Welcome to Warmaiden's. Now don't let the name worry you - we got plenty of steel for fightin' men.
Welcome to Warmaiden's. Now don't let the name worry you - we got plenty of steel for fightin' men
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1 Iron Mace, please.
*Proceedes to rob you blind*
>Who forges your arms and armor?
>>Since Adrianne's death, I've had to buy them from the Khajiit caravans. Tried making some myself, but I'm no good with the forge and anvil. Anyway, our wares are strong and the prices fair. What else matters?
Never should of come here
Nah, I'll buy from the Skyforge instead, they dont have a shitty gay name.
Yiff in hell furfag
>just checking his inventory is stocked before I glitch under the map and clear out his store chest
>supporting a Stormcloak-loving Greymane
>should of
Adrianne's death? She has to die in some quest or just randomly?
Also, shes the only woman ive been sad about not being able to make my own.
>supporting elf dick sucking faggots
Sorry I was looking for Whore Maidens
That's what I said, supporting a Stormcloak.
>put a basket over your head
>steal everything
>kill adrianne
>marry ultra buff daddy ulfberth
>motherfucking war bear as last name
>sends mercenaries to kill you
Stupid ass vampire attacks taking out NPCs, that's how. Even worse than assassins in Morrowind when you're trying to take a fucking nap after huffing volcano fumes
>Timing is Everything mod
>set Vampire Attacks to level 101
Why would the name worry me? What are you trying to imply?
>hires PC as prostitute while wife is working outside
At Master and especially Legendary difficulty, Vampire attacks aren't a concern. All NPCs are buffed to retard strength and survive attacks. I've seen Belethor knife a Nightstalker to death.
OOOOH, how would user even recover?
Honestly, helping the stormcloaks is the a detriment the the well being of the empire, including Skyrim itself.
I loved hearing Tullius say that after dealing with Ulfric he wants to start going after the Dominion next. He's literally Tamriel's Patton.
please don't make fun of brainlets. it's mean and their tiny brains can't handle it
pic of this post is you
t. assblasted stormcuck
Gay and loving it
hi. suck my dick?
Him and Adrianne were my favorite NPCs in Whiterun.
That's cause you don't visit the Cloud District very often.
>not Hrongar, the man in weapon form to be unsheathed and pointed at your enemy
I only do things with hot buff guys
All zis standing around iz rubbish
cunt. bye
What race should I be
>Belethor knife a Nightstalker to death.
Need a drawfag on this
>6 years later and people still do not understand the dossier
>vampire attack starts as soon as I leave breezehome, leaving me no time to save Adrianne from them
>don't want to load a previous save because I spent many minutes putting books and weapons as decoration inside the house and fuck doing it again
>shout freeze time as soon as the attack starts and run to them to bash them out of the bridge at the enter
It took me like 3 attempts but I did it.
>mfw empirefag
>"dude ulfric is a thalmor plant lmao"
If he's a plant, I'm a fruit.
Be a Breton and get into your Heavy armor, swing a big fucking axe at people.
>assblasted uggos
The dossier that says during the Great War that Ulfric betrayed Skyrim and the Empire, breaking under interrogation and to this day he secretly believes he was the reason the White Gold Tower fell?
Or the dossier that says that the Thalmor were at Helgen trying to save him, which is why you as the player almost got prematurely exectured?
Or the dossier that says he was purposefully unleashed by the Thalmor who are trying to keep his rebellion ongoing to leave Skyrim and the Empire weakened?
>mfw stormcuck samefags
How can two people 'samefag' you ugly fucking idiot? Suck my Imperial balls.
Who here /makeEmpiregreatagain/? Fuck the Mede.
>I loved hearing Tullius say that after dealing with Ulfric he wants to start going after the Dominion next.
Who's the strongest girl in Whiterun?
Y-Yeah, but user, it says Ulfric doesn't like the Thalmor, s-so the rest of that is unimportant!
I understood it clearly. The Thalmor were impededing Imperial Efforts to contain the Stormcloaks because it distracted the Imperials and led to a divided mankind.
How about the Dossier that clearly states Ulfric is not cooperating with them at all and the Thalmor need to avoid the Stormcloaks winning. The Empire's ineptitude is the reason the Great War was so bad in the first place.
>Stormcloaks win
>Thalmor are completely booted from Skyrim
>Ulfirc and Galmar quite literally talk about nothing other than rebuilding Skyrim and training their armies to fight the Aldmeri Dominion
Sounds like a planet to me. It's funny how all Empirefags agree the way to defeat the Thalmor is a war of attrition, then defend and make excuses for the Empire NOT doing that.
Irileth, hand down. Ysolda a cute tho
>"it's ok because he's going to win it"
What if and I mean WHAT IF Ulfric is a retard for starting the war regardless of wether he's going to win it or not?
>Stormcloaks win
>Nords go herp a derp mode and kick out all non-Nords
>weaken themselves enough that a Thalmor direct attack cripples Skyrim forever
The Empire is stronger together, period.
Alfhild is stronger than Olfina since she farms all day while Olfina gets fingerbanged by Jon behind the Bannered Mare.
Same with Adrianne vs Olfina since the former works the blacksmith all day.
Irileth is a seasoned adventurer, mage and warrior, Lydia is literally babby-tier fighter.
Jenassa is good and all, but Uthgerd accidentally punches Companions to death.
Aela's not even the strongest Companion and Uthgerd was too powerful for the Companions altogether.
Irileth is a dragonslayer and a former Morag Tong that fought in the Great War. As far as know, Jenassa is just a mercenary.
