Tfw Amazon just approved me for a credit card with a 650 dollar cash limit

>tfw Amazon just approved me for a credit card with a 650 dollar cash limit
>will be able to buy a Switch, Zelda, a Pro controller and a new 32 inch HDTV

What games should I play to celebrate? I have Uncharted 4 and Overwatch on my backburner.

can you buy me a stick of RAM?

Good goy

>650 credit limit

Good god it must suck to be poor. I got a combined credit line of 328000.

I'm glad this came back, I missed it

it's in poor taste to talk about money. try to have just a little bit of class please.

Nah. "Class" is for schmucks anyway. Its not like its real money anyways. I only have it as a fire sale safety net. Max the shit out to buy everything I need to go permanently off the grid if my life ever completely blows up.

Don't spend money you don't have.

Thanks for reminding me I need to pay my credit card bills
Or do I


>not just paying off the minimum every month and cucking schlomo out of his shekels
I got these idiots in the palm of my hand, hehehe

>credit score is still only 719
this isn't faaaaair

>bragging about money
I wonder....

>32 inch HDTV
what is this, 2007 again?

>using money you don't even own

Don't do this user, just save a bit more and buy it. Or don't since the Switch is shitty.

>650 cash limit

Wow, rolling in the big bucks now.

So unless I'm missing something, what happens when OP needs to pay back the 650 dollars and he can't?

That's a really fucking good credit score. You can get literally anything.

>"Uncharted 4 and Overwatch"

Woooh, you know how to celebrate things dont you ?

user, do you have a way to pay it back?
if so, wouldn't it be better to save up and just use real money to buy those things?
or save up until you have the money, then use the credit card and pay it off immediately, building credit?

Nigga you can get a loan for anything with that score

? Arent you the shmuck? Ruining your credit history, percentage keep increasing? Why nit pay in full every month to avoid any percentage in first place? Have free visa card and no percentage if I pay it on time

I don't even own a credit card.
I just pay with real money.

Yeah, it is. I made a mistake, I got a credit card back in August and my credit score was hovering at around 615 until October and basically not moving. Then I stopped checking the past couple of months until I saw this thread and I saw it was 719 and didn't realize that was a whole hundred points higher.

Now that my credit score is good now what?

Credit scores are a meme even the people in charge of dont understand

Is this a standard topic of conversation between americans? Bragging about how much good goy points they have?

>amazon cc
are you 12

>Getting in debt

If you can't into cash only/debit you shouldn't be buying stuff unless is a matter of life and death.

user might be in a situation such as myself where my bank's debit cards can't be used as a credit card online

Nice OP. I also just bought myself a nintendo switch. Would be really nice to have some game recommendations

credit is great for overseas or safety net

If you have one of your parents make you an authorized user of one of their credit lines, then that adds the age of the line to your credit history.
Free 15+ years of credit history (provided your parents trust you and themselves aren't bankrupt fuckups)

Except debit cards are less secure, take overwhelmingly longer to fix false charges, have no advantages, and don't build credit.
Not having a credit card is literally one of the dumbest things you can do as an adult.

>using credit
>he thinks it's free money

>tfw borrowed $400,000 this month

Good thing there are no video games worth buying. There hasn't been a good non-indie game since 2014 so I'm set.


please tell me you niggers didnt actually get tricked into thinking that credit cards are bad

>credit card

>credit card
>credit score
America really is hopeless

Good goy, enjoy being in debt from 15 till the end of time.

the only thing poor ITT is you

Yesssss, more usury...

>Americucks literally celebrate indebting themselves
>AAAAAAAAH I'm broke because of those exploiting corporations, jews, banks and shiet!!!!11
Why can't you fucks just save up for stuff like normal people?

Whats the point of a credit equal to half an actual pay cheque?
Also dont fall into the credit scam and especially not something as miniscule and new as that. The only point of getting credit is for if you have a fulltime job and just want some points for airfares and bonuses like the bigger banks offer as well occasionally make a splurge purchase during the end of the pay cycle. . Based on the fact you can't even scrape together 650 I would highly recommend you avoid any credit systems.

