Anime games

I'm not surprised by the One Piece game or even Boku no Hero but Black Clover? Already?

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Black Clover is the new hotness, they are trying to cash in double-time.

Shonen Jump is desperate for new big manga to push.

meanwhile the only deserving series has none

isn't black clover basically a corporate frankenstein monster ? They probably planned for it to have a game before the anime started airing

no ending no game

The game is on hiatus. And it's severely overrated already.

HxH is homoerotic faggot shit.

One Piece looks pretty good

>"The only deserving"
Why hello user

Looks like the Crows artstyle. Same author?

Are Japanese youths really that tasteless?


It has those GBA and PS2 games.

I want that Nanatsu no Taizai game even though I know it'll prolly be mediocre.

user, you're alright.

it's almost like shonen is designed for Japanese youths

One Piece has just slowed down into trash
My Hero Academia is for little kids
Black Clover is formula high budget rehash

Nothing to see here

My Hero is coming to the Xbox in the west.




Nice, might pick it up on the X then

I think My Hero is CUTE!


Jump are desperately pushing it since two of the Big 3 ending put them into panic mode

>Get really into the Hero Academia anime because of a friend
>Go back and read the manga
>Even a billion chapters in Deku Scrub still can't poke someone without blowing out his asshole

I feel like they're gonna drag this out for as long as they can. I can only imagine what his inevitable Super Saiyan transformation every shonen hero gets is going to be.

He hasn't blown himself the fuck out in ages, what manga are you reading?

Even LWA had a (shit) game yet KLK never got anything despite being way more popular and profitable. Japan has trash tastes.

>tfw no Jojo fruit growing sim

Sick anime

i don't know anyone interested in black clover. everyone thinks it's crap and is tired of how hard it's getting shilled.

Full Cowl is old enough to be animated in full, what the royal fuck are you talking about?
>one piece gets a open world game and VR game

My Hero Academia is fucking great

If you can't look under Nami's and Robin's skirt then what's the point? Also, no Carrot so I can't look under her skirt either.

>no The Promised Neverland game

>ace combat is coming to PC
>ni no kuni is coming to PC
>Monster Hunter is coming to PC
>MGS came to PC
>FFXV is coming to PC
>and various FF/DQ games as well
>street fighter came to PC
>King of Fighters came to PC
>Tekken came to PC
>Dead or Alive came to PC
>Soul Calibur is coming to PC
>fucking NIOH came to PC
>Neptunia is coming to PC
>Senran Kagura is coming to PC
>Zone of the Enders is coming to PC
>Falcom games are coming back to PC
>niche vita games have been coming to PC
>literal anime games are coming to PC

>Sega is too pigheadded to put their games like Yakuza or Project Diva on PC
>or any of Atlus' games, either, since they also own them

Fucking really? Why is Sega the single publisher who fucking refuses to put games on PC? What is their fucking problem? And don't give me that

>b-b-b-but they gave us Bayoneta, Vanquish, and other old ports!

So fucking what? Capcom put Dead Rising, Dragon's Dogma, MVC3, and Okami on PC years after they were relevant, and guess what, they also released their new games like SFV, RE7, or MVCI.

Edgy teens are shit everywhere.

Look I'm a weeb but I'm not going to delude myself that Japs have better taste. Most of the anime I like didn't do particularly well.

I always dreamed of having an open-world OP game.

>he thinks ANY manga in Shounen Jump isn't made for kids

Hey everyone laugh at this pathetic manchild

I just want Wangan in the west. Since Sega is so anal about Ineeshal Dee and loves to keep games arbitrarily exclusive, hopefully Bamco will be /ourguys/ and bring Maximum Tune to the west, and hopefully PC.

>MHA arena fighter
>not a 3D fighter like Clash of Ninja
>where local play is much easier to do
I wouldn't have minded a Power Stone clone, even. But right now that game looks no better than the usual Naruto trash.

Shit hasn't been good since forever anyway, so why do they feel the need to fill in the gap so desperately?

Anyway, I enjoyed Black Clover so far.
Definitely much more enjoyable than Bleach ever was after Soul Society arc.

What are you on about? SEGA gave you guys Sonic Forces. :)

>ni no kuni is coming to PC
>Monster Hunter is coming to PC
>Zone of the Enders is coming to PC
Better not fucking lying, cunt.

>My Hero Acadamia coming to Switch
Oh boy.

>be in public
>eating a nice lunch at a food court, some good Chinese shit
>some weeaboos enter the food court because anime con was nearby
>oh god
>they're going to the McDonalds because they're American
>they start playing their Switch in public
>they're playing that My Hero Acadamia game
>they keep shouting lines from the anime and stupid memes like "le frog girl xD"
>they're putting me off my lunch
>I get angry, grab their Switch and throw it out the window
>the food court does a 360 degree turn
>the food court crashes into a mountain and we all die

Thanks Namco

Did everyone forget about the seven deadly sin game coming out?

Well Shounen Jump needs a back-up cash cow if something ever happens to BNH.

only the sequels, ni no kuni 2 and ZOE 2 to be exact

Don't you mean 180? Newfag