He isn't playing Quake Champions

>he isn't playing Quake Champions

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my daily quake practice starts in a few minutes senpai.
Right after my daily russian study.

>play deathmatch
>anarki slash nyx
Light champs are actually horrible to play against. I would play if they just removed them since it seems there's no way to properly balance them.

Can I mod Quake Champions or install map packs? Does it have dedicated servers?

It's crap.

No to all of those.

Shut the fuck up. I'm playing Quake LIVE

Is that supposed to be box art Megaman?

>studying russian



So when someone cykas he can blyat back at them.

because I like the way it sounds and metal gear made me a russiaboo

>you have more fps
>you do more dmg

>if enemy has high ping hes immune to demage

Amazing fucking game.

not until they nerf the fuck out of the lighter champions

>Allegedly F2P
>But Bethesda doesn't market this


It's not F2P till it leaves beta.

Have they fixed the hitreg yet?

its not free to play
nope, if anything it seems to got worse, i have no proof but i think they lie when they say they working on it

netcode is definetely better than it was 6 months ago, but hitboxes are still fucked for many light champs.

>it's an Anarki gets first place match

So you can play Quake. How is this a question?

Call me when they make a proper Quake 1 style campaign.

>Not on consoles

I don't really like it, too many issues technical and design wise and it isn't any kind of improvement over the older games
Quake should be the formula 1 equivalent of shootan games stripped down to the basics for maximum performance, this is more like a prius...
Nah they would still fuck that up if they tried just like they fucked up Doom and wolfenstein

>Nah they would still fuck that up
Granted. They don't have the chops for "raw atmosphere" like Q1 had. It'd probably have some tacky overblown story and be riddled with XXXTREME executions or something completely tone-deaf but needed to hold modern audiences.

>playing quake on consoles
>playing an FPS with a controller

>implying you could play it on a pad
you've clearly never played a quake game, no one cares if you don't play this one lol

>playing an FPS with a controller
It can be done the problem is the console shooters are designed to handhold you rather than give the player complete control

>he didn't play Quake 1 or 2 on N64
>he didn't play Quake 3 on Dreamcast

get a load of this casual

I played literally every day until the newest patch where they completely fucked up mouse input and strafejumping physics for a small number of players that includes myself, so now I'm not playing.

I don't think the game works like that anymore, they have fixed alot. The game's reviews on steam have gone from like 50% to about 75% since the last couple patches

does anyone want to play quake 3 team arena

>He isn't playing Unreal Tournament 2016


When are they gonna add Hunter?

>playing good quake games
user, we play Champions because it's shit and we're being ironic.

i play it because qc slash makes my dick hard

But I am.

Sorlag best champ

>probably have some tacky overblown story and be riddled with XXXTREME executions
Glad I'm not the only one who wants actual retro-style games instead of Brutal Doom clones with 6 hours of cutscenes tacked on.

Why not just play the 20 years of fanmade stuff?

Quake and UT are the game equivalents of dadrock.

So what's everyone's opinion on Keel so far? He's a pretty fun champ so and my god, getting mid-air pineapples feels so goddamn satisfying

Neat, less annoying to fight than the other tanks for sure, given you don't have to worry about Scale's tard-charge or Clutch's new Mach 10 speeds or Sorlag's ridiculous animations. Neat design too, I'm happy they kept him so close to his Q3A model in appearance and backstory and even threw in a green Keel model reference.

What's wrong with dadrock?

Wildly inconsistent in quality to launch blindly into. Why, do you have recommendations?

Go to Quaddicted.com, click maps, play everything rated four stars or higher.

new single player Quake when?

This. I might start playing if they add her.

user, stop being a cuck, you have no idea what I've played

>wanting a reboot that throws out the old games and focuses on melee executions and cutscenes

It's Asterix and Obelix cosplaying Halo.

A focus on melee executions would be horrible i agree, but doing something more interesting mechanic-wise with the axe is ok in my book.

Nah that's more Doom and Wolfenstein.

>doing something more interesting mechanic-wise with the axe is ok in my book.
It would be, but in this day and age "more interesting melee" just means a longer, gorier mini-cutscene of you torturing your enemies instead of quickly slaying a room with interesting techniques.

Nah then it'll be like the retarded Shadow Warrior reboot.

What is the point in playing this game?
I'm never in my lifetime going to be able to compete even at an average level, because the people that play this game are people that have played quake since the 90s.
Theres no possible way to match almost 30 years of experience and muscle memory. It's just cant be done.

Quake already has more health/ammo pickups and less enemies on lower difficulties (at the map author's discretion), slower enemy fire rates, and no difficulty has any penalty on death other than restarting the map or reloading your last save.

You do know the original Shadow Warrior had difficulty levels too, right?

Well, if there was matchmaking and a decent size playerbase of lower skill levels you might have a chance to improve, but instead you should play something you enjoy where you'll have balanced fights that are adjusted to your skill level so you can improve at the rate you improve instead of being dropped in the deep end to drown.

Oh I'm sorry, I mean git gud. If you can't handle fighting the top players who kill you before you can really figure out the rules of the game, kys.

Why don't you just not play on easy mode?

You don't understand. Other people are playing a game in a way that makes it more enjoyable for them but requires less skill. This cannot be allowed.

only people playing this are underaged kids that didnt get to play arena shooters when they we're actually popular.
the genre died for a reason and only kids trying to look cool still push it.

also UT99 >>>>>>>> any Quake

>also UT99 >>>>>>>> any Quake

UT99 is the mario party of shooters

>rocket launcher nerfed to death and no strafing

The joy of playing quake was the strafing and the rocket launchet, champions hace none.


>What's wrong with dadrock?
That user is incapable of liking anything created before this year

Too sexist, shitlord.


Seriously we have hints of her due to Sorlag but no Hunter

But that soundtrack

It's one of the top 3 important languages in the world now. English, Russian, Chinese, in that order.

A lot of Europeans will bitch and moan about their languages and cultures mattering, but they don't. Arabic is more important than German or French.

>It's one of the top 3 important languages in the world now. English, Russian, Chinese, in that order.
>Russian is more important then chinese
Okay Nikolai

>buffed backpacks

I just started playing again after a 2 month break

Did they buff the nailgun? It seems like everyone uses it now and it seems more accurate

when it free