>get amex card with cashback and no fees
>put all expenses on it
>pay off in full every month
>cashback paid in lump sum at end of year
>literally free money just for using it

>free money
it's actually a pittance from when they sell off your credit for income

Oh, absolutely. Nothing's truly free in this world, they're getting their money from somewhere. (I assumed merchant fees, which I believe are a bit higher for amex than visa/mastercard).

But the cashback means that buying stuff with this card is literally cheaper than buying it with cash/a debit card, with no catch. So it can be considered "free money" from my perspective.

Appearently only Americans do this. You're obsessed kek.

>>>actually bragging about using (((credit)))
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.
Be smart, for once.

Theres no such thing as banks in Europe

Because we are englighted and aware of own mortality, tomorrow is not guaranteed, therefore we need what we want now, instead of saving for a tomorrow that may never come

Why are you talking about the 650 as if it's free money? If you couldn't afford to spend it before, you shouldn't spend it now.
t. 803 credit score

borrowing for a business or house?

Why are people so retarded that they use money they don't have? Do people enjoy going into debt? I've used my MasterCard twice in my life, and those were emergency situations. And I payed it back within 3 weeks.

>no fun allowed

Damn that limit would only be able to buy the switch in Canada

>Credit cards
lmao americans are so funny

What kind of retard saves 3-5% on every purchase, tens of thousands of dollars on his mortgage, who-even-knows how much on car loans, and enjoys whatever frivolous perks his credit card has, instead of just using a debit card (and then having it stolen and going 6 months with an empty bank account as you're literally at the back of the queue for fraud investigation since it's your money and not the bank's that was stolen)

Yes goyim, have (((fun)))

>32 inch HDTV

Are credit cards seriously that worth it here in the US? I moved here recently and it's been a single debit card since. I just always saw it as the best way to just pay things straight up. Didn't know there were any sorts of benefits.

>not just borrowing 500,000 and then declaring bankruptcy 2 months later

This is why you are poor and all your descendants will be poor

You realize your debit cards cash supply and your actual personal savings are completely different right?

If someone managed to steal my shit and miraculously managed to buy stuff out of it, he'd get 50 quidazoids tops before going negative and being locked out.

Why would I need to build up credit if I'm not gonna use it. Jesus, credit cards are the goyest things to have as an adult.

The immediate benefits you'll see are probably minor stuff like 1% back when buying food or gas, but the long-term benefit is building up your credit score which will help you not get fucked by ridiculous interest if you mortgage a house or lease your car.

>not using it for all your purchases so you get free cashback
Literally why

Basically all arguments I hear that are for credit revolve around 'but it improves your credit!' so it's an oxymoron

If you plan on living in the US long enough to need a credit score (meaning you plan to buy cars and houses) then yes.
They're safer to use than Debit Cards and you can have them set up to pay automatically out of your checking account anyway.

This is the NEETest shit I've ever heard.
You realize your mom had her credit checked when she bought the house or rented the apartment you live in right?

Except for a house or possibly a car if you really need one, you should only buy things in cash. If you dont have the money now, save and get it later. Buying unnecessary shit on credit is why you are poor and will always be poor and they are rich from making money off rubes like you.

What are the downsides? I mean, it seems pretty obvious to then just have my card set to pay in full every month and use it for everything. That's what I did back in my home country.

There has to be some sort of catch here.

>32 inch HDTV
If you’re going to play on a screen that small, might as well buy a monitor instead.

He has debt collectors get after him. Eventually assets get seized but that takes time. His credit score would die and he wouldn't be capable of using most bank services, like auto loans, mortgages or credit cards. Using credit when you don't have to is retarded as fuck and anyone that does it deserves whatever happens as a result.

>32 inch

user, that's a monitor. Not a TV

Once your credit score is good enough you get offered cards with better benefits. I have one that offered 3% cash back on food and groceries, another that's 2% back from everything, and with my prime account, an Amazon card that offers 5% on anything I buy from Amazon. Literally hundreds of dollars a year in cash back.

