thoughts, hopes, expectations, fears?
Developement on new Zelda started
Hopefully the series goes back to normal.
It will be cross generated again
First person zelda with skyrim like combat and dialogue, with dungeons consisting of levers, 3 image puzzles and rotating claws. Also damage sponge bosses sound super intriguing.
I hope the next one has Link going around exploring and swinging his sword killing moblins and solving puzzles.
Just to change it up a bit from the usual.
Urbosa and or Twili Midna
and more outfits/ customization.
Aonuma is adorable.
Hopefullt they give you a reason to fight enemies.
>rotating claws
Smaller, more densely packed world in the BoTW engine with bigger towns, actual dungeons, a story that doesn't take place in memories, and a less gay Link.
Zelda is dead to me. Aonuma sucks at zelda games and I no longer want a part in them.
Aonuma is cute. CUTE!
Link should have a motorcycle and it should be set in a steam punk post apocolypse world. Also link should be able to switch his master sword for a katana or some other weapon.
You were never a part of them to begin with, crybaby
I hope it has a battle-royaley multiplayer mode.
>Aounuma sucks
>Gets Goty
Hmmm really activates my almonds
But make Link gayer
>Cyberpunk 2077 Zelda
actual dungeons. Each with uniquely designed assets, enemies, and bosses.
Goty is a shitty award show for promotion.
Better combat like dark souls
More structured areas like dark souls
Actual music, unlike breath of the wild and dark souls
Link Between Worlds amount of density
Smaller world
Totally unique and new environments. I want stuff like subcon forest from Hat in Time.
obligatory crosdressing through the entire game
hope its not as bad as botw and ss. that is all
It won't come on the Switch, that's for sure.
VGA is made by Dorito Man to suck Kojimbos dick
My ideal zelda will just be a Dark Souls like game with big monsters to fight.
i would be ecstatic if it was as bad as ss, at least ss had dungeons and music
>t.Horizon Zero Awards fanboy
>Steam punk world
ALBW but on the breath of the wild engine
>mfw it will come to the switch as the lower quality version
Hold me anons
i hope it will be the DARK SOULS OF ZELDA.
A 3D ALBW? Or Bird's Eye view?
not surprising in the least, They usually start on the next game before the newest one is even out
Same size of BotW, but denser with meaningful content (ie. not koroks and boko camps), more enemy variety, a better weapon system, more dungeons/caverns, story that takes place during the game not before it
Larger than BotW, similar level of content density, a different but still shitty weapon system, more dungeons but not more caverns, way too much story
WAY too much story, the same shitty weapon system, no new enemy types, more koroks, basically just BotW2
What was "normal"? Skyward Sword? I'll pass.
They definitely need to bring back more elements from the previous games that Breath of the Wild dropped, but to completely revert back to the tired old formula now would be a massive mistake.
I think is about time we get a Zelda game where the PC is Zelda being a sleek battlemage.
that sounds dumb as hell.
You guys know good and well what the next zelda will be by, if AC is any indication of how they do their sequels.
>what is BOTW?
I guess the Witcher is way better than botw
It has more awards and won goty
Overwatch also sold way way more and won goty
It's being considered that new Zelda will end up in Hyrule being big city that has few different districts, that will try to keep the themes of usual lands of Hyrule, with Hyrule castle in the middle. It will introduce more technology than ever. You will have to get influence throughout different districts. This time Ganon won't be first to act. It will keep chemistry between mechanics from previous Zelda, but will be more focused on fighting.
>breath of the wild
>add in actual dungeons
>add in actual side quests
>more enemy types
>keep weapon degradation but add ways to repair
All BotW really suffered from the most was a lack of a diverse enemy cast and proper dungeons that you couldn't beat in less than 5 minutes. Throw in a few more towns and some secret grottoes/mini cave systems to explore and it would be perfect.
Agreed, there should be a mix between the classic Zelda formula and the open-world experience that the original and BotW offer.
3D albw
Definitely fucking not. The Wii U isn't even in production any more, why would they waste resources making a new game for it?
Whatever it is Sup Forums will hate it, and then they'll start saying BoTW was the greatest. Every time
>old man link
>ganon won and owns hyrule
>link works on a farm out in the middle of nowhere
>resistance tracks him down
>we need your help link, one last time
>they got a reborn zelda or whatever
>need to escort her to some place
>link is getting too old for this shit
And of course he dies by the end.
Awards only matter when they're for Nintendo games, everyone knows that.
