What did they mean by this?
What did they mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
thats a big change, from 0 hrs story mode to 40 to 50 hours.
aren't the other monster hunter games shorter too? most of the hours is from grinding
the game is based more in getting all weapons and armors or the mission to get the highest RC.
If you read the article, the writer outright says they just checked howlongtobeat for MHFU, and concluded that the 40-50 hours mentioned for World's story is small compared to the 139 hours the site lists for that game.
Basically, the person who wrote this hasn't played a monster hunter game before and still felt the need to weigh in on the length of a game series where the story has historically been a barebones formality.
Isnt story mode just lr?
If so it should be enough
if the story encompassed just LR village quests then it would mean a lot, but since both LR/HR are involved, and there's no Guild/Village hub distinction anymore, it means that the game is considerably shorter than past ones.
Fanatical console warmongers will try to spin it as positive or a quality of life improvement somehow, though.
>follow fireflies
>hit monster till it dies
>btw you have 20 minutes to do it or you will have to start over again
>all this with the most clunky and unresponsive controls of this gen
>repeat for 50 hours
cant wait
you can use different weapons, frogposter-kun.
but HR is separate, you get LR quest from you handler in the village and get HR quest from a guild lady in the village.
a.k.a. 10 hours of mashing through text to get to the actual game
If you don't grind and just do story quests, you'll probably finish in 40-50 hours? I sorta feel like that's missing the point, that's like saying any fighting game is only 10 minutes long because that's how long it takes to beat arcade mode.
>40 to 50 hour Story Mode
That's actually a sizeable amount of time that's more than normal for most modern games but story doesn't really matter in Monster Hunter since and nailed it.
Didn't they give a good game a low score just for views?
So more than your typical MH game? As the majority of playtime comes from online missions with others.
Turn the gub on yourself idiot. Go play something else
OH boy what kind of heart wrenching story will the MH team come up with next? my favourite was the one where they mistook the large sea snake for the larger sea snake.
try sns shitter, then move to the big boy weapons
>story mode
>monster hunter
>using average playtime of all the content in previous monster hunters as a basis for a story mode playtime that didn't exist until this entry in the series
Fake news achieved.
20 minutes is beta only shitter
My favourite part was when the people wanted you to hunt a monster that was causing problems, and the problem went away when you finished hunting that monster. Pacing is a little off though, especially when you get to the parts where people want you to gather items to solve their problem and the problem is solved after you gather and deliver the items.
dumb frogposter
US Gamer being retarded as usual, I see.
who gives a shit
>Video game """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""journalists""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
I enjoy the quirkiness of MH story and its world.
>I play Monster Hunter for the story!!
guildmarm best girl
Speaking of Monster Hunter story, what happened to that Monster Hunter movie announced last year? I think the guys who made the Resident Evil movies are doing it? What would the plot even BE?
well, sometimes it feels good to have something else then just killing al monsters a million times. it makes it less plastic.
an ancient evil awakens
Fuck you I liked 4U's goofy story.
...Wow, that's honestly the easiest and probably best way to about it.
the same as action movies,
This guy or whoever is probably misinformed and thinks the 300 hours people spend playing this is all story and "sidequest" stuff.
Much of the padding in the old games come from LR and HR having both village and guild versions with almost nothing to differentiate them.
It gets muddier when HR villages have their own G-Rank quests that you unlock from ranking up in the guild hall.
Seems to me they're just trying to cut down the quest bloat in World, while fitting in some village final test.
I will never understand the hate for the firefly navigation when you will always know where a monster is after hunting it like twice. Never mind that there were already ways to locate a monster you didn't know the location of.
god I fucking hate the face of this bitch
what the FUCK is that thing
Please do not say mean things to my wife
My wife
you have my sympathies
Sns takes the most skill you overcompensating pleb
Its better than going "I know the monster always spawns in either zone 1 or 6, time to make a circuit and hope the monster doesn't move while I'm looking for it."
Looking for the monster is never the fun part, except for maybe for the very first time. This isn't Evolve.We're here to beat shit up with oversized weapons, not play tag.
looking for your prey is part of hunting, it wouldn't be fun to kill a monster in the same area, again and again and again and again, it gives variety.
This. I like the new tracking/scoutfly system a lot. Beats chugging psychoserums, tossing paintballs, and wasting item slots.
I kinda get what you mean, but its also a pain when you're farming drops and you just want to get straight into the action. After the 5th time hunting a rath for their fucking horn thing, you can't be assed with cat and mouse anymore you know?
"Hunting" in the old games before World used to mean Bounty Hunting
>40-50 hour
I wish I was still a fucking child
MHW 80 metacritic incoming
Why do they even write? I swear these people deserve beatings.
Good thing there will be cosmetic DLC to change her appearance then right?
