Hey Sup Forums I'm at target with my girlfriend. I was wondering which amiibo I would get her. She likes Kirby. Yes...

Hey Sup Forums I'm at target with my girlfriend. I was wondering which amiibo I would get her. She likes Kirby. Yes. That's her in the picture.

But there is no amiibo in that aisle

She has excellent balance. You're a lucky fellow.

thats toys r us


>She likes Kirby
Then buy her the kirby amiibo you retard. Why even ask

Can you show me her back

Wait a minute. Something is off about your picture, OP.

this. need a good brapper to get on with my day.


Do you get to smell her feet?

>look at shelf labels
>clearly Toy's R Us
Him and his girlfriend are in the wrong store!

Amiibo didn't exist at the time that photo was taken. Take a look at the Advance Warfare ads in the back.

>Splatoon toys
>Splatoon came out in 2015
>Amiibos came out in 2014

that shadow sucks ass doktor

R-right, well... there's still no reason those Advance Warfare posters should be up, all considered. They should've started having Infinite Warfare posters up instead.

Phoenix Wright?
More like Phoenix WRONG

It's Toys R Us. They're too busy shoveling Skylander toys into a furnace to keep the stores heated.

Those posters ARE for Infinite Warfare

this is a nice dog

it's a blatant shoop, how fucking new are you

Get her the Kirby amiibo

I know, right? There's no way those shelves would still be that full this close to christmas.

nice subversion

Maybe I... should try a different profession.





No it's real, you can tell because her Shadow is there on the Cold, Tile, Ground.

>That gravity defying pose

Your girlfriend is actually one of Dio's zombie slaves, enjoy getting wryyy'ed.



I'm honestly kinda shocked there's that much Nintendo merch, like I had no idea there were Peppy and Skullkid figures and giant tickle-me-Mario's and Links and shit.


I'm not even going to stop you from avatarfagging.
Please put desks in your images.
Thank you.

>thinks ace attorney posting is reddit
>doesn't know ace attorney posting has been a thing since ace attorney existed
Looks like it's you who needs to go to reddit, my good bitch.

the absolute state of your girlfriends pixels lad

your gf has a really weird aura around her
is she working in a nuclear plant? or under medication?
xanax does that

>my good bitch.
Bartleby,is that you?

That is a toy r us not target


Photo was taken in 2016, there's a FIFA17 poster in the back.

nice try OP. We all know your gf likes Peppy, not Kirby.

the only new person here is you, idiot

Ya don't fucking say.

Maybe you should try this PENALTY i'm sure it will fit you perfectly Mr.Wright



Braaaap posters are cancer

those Tommy and Timmy Nooks are a must buy

I appreciate when braapposters at least put a little effort like this into their shitposts

god i wish that were me

Does your girlfriend blow away in heavy winds?


can you fuck off?

boring face
would not fuck

It's like you're not even trying.
If you want to buy amiibo, then just say you want to buy amiibo.
You don't have to hide behind your photoshop girl friend, we can all see that neckbeard of yours.

wtf that's my sister

>a little effort
end your life.

Nice girlfriend OP! You should get the Yoshi!