In philosophy

>In philosophy
>Professor asks me what is darkness.
>put on the spot, I remember a certain quote from Metal Gear Solid 4
>I say "You were the lightning in that rain. You can still shine through the darkness"
>Professor looks stunned, class gives me a round of applause

>In Special Learning Class
>Teacher asks me to stop shoving pencils in my mouth
>put on the spot, I remember that cool game my big brother doesn't let me play on his ps3
>Teacher looks pissed and the other autistic kids laugh at me

Frenchfags here.
When i was to the equivalent of the 12 grades in the US, i had an english exam about child soldiers in Africa.
You had the choice of "be a journalist" type of stuff and write a story , i wrote a story.
The funny thing was i just C/C Raiden story with Solidus, with some minor modification, using information from MGS2 and the MGS2 comics.

I got a 19/20, it was worth it.

Did the same in fourth grade with the zoo level of megaman battle network 3

>9th grade
>first day of school year
>Teacher asks my name infront of the class
>It's a-me Mario!
>People die of

Yes, frenchteacher here, give back certificate NOW you cheating FUCK!!!!!!

Too late for that teachanon.

ill find you and ill fug you in the arse

>In Communications class
>instructor asks me the best way to talk to a difficult co-worker
>"I'm your prom date you ugly sack of shit"
>class starts flipping each other off

>In German class
>Peers hate me and bully me
>Teacher hates me
>Everyone hates me
>Ask teacher to call me "Snake" instead of my real name because I think people will start to like me.
>Teacher laughs at my pathetic ass and makes a point of it every time he needs to mention me
>Peers hate me and bully me more

Bad times.

>in biology class
>professor asks me how many bones are in the human body
>students say "nice"

> be on TV ganeshow
> Final question to win is "what are the names of Mars' two moons"
> remember Phobos and Deimos from playing Doom all those years ago
> I won £30,000

True story

>in engineering class
>professor has to step out and asks me to lead the class

>After playing MGS
>Dropped so many truth bombs about the world that it upset my teacher.
Sorry, Mrs. April.

pretty cool

Link the episode faggot

>At the shop buying booze
>cashier asks how old I am
>put on the spot I remember a certain quote from Metal Gear Solid
>"Old enough to know what death looks like"
>cashier looks stunned, whole shop gives a round of applause
>walk out the shop without paying

no because you'll know who I am, where I live and all sorts of details about me.

>taking chemistry
>teacher gives us a sci-fi creative writing assignment
>write the intro monologue of MGS4 word for word
>teacher asks me to see her after class
>tells me that what I wrote was amazing and should become an author


>sci-fi creative writing assignment

>In social studies class
>Professor puts me on the spot
>Remember a quote from my favorite game, Deus Ex
>"I think the gubment make the plague on purpose."
>standing ovation

>in shop class
>teacher asks me what key components are required to make a pulley sytem
>put on the spot I remember a quote from metal gear solid "metal gear...."
>teacher and class give me a standing ovation
heh sometimes it feels good being the best

>in architcture class
>professor asks me what's the most important thing when expanding a stadium
>put on the spot I remember a certain quote from Starcraft
>I say "You must construct additional pylons!"
>professor looks stunned, class invades the pitch

>math class
>student can't solve something and teacher asks me for answers
>put on a spot suddenly remember a quote
>"it's all in the numbers"
>teacher beats me with a stick, class asks about a dead guard in the tower

cool story bro

>In philosophy
>Professor asks me what is power.
>put on the spot, I remember a certain quote from Kingdom Hearts
>I say "My friends are my power"
>Professor looks stunned, class gives me a round of applause

>be me
>in hospital
>father dying
>rembmer quote from balder's gate
>"i'm sorry you feel that way, old man..."
>instantly gets better and we leave for cake and iceream
>i clap

>on a date
>spaghetti flowing, she wants to leave
>I remember a quote from Diablo
>"stay a while and listen"
>she is intrigued and has me identify some items for her

>latin class
>Teacher ask me the structure of the fourth declination
>I try to remember some of the basics of ancient latin and say "its la-li-lu-le-lo"
>"It's us-us-ui-um-us-u you idiot" she answer.


>Sociology class
>prof asks about memes
>remember MGRs monsoon's monologue
>The DNA of the soul. They shape our will. They are the culture. They are everything we pass on
>fat mcdonalds burger flipper from the back of class rats me out on quoting a videogame.

>logic class
>teacher asks me to solve some shit
>I've no idea how to do it
>I remember an old quote from Professor Layton
>"This Reminds me of a Puzzle!"
>some weird kid I've never seen before pops up and solves it for me
>teacher and class is stunned. I find a coin.

>Sup Forums thread
>nobody asks me anything
>"i'm your prom date you sack of shit"
>i fart

>in the barbershop
>barber asks me if everything is ok
>put on the spot, I remember a certain quote from Devil May Cry 4
>I say "you see a mirror, you see a fool"
>barber looks stunned, I take him out fighting like a man

>English class
>need to recite a memorized text in front of the class
>recite Alistair Grout's monologue from VtMB
>everyone listens enraptured
>I finish
>dead silence
No one got it

>in middle school
>had a choice to what i want to report
>choice video games

Don't worry, I got you guys.

>in debate class
>im up next against Football team chad
>Chad argues videogames are a waste of time
>my turn
>Wubba dubba dubba, is that rue?


>fat mcdonalds burger flipper from the back of class rats me out on quoting a videogame.

that was me
nothing personnal David

>got captured by Russians
>they point their gun at me
>put on the spot, I remember a certain quote from Metal Gear Solid
>I say "just like my Japanese animes"
>Russians all cum thinking about their waifu
>share their illegal hentai with me

>their illegal hentai
What the fuck would have to be an a hentai to make it illegal?