>40-50 hours is short
>doesn't include every mission which will double the hours
Who cares about the story mode.
Hunting with bros are what makes it fun. I took 10 days vacation off work starting the day it comes out. I fully plan on being 200 hours in by the time I go back to work.
thats true at one point, but the psychoserums still going to be in world ?
Please do not bully her
Same here user. Mine's actually only 8, but still. Gonna be nice getting paid to play monhun nice and warm and comfy inside while everybody else has to work.
I have bad news, son
Remember that their is no seperate non-story moed in this game.
damn, did they really erased psychoserums?
Bad Capcom
Psychoserums, autotracker, paintballs, etc. etc. are being replaced by scoutflies. They basically got rid of a handful of shit that all did the same thing in favor of something more universal that doesn't need any special requirements or items.
Just feed your scoutflies some dino-booger and they'll activate their psychoserum effect.
Guild Sweetheart best girl, fight me
40 to 50 is a long story mode now anyway the last AAA game I spent that much time to beat maybe the Witcher but that’s all I can think of
Monster hunters all about post game anyway so wtf does it matter
>can't even kill a single monster in 20 minutes
Try beating three. Solo.
Do we know if three is the maximum number of monsters that can be roaming a map simultaneously in World? That's how it usually was in the demo, but I never fought Pukei pukei, so I don't know if the forest can have all of Jagrass, Anjanath, Rathalos, and Pukei Pukei wandering around simultaneously.
Who was in the wrong here?
>40-50hour story
>not even including sidecontent
the fuck am I reading?
All journalism is dead. Reviewers sell out to the movie/game studios and the "real journalists" sell lies to get the most clicks. I'd trust a politician over a journalist and that is a fucking travesty.
pukei subs out for rathalos if he spawns in the demo.
3 is probably going to be the limit for simultaneous spawns, but there will probably be missions with new monsters spawning in as you beat the initial ones.
can you explain how? doing mosquito bites to the dinosaurs, and forcing you to bring consumable explosives and what not just to clear some low shit tier hunt?
Pukei only spawns if Rath does not
You're probably right. And that's good to know about pukei, last time I asked if anybody knew his starting position I didn't get any answers, I want to get a hunt in on it in the next demo period. If Rathalos isn't in his usual spot I guess that'll mean pukei is around.
I hope they do something silly like have a dozen Deviljhos running around whilst you have to hunt some random smaller monster
Egg delivery quests
You called?
>My favourite part was when the people wanted you to hunt a monster that was causing problems, and the problem went away when you finished hunting that monster
>He didn't play it to the finish
There is ALWAYS another monster that was causing an even bigger ruckus.
>Implying 'Story Mode' mattwrs when it doesn't touch on the really good ED lore, like the Dalamadur having fucking Nuclear Reactors in its chest
>tfw beta still needs psplus
god damn jews
>tfw Xboner
Brand loyalty is a bitch sometimes.
I know the feel, there are quite a few xbox exclusives I'd like to try.
Man I wouldn't mind hunting Valfalk in MHW
>tfw when idort but hate sub 30 fps so much I barely play non PC games that can't atleast get a constant 30+ frames
Just start a new account and do a free trial. Honestly though, if you own a PS4 you should be subscribed anyway unless you simply use it for decoration.
Maybe if you weren't such a snob you wouldn't be missing out.
>Story mode
I feel like there are going to be a lot of sites hyping this as something it isn't and a lot of people are going to be disappointed about it
The beta coming out in like 5 days doesn't seem to need PSPlus though, so you have literally no excuse
Did they finally get rid of gathering quests?
I play single player games like a human being.
I can't wait either!
I don't play MP or buy games online so PS+ is useless to me, but i think i'll make another account.
I tried to pre-load it and it kept asking for ps+, i'm not wasting money on it just to play the beta, i already bought the game anyway.
>Honestly though, if you own a PS4 you should be subscribed
>implying I own a Piss4 for multiplayer games
Why is Sup Forums shitting on MHW so much? It looks fun to me, and I enjoyed the previous games.
The game can easily go for the 500+ hours of gameplay anyways so whatever.
Why? Now you can do your gathering quests with your gathering sets and then change to your hunting sets mid game.
Sup Forums shits on everything. More news at 5.
This thread has me concerned. I thought it was more standard to finish the single player content and then transition to online
>Rathalos tries to start flying
>everybody taking two hours and 54 minutes to awkwardly shuffle around sheathing their weapons in preparation for waiting for the monster to decide to come back down
>meanwhile i've already farted out a flashbomb during the micro cunt hair of a second that he's been in the air and i'm already wailing on its ugly face while dumb GSkiddies look around dazed and confused as to what just happened
It'll be like 4U caravan if you played it, user.
I know, but still, anyone that plays MH play it for the Hub content not the village shit.