If you dont think mass effect 2 is the best RPG of all time your an idiot

if you dont think mass effect 2 is the best RPG of all time your an idiot

It's a piece of shit cover shooter. First game is the only one worth playing.

At least type properly

I like mass effect 2 a lot but this is wrong

Preteen spotted.

Do you even know what an RPG is? Sage for idiocy.

Says the idiot who never played Planescape

Nigga there aren't even skill stats in Mass Effect it's not an RPG obvious bait

get your cover shooter bullshit outta here

That's not Morrowind/Deus Ex/Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines
Also, ME1 is way better

It has massive plot issues that led to ME3 being such a disappointment.

>Mass Effect 2

Improve your bait. Even 3 is more of a fucking RPG.

>yet another "Sup Forums recommended RPGs" chart in the making
>even contains shit like Skyrim
>ME2 not nominated once

ME2 and 3 had such great gameplay and atmosphere with some disappointing plot points and set pieces. I'll never understand why people like the first one though, among the mako parts and the way the shooting and gear system works, there was too much wrong with the game

not enough waifus

If you actually like this hollywoodized piece of trash and gears of war clone then you're a colossal idiot.


>There will never be a third game

Have you ever played a sequel and kept thinking about the previous game the whole time? So much so that you go back to it once you're done?
That happened to me with ME2 and Oblivion.

>going back to play oblivion


I went back to play Morrowind and ME1
Still replay them to this day, every year

whats your opinion then gramps

The only acceptable answers for best WRPG of all time are ones that Origin Systems developed. Ultima 4-7 are all acceptable answers, as are Ultima Underworld 1 and 2 or even the Worlds of Ultima games.

morrowind makes for a pretty terrible rpg
it's more of a world to explore and learn about than to roleplay in

Any shirtless pics of the guy? he's hot desu

Google Mark Vanderloo
ME is /hm/


Thanks for ruining mass effect 1 by being the type of nob they wanted as an auidience for 2 and 3

Not even the Codex thinks they are the best cRPGs of all time.

Shepard's cute thoo.
Do you think he'll let me smell his pecs?

RPG Codex is full of casual faggots. In terms of pure role-playing, no CRPG can touch the Ultima series.

Are you a sweatfag?

LOL. Mako gameplay was the precursor to Andromeda and loot consisted of generic pieces of armor/weapons with numbers attached to them. The gun gameplay was literally just hold down the mouse button. I bet your the type that plays destiny

Nah, i just like to fap to sweaty muscle men, specially if their pecs are hairy.
yumm! can't wait to fap in front of pecs when i find a husband

>stripped almost every rpg feature from me1
this is like saying skyrim is the best rpg in the elder scrolls series

Is the mako the only thing you paid attention to? Your exaggerating your view of it.

Bringing up destiny? Yea your young as fuck.

No? But it seems you are the only one paying attention to it, because it seems you can't see the rest of my post

IMO it had one of the best -finales- RPG wise (the Collector Base) but that's about it. ME1 had a better story, setting, and atmosphere, and ME3 had better combat.

>i like sorting through massive lists of shit gear

I wrote a second reply to you kid . Sorry if Sup Forums user puts you off

Well it's the 22nd century and everyone is hairless in ME

And the most pointless plot. ME2 was your average Michael Bay movie, everything watered down and catering to the lowest common denominator, starting with the soundtrack

The only other reply to my post is an user saying bring up a videogame implies being young. Since it had nothing to do with what I was saying and was a dumb leap in logic, I ignored it and assumed that the original person I was replying to wasn't a complete retard but I guess I was wrong eh

>Do you even know what an RPG is?
Fact: You can roleplay more in ME2 than 99% of JRPGs

Everything you just wrote didn’t add anything to mass effect conversation. Lawl

Not until i force him to grow hairy sweaty pecs and he becomes my fapbait forever, yuumm!

By surviving squadmates? That's the only thing that carries over, choices don't mean dick

Yeah, obviously responding to that user didn't add anything to the ME conversation because he himself doesn't bring anything to it because he didnt understand my criticisms with the first ME. My original post did.

Lawl you are one socially needy fuck. I’m surprised you even played any of the mass effects in its entirety

Mass Effect isn't even an rpg you mouth breathing retard. There's no skill points, no consequences or multiple paths to progress a quest. Pic related was the last good rpg to release this decade.

I agree but NV fags are insufferable cunts

Mass effect 1 had skill points. Part two didn’t

>reply to my comment multiple times without any substance
>try to grab my attention after I ignored one of your replys
Stop projecting buddy.

Did you really write that? Fuck has this place indoctrinated you.

I'm replaying in right now, dunkass.

Those are only NCRfags or Wild Card autistic brainlets. New vegas is a good, proper RPG game.

Another reply not even a minute after my mine? Yikes, again stop with the projection.

lawl are you scared also, faggot

You are displaying qualities of a sociopath. Quite scary indeed.

name some sociopaths you know of

so what you are saying is im going down the renegade path.

Legion is literally the best faction. Anyone who objects is a fucking degenerate profligate.

I don't get Mass Effect. I tried it because people always say it's like Star Trek but it didn't appeal to me the way Trek does at all, even just judging it for what it is it just feels so unremarkable in every regard. I can see people liking it, but that people think it's phenomenal is beyond me.

ME1 had skill points. You could spend them on weapon skills (depending on what class you're playing), charisma (paragon/renegade seperate) or other class specific skills, that rewarded you with passive enhancements and (improved) abilities at certain thresholds. There were also quests with multiple ways to solve them (e.g. the one where you scan the Keepers in the Citadel, whether you kill the colonists on Feros, etc.), although I have to agree that it wasn't done as often as in FNV.
And by the way, with ME1 being older than FNV, your last statement doesn't say anything about ME1's quality.

it was too easy head shotting everything with a sniper rifle even on hard
I'll admit it looks pretty good even today and runs great in 4k with dsr


Is this bait?

its the only game that makes you feel like youre in a modern space opera, that and KOTOR and waifus

op he're, yes i did it to get more replies b/c i love me some mass effect 2

Kotor is still a thing faglord.

Best of Mass Effect series? Arguably. Best RPG ever? That's a bait.

spoony is that you?
Come back noah we miss you


You are aware that planescape itself is over eighteen, and thus you are pretending to be retarded as a gag, yes?

Mass effect is an rpg for normies

Normies don’t actually play games. They get achievements