>In philosophy
>Professor asks me about the concept of evil
>Put on the spot, start panicking but remember a certain quote from Killing Floor
>I was eaten by a fleshpound
>Professor looks stunned, class gives me a round of applause

I kinda did something similar. We had to do a story from the point of view of someone with PTSD for part of my English course in college.

So I expanded on Ranger Andy from New Vegas' story about a kid dropping a grenade at his friend's feet when he tried to help him, killing his buddy and injuring him.

Had them clear a camp belonging to the "Tribe" (Legion), find the kid, then go boom.

Got top marks too, teacher said I could have a future writing war dramas and shit.

>MFW it was all down to Obsidian.

>learning about mythology
>also playing Age of Mythology at home
>ace everything

fucking plagiarizing scumbag

Hey, it was only College. They didn't check for that shit.

Now, if I'd continued on to do English at University like I originally planned, I'd have been caught.

But then I decided to do a real degree.

So this is what autists dream of when they have those thousand yard stares

tfw aced my ancient history class thanks to playing Age of Empires and reading all the manuals with the backgrounds of every empire.

MGS2 fags truly are the most delusional creature on the face of the earth

But that's mgs4

I ain't no snitch

>in politics class
>the professor asks me to debate a kid from the class
>kid starts with a lot of liberal ideas
>it was my turn, i didnt know what to say but i remember a certain quote from LA Noire.
>"You left-wing-leaning parasite. You expect me to sit here and listen to your drivel?"
>Professor looks stunned, Donelly gives me a round of applause

>First day of school
>Meet 3 hot chicks along with my best childhood friend
>I want to talk to the hottest girl, but for some reason, I can't
>End up talking to 2nd hottest
>Find out she likes collects knives
>Kinda weird but okay
>Childhood friend starts acting strange
>Find out they are suffering from depression
>I just want some grade a puss
>Hanging out with hottie a lot
>Help hottie with school project
>Childhood friend sees us hanging out
>Next day I go their house to see them hanging around
>First day of school happens
>Meet 3 hot girls
>Kinda wish I had a childhood friend to hang with in moments like these.


Don't be gay, show us.

>Wrote a "fanfiction" on Morrowind in elementary (9th grade, I think).
>It was about a little boy from a rich imperial family living in Cyrodiil being send to live with his uncle who studied Dunmer folklore and history on Vvardenfell.
>The uncle was based around the real-world character of Lefcadio Hearn, a man who went to study a foreign culture and eventually went completely native and a little mental. I think I set the uncle's mantion to Azura's coast.
>It was basically a coming of age story about a cowardly naive brat learning to gut up a little more.
>It involved only handful of character's from the game, including brief "cameo of Caius Caius Cosades and Vedam Dren. There was also single mention of the Imperium considering to impose quarantine on the island due to growing cases of some nasty sickness appearing in the wild.
>It was full of weird half-baked anti-multiculturalism messages, because my family at the time returned from US being completely disillusioned with the place. I thought I was so clever with sneaking it in.
>For some reason, Morrowind was kinda supposed to be a metaphor for Japan and Cyrodiil for US, I guess.

It was embarrassingly bad, but my teacher still loved it and wanted to me to send send it to national Youth Writing Competition. He was clearly really angry and disappointed when I declined.
I declined because I was afraid somebody would figure out the world is a videogame rip-off, even though I basically never mentioned Morrowind directly except for handful of names of people and cities that I could not just avoid by translating/paraphrasing, like "Ald-Rhun".

But the MGS2 fags are the ones who spam this garbage over the board

so, as i pray
unlimited essay works

>Think classmates never answered the teacher because they were dumb

>Realize they never answered her, because they just didn't care, and in fact they were all smarter than me, yet not an autistic attention-deprived nerd

>in kindergarten
>classmates are trying to learn the alphabet
>they're struggling
>i think of a quote from MGS and share it with the class
>"try to remember the basics of CQC"
>teacher looks stunned
>I get put into special ed

>6th grade
>Teacher would give us handjobs in the gym closet during lunch to make sure we were going through puberty
>I thought it was weird but it felt good so we let her do it
>I always wanted to squeeze her breasts but she wouldn't let me because she didn't want to get her clothes dirty
>Ask her if I can kiss her instead
>Kiss and squeeze my teacher for the rest of the year

It wasn't until I told my friends this a few years ago that they said that this is rape.
She's an administrator now in the district I think.

>on my way home from the store
>spot a guy who seems to be tailing me
>duck into a public bathroom and the guy follows me
>opens my stall
>he goes into my stall anyway


>be science high school teacher
>play persona school music sometimes in class
>tfw the students that get it crack a smile

Do you play burn my dread during tests?

>Barber turns you into a hairlet with one stroke

Not yet cause tests are supposed to be quiet, but I'll play is it boring or specialist at the start of some classes

>in political science course
>we're on the topic of "fake news"
>I stand up and yell "I'M THE REAL HEDGEHOG, FAKER!"
>class looks at me, stunned
>I get asked to leave
>have to see school counsellor now

>Always awnser any question by the teacher
>Teacher says let someone else awnser
>Never awnser ever again

>Phys Ed class
>Gym leader tells me to climb that rope
>Put on the spot, a certain reminder of Donkey Kong Country pops into my head
>Get on rope and continuously swing back and forth until I decide to jump off
>Gym Leader looks shocked
>Everyone else goes bananas

Damn you user, I didn't come into this thread for an erection.

>be mall director
>play Dead rising mall music sometimes over the speakers
>tfw the homeless guys that get it crack their ass and shit in our planters