>play new zelda
>stumble upon a small cave system
>go in, keep on going deeper
>I see light
>"Fortunate Son" play
>hear gunshots, screams, flames
>it's actually a vietcong sim
Weren't the legendary beasts or whatever the actual dungeons from the game?
That Aonuma isn't in fucking charge, that it's cancelled, that Koizumi is writing the story, SOMETHING GOOD.
I want a zelda where I can play as a cute girl Link
Not for some shitty progressive feminist reason
but because I'm a fucking degenerate
Yes, but there were only 4 of them, they were too short, and pretty disappointing compared to previous Zelda dungeons.
Fund it, goddammit.
Ancient beasts where glorified puzzles think like a single room from a dungeon in OOT and you have your "ancient beast"
I always wanted to get raped by moblins while playing femlink
I like this idea, have it where link was the hero with a Zelda his age, but he failed and Zelda was killed so you have this old no hope link with some youthful reborn Zelda.
Just dress up in the Gerudo vai outfit. You get essentially the same fucking experience.
lol? whats the issue?
>some plucky young new hero comes along and gives Link the Master Sword
>he chucks it in the ocean
>It Ain't Me starts playing
But user thats gay
>Give me classic dungeons and weapons that don't break.
But it's degenerate
Works for me
Trips have spoken
I'm hoping for the "Majora's Mask" of BOTW.
Hope they iron out and building on existing systems and ideas.
>Skyrim sells so well on the switch Nintendo seriously considers this
screepcap it
I want the open world aspect of BotW, but I want the shrines and shit to contain actual meaningful things. Hookshot, boomerang, all the various tools from Zelda, that don't break. You give me a reason to actually enjoy finding some hidden cave or obstacle and I'll have a shit ton more fun. In BotW after a while you come across a shrine and don't care too terribly much because you know exactly what the reward is: an orb, maybe some piece of armor you likely won't wear. Korok seeds didn't seem as annoying, though that could be because I thought they were cute and enjoyed going to see the maraca dance.
I just want a new Zelda with proper dungeons
Aonuma fucked the entire series in the ass since he couldn't fucking handle combat, but at least bring back the old dungeons and make a baby hand holding mode for him and the casuals because fuck skyward sword's explanations
Thanks for your blogpost user
>dude ocarina of time again but with an oldfag lmao!
so originel
I want the guardians (the walking ones) to be a mainstay in the series but I know they won't be
... it won game of the year from a fuck lot more places then just the game awards dude
Hopefully some actual dungeons and fun sidequest. In which BoTW lacked
>yfw they make Link a boy and Zelda a girl again in the face of all the whiners complaining that they won't make a female Link
classic dungeons
duplicate weapons automatically restore durability
and also
holodrum/labrynna open world botw-style
Zelda will never be male she a reincarnation of a goddess.
Similar reason for link
Hoping they will once again surprise an delight me.
Breath of the Wild has made up for both Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess, which were both rather disappointing to me.
a zelda game where you actually play as zelda
What kind of god has human chromosomes though.
.... why ruin a timeless character like Link when you could just make Zelda the playable character this time? she doesn't even have to be saving Link, he can just be a side character or something.
>confirming Zelda development not even a full year after BotW
The switch is already only worth picking up for Mario and Zelda, make something else you coin slot eyed fucks.
The next game better have 50% - 75% more Zelda ass
well that would mean that you can rush out to endgame grab 5 op weps rek shit and repair. the game would have no difficulty. they could atleast add weps with certain modifiers that work on certain enemies or bioms to make em viable in one area but mediocre in another area ;)
Developers should not listen to fans on anything other than gameplay and story critic
Honestly, I would fucking love that. Take the basic engine and assets they have, add a few new things and make it weird as fuck.
I want a 3D Oracle game using BoTW's mechanics.
Beats me. I wouldn't mind seeing another secret ninja Zelda again like Sheik tbqh.
This is Majora's mask BotW. Should be at least.
see my spoiler
this is exactly what I want
tbqh I'm still waiting on a wizard game with neat physics so that sounds pretty good to me
strangely most of the games wouldn't even change if you did this since he never gets with zelda anyways
>She's in the title, she should be the main character!
Except the title hints that she is ACTUALLY a legend in the universe, not that this game is the tale of her legacy.
At least BotW got that part right.
One that makes her self and the one she loves reincarnate so there fate can always be intwined.
Seriously hylia just loves link. That's why they reincarnate
I guess that's cute and all.
I pretty much just want BotW but without weapons deteriorating.