works retard.

Visual recoil done right can be good, but most games do it fucking terribly. Battlefield 4 is a good example to see how to do it wrong, then fix it and make it right.

You either only have five hours played or are a Valve shill, first bullet inaccuracy is a thing and it ruins this otherwise good game.

CS, weather intentional or not attempts to blind arcade and the more simulationist bent of rainbow 6. It makes some changes in the formula to raise the skill ceiling and provide a different type of challenge then quake or UT. Honestly the shit posting around this game is kind of rediculous.

GunZ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all

Takes me back. You a favela?

Old hit boxes. They used to be complete shit and barely worked. Jumping, climbing ladders, and defusing would fuck with them really bad.

>muh skill ceiling
How the hell does slowing the game down, removing all weapon variety, and making guns randomly miss raise the skill ceiling?

>t. butthurt silver (You)

First off, first bullet innacuracy IS a thing, but it's nowhere as drastic as what your example shows. Scenario 2 would NEVER hit from that crosshair position. Doesn't mean that Scenario 1 will always hit and i agree that's stupid. But have you ever watched pro CS or even played at a DMG level or above? Nobody single bullet at a time, gunfights are decided by controlled bursts, so to say that it "ruins an otherwise great game" is an exageration.

>my name is Fletcher
>call me Fletcher
y-yes daddy...

>t. retard who doesn't understand what's going on in the webm
Fuck off back to pleddit, you nigger.

It couldn't possibly be because they are better than the rest of the competition.

>it's nowhere as drastic as what your example shows
It's enough to make 1/20 of your shots miss from pit to A hut on Dust 2 with an AK, that isn't totally gamebreaking? The video an user linked above has the full breakdown, the game has an insanely retarded amount of first shot inaccuracy.

>Nobody single bullet at a time
Because it's an ineffective tactic due to the massive amount of RNG, retard. The game would be better balanced if there was a dramatically faster accuracy reset from tapping than from spraying, and RNG simply removed. This way, if you believed you were skilled enough to take out multiple people with one taps, you could do it, and it would be more effective than spray transferring, which is easier. Having such a huge amount of RNG makes the game incredibly formulaic and boring to play/watch, like you said, the only winning tactic is to spray.

>it "ruins an otherwise great game" is an exageration
It absolutely ruins a otherwise good game, it's a totally unnecessary skill ceiling to implement. It rewards players for getting lucky and aiming near the head, and punishes players who get unlucky and were aiming right on people.

CS also incorporates game sense, strategy and communication as well as raw aim and movement skills. There's a reason it has outlasted arena shooters like Quake and UT; it made them redundant.

>sense, strategy and communication


I'm genuinely astounded at how resistant some people in this thread are to logic. Even for Sup Forums this is fucking monumental. Funny thing is, CS is one of the least RNG FPS games on the market and Sup Forums still shits on it despite it clearly having the highest skill ceiling and toughest barrier to entry of any mainstream FPS on the market right now. No game in the modern era combines raw skill, team communication and game sense like CS does.

Nobody gives a shit about what happens in your low ranked MM games dude. I know getting shit on because you're terrible is frustrating but actual good players can achieve so much in a game like CS and get thousands of hours of rewarding gameplay from it.

>wtf why deos a gaym tawke skwill?

Okay kiddo, just say "lul scrub xd" instead of provide some counter arguments.

Protip: I don't give a shit about watching cheat infested pro CS.

>rng is skill

>CSGO is mechanically the best with best level design
imagine being this retarded and having incorrect opinions