Yes it is an oxymoron and is the thing why we all are enslaved, last month I tried to get a phone Internet plan and since I have never had a credit to my name (when I paid for college the credit was at my mom's name since I was underage when I started) So I couldn't get one, I absolutely loathe credit cards, I don't have to pay interests in top of handling everytime I do a purchase.

Fuck that shit.

No downsides to you other then banks having access to your purchase history and charging sellers merchant fees.

Vendors who accept cards have to pay a fee to the card company. A lot of places don't accept American Express, for example, because the fees that the vendor has to pay are higher than with other cards. I think it's like 5% of the transaction or something.
Also, of course, if you don't pay the full amount you get charged interest.

>He thinks it's the size of the display that determines whether it's a tv or a monitor

>paying interest instead of just paying the full amount every month and getting literal free money back.

>but it does literally one of the most important things you can do as an adult
Why am I even fucking arguing with literal children on Sup Forums
If you think Credit Cards are scary it's because you're a child.
Not having one literally means you don't deal with the most banal adult responsibilities or you can't trust yourself to live within your means.

The downside is that if you aren't duly diligent you get fucked in the ass.
Read a first timers guide to credit cards; people get fucked by getting scam cards with yearly fees, flat rates and half a dozen other scams.
And if you're one of the idiots (or handful of people in an emergency) that don't pay off the balance every month you get to realize why your 9th grade math teacher taught the rule of 72 for compound interest.

I hear there is something called a "utilization ratio". As in, getting close to maxing out the credit card limit actually hurting my credit score. I'm not sure what the limits are just yet (I'll do my research), but it seems if for example I have a credit limit of $1000, put $900 on the card, pay it in full every month, that's actually hurting my credit score. People seem to recommend 25% of the total max. Is this true?

>spending money you don't have

You missed the point.
Ah, autism.

you move past posting your credit score on a board for discussing video games

>Post ancient bait
>Sup Forums still falls for it and starts arguing
Every time

you're the one getting cucked my friend. The only way to actually game the schlomo is to pay it off in full every month so that interest never accrues. Paying the minimum and letting your debts accrue interest is what keeps you on the bank's leash

>650 limit
>stick of ram
uhh, user...

If you wanna build up credit story you must have credit, having the card doesn't magically makes appear your score moron

It's literally the basis of success in a capitalistic environment. Then again, you must be one of the soyboys who think that debt and loans are inherently a bad thing.

what is this most important thing in you adult life?
is it credit?

I don't live in burger land so I'm good. I've almost paid off my car and have bought a house without credit.

You're proving my point :^)

The most important thing in my life is Fareeha Amari.

You can always ask for a credit limit increase and depending on how much you use the card, your income etc they will usually give it to you. My Amazon card that offers 5% cash back on all Amazon purchases originally started at $2000 credit limit and they raised it without me even asking to $4K then 8K After a few years I got offered the card the gives 2% cash back on everything and that started me out at $20K so I assume my credit got pretty good.

What point? That you're a stupid faggot?

same tbqhyfamalamadingdong

>almost paid off my car
Nigger if you didn't buy it in full up front with cash or a check then you used credit.

It's not the limit on one card; it's your credit limit which is the combined total of all your open lines of credit.

If I have 5 cards totaling a maximum of $35,000, putting $4500 on the card with a max of $5000 and paying it off isn't hurting my credit.
However, putting $34,000 total on all the cards is.

Nearly maxing out your credit is a red flag because it means you're spending close to what they would consider is the maximum possible amount of money you can.

I don't care to guess what country you live in, but the fact that you're not sending these messages in semaphore implies that you have infrastructure, which implies you have banks, and no banking system in the entire world doesn't use some form of credit or analogous system.
What YOU are saying is that YOU don't understand how the credit system in your country works; which is all the further cemented by you stating "I've almost paid off my car" meaning you've TAKEN CREDIT.

I have to say, feels good to not be a american credit burger.

Get a starter card from your bank. You put in money as collateral and get a card with a credit limit of whatever you put in. Use that for a year, then get a real card.

Why do I need credit to buy a fucking car and house?

Why can't I just pay it upfront with my cash?

Who was camera?