Zelda fans only dislike Skyward Sword and Breath of the Wild because they are the most recent entries in the franchise...

>Zelda fans only dislike Skyward Sword and Breath of the Wild because they are the most recent entries in the franchise. Once newer entries come out they'll start retroactively liking them.
If that's true, did the same happen with Link Between Worlds when it came out?

BotW was so good that it broke the Zelda cycle.

General consensus on Breath of the Wild has always been good. General consensus (that it's trash) hasn't changed since the release of a newer Zelda.

link between poop was always poop

ALBW has always been considered great.

I could never understand the appeal to this game, ALTTP is better in pretty much every way save for music, but even then most of ALBW's soundtrack are remixes/renditions of ALTTP themes

It didn't break shit, it's just so detached from the rest of the series that it can't really be quantified on the same scale as the rest

The vast majority of the Zelda fanbase loves BotW. Most of the negativity you see on this board is really dissenting opinion if anything.

SS, in contrast, had much more negativity surrounding it back in 2011.

That's not really true. ALBW got a ton complaints when it came out, and I actually really like that game.

This most recent entry crap has never been true. 3D Zelda games were just on a decline until BotW. ALBW was loved on release. Nobody's going to start loving Triforce Heroes when a new top down Zelda comes out.

This. I don't think anyone really disliked ALBW. People were a little putoff because you could buy the items almost immediately but other than that everything was pretty fuckin great about it. Its my favorite 2D Zelda tbqhwyf.

>it's just so detached from the rest of the series that it can't really be quantified on the same scale as the rest

Just because it uses a different formula from OoT doesn't mean we can't quantify it. All Zelda games should be judged on their own merits, not by arbitrary standards based on what other titles tried to do.

>fans dislike
I like all of them. Besides some boss designs and that collecting of music notes in the water at the end i really loved skyward sword. Nothing wrong with botw either besides the fps drops, i hope they don’t waste the oppertunity of this world and add more to it in the future and not only these 2 dlcs so far.

I think the worst part about ALBW is that Nintendo made a great engine for 2D Zeldas on 3DS but has since only used it for Tri-force Heros. I like ALBW but there's so much wrong with it on a fundamental level with the world design and rental system, if they could just make an entirely new 2-D Zelda without the rental system or nostalgia pandering of the LttP fans they have everything in place to make a fantastic entry. My biggest fears are with BoTW's gangbusters success they're going to abandon development of all 2-D titles (if there was any after Tri-force Heros) to focus more on the next big open world title.

They confirmed the only DLC for BOTW is what's out now

I thought SS, while still an overall good game, was a pretty big step down in quality from previous 3D Zelda games. The sky itself was especially insulting, it was just the ocean from WW but worse in every possible way.

ALBW was trash.

The only time that's been true is Wind Waker.

I disliked it for being a 1:1 copy of ALTTP, even if it wasnt.

Call it whatever you want, but that was just nintendo being lazy

It's pretty good, the wall merging mechanic is awesome and the items from the start too.

The antiALBW crowd always has the most retarded ""arguments"" and reasons for hating it. It's the Super Mario 3D World of Zelda. One of the better games but the community has a raging hateboner for them for whatever invalid reason or another.

Man I liked the game but if you don't think it being a retread of LttP's world and the item rental system did not hurt the overall quality of the game I don't think you're thinking critically about the game.

Having alttps world but with the painting mechanic was honestly better than a new world. Seeing how the painting mechanic fundamentally changes how you play 2d Zelda was awesome. They're the same general over world but feel totally different to traverse.
>Item rental
You could have just started here so I wouldn't have dignified your retardation with a response. The "poke around for the one place you can go, go that way til you get the dungeon item, use the dungeon item on everything" is a trash gameplay loop.

I liked ALBW from the start. Admittedly the art style and graphics threw me off at first but it's sure as hell more of a Zelda game than BoTW and Skyward Sword combined.

The ending with hilda and ravio was pretty cool too with the music building up :'[

I really liked ALBW honestly. It's been years since I played ALTTP so them reusing the map didn't feel lazy at all. Rather it felt nice to see the Hyrule I know years down the line, especially since they changed enough to keep it interesting and fresh. I wish that more games were set in the same map as previous games but with such alterations.

>Having alttps world but with the painting mechanic was honestly better than a new world.
user it was entirely possible for them to have that mechanic in AND have an entirely new overworld. It was not necessary for them to reuse the same general layout. The excuse "but look how you can traverse the same world differently!" is a shitty one.

>Item Rental

Item Rental was a poorly implemented system on multiple levels. First thing wrong with the item rental system is that it allows you to go anywhere in any order. "But wait!" You might be thinking. "That's the best part!" I disagree. This problem is twofold. Games need difficulty curves to constantly challenge and keep the player engaged, but if you allow the player to circumvent or tackle any obstacle in any order the difficulty curve is less apparent as the developers cannot slowly scale up the difficulty per dungeon. This means the game overall, is incredibly easy. There are only a few spikes in difficulty in ALBW. One post prologue, one post master sword and one pre-final dungeon. The second problem is that dungeons because of the rental system cannot use or rely on the other items, as it is possible the player does not have the tool required. This makes the dungeons even more one dimensional. The game cannot introduce multiple layered puzzles, utilizing multiple tools or knowledge gained from an earlier dungeon because there is no way of knowing what the player has done before encountering the puzzle at hand. Each dungeon needs to be designed from the stand point of "this might be the first place the player will enter at this point in the game" instead of having each dungeon grow in complexity as you progress. The removal of the items mid dungeon also takes away a more tangible reward in game. The big treasures you find now are passive upgrades, instead of entirely new gameplay mechanics. (cont.)

(Part 2) The exact thing you posted "each zelda dungeon is just you running around until you find the item and use that item the entire dungeon" is more true in ALBW than any other Zelda, except the part where you need to find the item in the first place. The "punishment" for dying with the rental system is laughable. Assuming you even die because of how simple and easy the game is for it's entire duration, you will have the funds to replace whatever it is you dropped because of how much money the game is constantly throwing at you. Assuming the worst and you don't, then you need to grind for the money to re-rent the items.