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this thread is going to die
>forgetting big papa of command grabs
Also tager sucks Pot all day
Are grapplers honest characters?
Yes, scrubs think big damage equals broken but grapplers require good reads and a solid neutral game to get anywhere beyond fishing for command grabs like a chode
So what are some examples of dishonest characters?
Characters like Cammy in SFV, she has normal buttons and tools that are so good they let her play like an absolute retard and still win.
Fake News, Shoto’s are the backbone of fighting games
>40 minutes and no Potemkin
Read the thread anime nigger
Shotos are the backbone of dishonesty.
Just like anyone Android #16 uses his super on
rushdown niggers
Stand aside
Potemkin, Tizoc
I don' normally play slow characters/grapplers but Machamp in pokken is so fun and just viscerally rewarding to making smart reads and play that I thing I might want to start.
Even when just watching majors on streams or whatever whenever there's a machamp up the entire chat just immediately roots for the machamp player and goes nuts. He's absurdly difficult to get in with, but when you do get in and land one of his grabs or submission, 1/3 of the character's health just vanishes.
>pot over tager
The mark of the fag.
>The absolute state of blazeblue fags
Enjoy your discount Guilty Gear designs fucko
Why do i so rarely see post about pokken?
You'd think a pokemon fighting game would be huge, but even on /vp/ nobody talks about it
You actually fucking think that the average pokemon fan touched a fighting game before or have the discipline to get good at one? Breeding for pokemon for hours on end and its branching autism is a completely different mindset required to play a fighting game decently.
>too designed around competitive play for casuals and pokemon fans, who just whine that there's not enough content/characters or it's too hard
>Is pokemon, and is on a nintendo platform, so FGC people think it's casualized or is like a naruto 3d arena button masher even though it isn't
Plus, it was on WiiU, and nintendo did an absolutely awful job marketing it then, and did only slightly less awful for the switch version; and then by not releasing the DLC for WiiU they made people think they abandoned it, and pissed people off by witholding it for the switch port.
I've never seen a good game get screwed over harder for reasons outside of it's own control/quality then I have with Pokken. The game still has a small, but active scene despite this, though.
>I've never seen a good game get screwed over harder for reasons outside of it's own control/quality then I have with Pokken.
It was on the WiiU
Any rushdown character where the game devs gave you ridiculously easy mixup tools. Common examples include a skill where the A version hits low, B hits high and C is a cross up, supers that set up a projectile that's +600 on block or more, and a ridiculously good grab with almost no whiff recovery.
So basically 80% of the cast of Skull Girls.