Lydia obviously jobs to Aela.
>At Master and especially Legendary difficulty, Vampire attacks aren't a concern. All NPCs are buffed
Uhh what? Doesn't difficulty only change your characters dealt and received damage?
Ulfric is non-cooperative, it doesn't mean he's not serving their interests, retard. And an ongoing war that depletes both Skyrim and Empire resources and lives is preferable to Ulfric winning, sure. That doesn't mean they wouldn't prefer a Stormcloak victory to an Imperial one, which would mean reunification and a strengthened Empire.
>Stormcloaks win
>Thalmor are booted from Skyrim
>Empire takes uprising seriously and instead of sending one general with a single Legion, sends the entire might of the Imperials north, crushing Ulfric and the Stormcloaks, along with tons of collateral damage bringing the Nords back under control
>Ulfric and Galmar's plans never would've amounted to anything anyway, they couldn't be further from the Dominion and are surrounded by hostile Imperial countries
Sounds like a "planet" to me too.
You know what was great? the fact that he was right by the entrance to Windhelm and vampires came in and fucked everyone's shit up, him first usually. Then, when you respawned him the shop was borked for the rest of the playthrough.
>Killing merchants
How about no? They should be essential NPCs.
You don't need to cooperate with someone to be an asset. Moreso and specifically because of the fact that he's doing everything they want him to do anyway.
Kill Ulfric and go to Sovngarde. He tells you he fucked up.
These planets suck.
You can't marry the bereaved in Skyrim. I tried.
The way it's implemented is the NPCs all take quarter damage from you, but even from one another, and you take triple damage.
But who was your favorite Dark Brotherhood member?
Nazir. That fucker had some funny lines. Cicero is pretty good too.
Festus Krex, easily. Best assassination techniques, best death.
>I'm usually not as subtle as everyone else. I walk up to my mark, melt their face off, and run out of town before the guards can catch me.
If Ulfric is serving the Thalmor's interest what do you call what the Empire is doing then? Mede and the Empire would rather fight to kill people who want sovereignty than kill elves who want them dead. The Empire has been serving the Thalmor's interests since the signing of the WGC. You're also assuming Mede is going to send more Legions in, which would leave Cyrodiil even weaker. If you want to say the Empire is going to be continuously hostile to Skyrim than that is serving the Thalmor's interests. The Stormcloaks don't want to kill the Empire, they want the Dominion dead and the best way to do this is seceding and making Skyrim their own again. Galmar quite literally says "Before we face our true foes, we must fight our lesser selves". This entire situation was created by Mede's ineptitude, just look at Morrowind.
That's what happens when you use Iron Arrows.
Why don't you actually read the lore? The reason the White Gold Concordat was signed was because the Empire had been so damaged by the Great War that pursuing further hostilities would've destroyed them completely. It's pretty thoroughly explained that the Concordat was just a ruse the Emperor was using to buy time to build his forces up and strike back, and that they never intended to follow through on any of the anti-Talos stuff.
Hell, you barely even start the game before NPCs are telling you that the Talos ban had never been enforced by the Emperor and that Ulfric is the sole and only reason that it is now.
Further, Tullius himself confirms after the Stormcloaks are put down that there next target is the Aldmeri Dominion. Which is almost certainly why the Thalmor manipulated the Skyrim rebellion in the first place, to buy themselves time before the Empire comes to pay them back for the Great War.
And as long as we're talking about how weak and inept you find Mede and how strong and glorious Ulfric is, let's compare the two.
In the Great War, Titus Mede led the charge to retake the Imperial City with his flaming sword. His tactics destroyed the entire invading Dominion army. UIfric was immediately captured in the Great War and broke under questioning, betraying both Skyrim and the Empire to the Thalmor.
Further, Emperor Mede faces his death with quiet dignity. Ulfric's big claim to fame was murdering women and children at Markarth, profaning a 2000 year old Nord tradition by using the Voice in a duel, and killing a boy-King. And when Balgruuf challenged Ulfric to a 1v1 duel, he hid behind his army like the coward he is. Ulfric quite literally had avoided fights with real warriors his entire life. The ONLY time he's ever forced to fight someone competent is when you break into his throne room and kick his ass himself. He hides right to the end.
People forget the Dominion was left in just a weakened state as the Empire after the war, with the Empire having a greater ability to rebuild and rearm.
Fucker raped my pc for getting caught stealing a fucking worthless dagger of his I could find anywhere else, so I try killing Adrianne as a fuck you too and that failed so he raped my pc again and Adrianne joined in this time
This. Ulfric is a fucking pussy.
Seriously, the info is right there for anyone to read. It's funny though, I learned in Skyrim why are the Khajiit allied with the Thalmor.
I just hope TES VI is about getting payback from the Thalmor.
Can't wait to hear all about the next person you murder!
>he raped my pc again and Adrianne joined in this time
How exactly being double raped by man and woman looks like?
Adrianne was my favorite NPC in whiterun too, her husband not so much but that didn't stop me to impregnate her and passing by her shop and have a giggle watching her with her bloated belly standing beside her husband .
At least someone actually understands the situation.
what non-sex mods is /vp/ focusing on rn? im working on northern cardinal and windstad mine as an argonian
God damn. Sometimes I forget how bad the girls look in vanilla Skyrim.
>being a woman
>tfw I have so many amazing memories with Skyrim (even the vanilla) despite it being a buggy mess
>tfw ES6 will never capture the same magical feeling
it might but yea probably not