Starcraft Remastered

Holiday Bash with Tasteless, Artosis, Incontrol, and Day9
get in here

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Where we at?

Tasteless got fat

Geoff's a big guy

what the nig, I read "incontrol"
He's really built for the holidays with those rosy cheeks


whats with all the zvz

Getting "comfy"

playin' with the bros...

>tfw no larva at this tournament

Get your e-celeb cancer off of Sup Forums
This board is cancer enough without it

>get in here

no. saged

Why the fuck do I have to go to work
Would watch
Will watch later

theyre just commentating games nigger

i dont like the new HD models/animations. feels a little too "floaty" you know?

that was cringy as fuck

all i could think about was how dirty he's making the keyboard

i guess you just get used to it after enough games
assimilators and marines look off though

someone play starcraft 2 with me

pretty comfy desuhonestly

We /broodwar/ now
In all seriousness I played loads of SC2 WoL and liked it, but my interest in it waned and I still don't know why

guy got banned from Zotac Cup because the Chinese were mad as fuck

>sc remaster tournament being played
>e-celeb shit
Go sperg in some youtuber thread instead.

sc2 is way more relaxed, sc1 has pretty much been taken over by pros.

deserved it 2bhonest

is whitera /ourguy/?

He doesn't spam "faggot" instead of gg so I doubt it.

I just wouldn't want to be the guy who has to febreze the couch and the chairs. Some of these guys look greasy as fuck.

Where's Idra when you need him? Machine and Tyler are here, why not him?

>incontrol is winning

Draco's just being nice

Archone will have non of that shit.

I wanted him to win for the shock value

>artosis in a star wars sweater

It was a good movie you racist.

it was unironically an okay movie, even if only because it had ( very good) CGI up the ass and nothing else

sorry i'm too busy getting botnetted

Sup Forums x saves me from that, right?

>incontrol actually won a game

>send 4 mutas over the baracks
>win instantly
What an amazing game.

>Geoff actually winning a game
Jesus Christ

his marriage depends on this matchup

day9 is fucking cancer

kys dotard


its an e-celeb invite only event that consists of nothing but a muh nostalgia circlejerk and le ebin jokes to please dumb nu-males like you.

>how dare these people have fun with videogames
>not on my Sup Forums

>open stream
>cant hear the game sfx, cant hear the game music
>commentators are not even talking about the game
>just make stupid noises, laugh eachothers jokes and being way too loud

yeah, fuck this

fuck, I forgot this was on today, I missed the first three hours. How much longer does it go for?

>replying to newfags who weren't around for GSL days

>abloo bloo bloo these are all names I recognize!

Hi there

It's white people playing, the games literally don't matter.

We're literally here to listen to Tastosis and Day9 joke around. They may as well be talking over golf or something.

So shitty eceleb bulllshit then?

Tasteless and Artosis have been casting starcraft "eceleb" was a concept. Korea time was a Sup Forums tradition since 2007.

not sure if group B is playing today
if not, then we have 2 more match-ups after this

meant for

>implying seeing incontrol lose from an almost unlosable position isn't half the fun

Will tasteless actually play?

nah, man is way too lazy to practice like a semi-professional again


>incontrol plagues his own ultras but still somehow wins

Holy fuck that was a fun game to watch.

he dropped the T every time he moved out, delaying his push like 5 whole minutes with two lurkers and an overlord
the T lost a CC to lings and an academy to fire
this is waito starcraft

what ever happened to Idra?

>InCholesterol is still alive

kawaiirice looked like a broken man

You would be too if you just lost to fucking Incholesterol.

He went back to school.

>time for special tactics

i know exactly what you mean but i got used to it rather fast

He got demolished by Draco in the last tourny. I don't think he'll survive this.

is tasteless playing or does he have another excuse?

See, the problem was, he made expand but then dids not defense it.

his hand's still broken, he just forgot to bring the cast this time around

no way, he hasn't played in like 8 years. his hand only came out of a cast a couple of months ago and he admits he's fucking awful now he tried again.

>he could not defense expand

when will you learn white ra

starcraft sucks. people only ever gave a shit because koreans are retarded.

Really? What a shame.

Dumb shitter.

No, larva didn't get banned. It was just the chinese branch of zotac mouthing off. because basically their only good player got humiliated. He's not banned but I doubt he'll come back, the chinese would throw a fucking hissy fit.

imagine a pure soul like whitera losing to incontrol tomorrow
he will be broken beyond repair

>breaks your pathing

They should be mad at the chinese player. He's the one who brought shame by being so shit

>run 10 lings into the protoss base

>whack a gate a few times, run out and go home

what the fuck just happened

>Destroys his own building.
What a tard.

These players are like F tier


Artosis playing next

He quit SC, is studying for a physics PhD and is a "nice guy" now.

So boring, so sad.

>how do you think your boy's going to do
>i think he's got it in him, just look at his fashion sense

he better win or i'll lose faith in him forever


the fucking mouth cam is amazing

SCR is a terrible product and killed the BW scene in KR. The scene was stable for 15 FUCKING YEARS and now there are about 15-20k less concurrent players during peak times. Western BW fags will deny this though, despite not playing the game themselves, evident by the fact that western servers are just barely more populated than Battleborn.

Artosis mouth cam has me in fucking stitches

>I'm gonna chew you up like a salad

first thing incontrol has said that has made laugh


How is the remaster? Is it basically a prettier version of the original?

for the most part, plus widescreen support and matchmaking online

Prettier, but also also laggy and broken. The client feels like a beta release by a small indie dev.

>Both the Plott brothers got fat as fuck


day9's been losing weight, looks better

Where did you get those graphs from?