Resident Evil

It's that time again, dudes.

w i f e

when is remake 2 coming?

post your raire claires

>revelations 1 on sale 75% off
>add to basket
>it's full price
>remove it
>try again
>it's 25% now

You must be 18 to post on Sup Forums. Come back when you're older and have better taste.

>wow revelations 2 for 1 dollar?!
>it's episodic


Jan 7 2018 is the offical release date

please post more Claire

should I play the original RE0/RE on GCN or just skip and play the remakes on PC?

I didnt want this thread to devolve into a Jill circlejerk

>RE2 Leon
Rookie who doesn't know what he's doing and gets burned for trusting too much

>RE4 Leon
Badass 2kool4u super spy

>Degeneration Leon
Becoming cynical and jaded. Can't even manufacture excitement at seeing Claire again

Now exceedingly jaded and cynical

Why can't we just settle down Ada?

post claire


just watched the films, waiting on vendetta till I play re7

re8 is going to be LEONS game

Why is there a Tiger tank in modern Japanese airport?
RE is stupid.

No, play RE before REmake. It still holds up and is a completely different game.

leon already had 1 great game, 1 good game, and 1 bad game.

Rebecca deserves a shot at a great game

Oh my bad. I read that wrong. Just play the HD remasters.

is revelations 2 good? I love claire but is the game good?

Yeah its better than 5 but worse than 4

good enough for me

who is the best RE character?

Is the bottom left a white guy though? How did they do that?

Give it to me straight

which non-numbered Resident Evils do I NEED to play? I'm really only thinking of getting Revelations 1/2 at the moment.

Chris and it's not even close, sorry waifuniggers but he punches boulders and saves the world.

code veronica is the best non-numbered one

I should have said aside from that one, I have it along with 0-7. I'm probably gonna get revelations anyways now that I'm already thinking about it.


I bought it for Claire and it's great, a lot better classic horror setting than the fucking cruise ship in Rev 1 and can be quite challenging on higher difficulties.

>want to watch RE: Vendetta
>haven't played RE6 or RE7 since I'm broke and my PC got bricked

I want to face fuck her with the sandwich still in her mouth. Just say'n

>PC got bricked
stop downloading porn

my dad threw it out a window then took a sledgehammer to it

Stop watching cp

did u watch re vendetta
does it have any major spoilers for the games

Leon and Jill are the mains

>RE threads usually garner tons of unique posters
>not so much on a Friday

Resident Evil bros confirmed chads

No, are you blind?

The Connections. Tell me about them.

It got guns and zombies. That's pretty Chad.

Can't say I have, the movies never really caught my interest.




Two very cute girls.

Oct 2018

>brags about being an oldfag
>posts nu-Resident Evil and not original

Claire Redfield is 5 years the senior to REmake Jill

>a 17 year old game in nu-RE
Fuck off.

relative to RE1 and RE2, yes it is

Becky is strictly non-combatant now. She'll be a support character for Chris if she ever appears again, similar to how Hunnigan is to Leon.

Remake came out 2 years after RE3.
They only look so different because of the huge leap in power between those systems. REmake is very much a classing RE game.
I would consider 4 the start of nu-RE because of the major change in gameplay/narrative/style.


what kind of girl do you think she was before she turned

she killed the first Tyrant in RE history. she can handle herself


He really needs to start going on solo missions. He clearly doesn't need a team to get things done, and all those dead teammates were obviously wearing him down mentally.

I've been thinking about getting into these games. Do I have to play them in order? There's a fuck ton of RE titles on xbox but since there's no 2 and 3 I don't know where to start.

No major spoilers other than that Los Illumindos is apparently still a functional group and still involved with BOWs[/spoilers]

>Do I have to play them in order?
No, play 1 and 2. That's all.

She hasn't fired a gun in 20 years. She's been working in labs and teaching at universities. She's plucky and can improvise in a pinch, but she's not a capable combatant anymore.

>there are anons in this very thread that don't consider Becky best RE girl


sorry I'm not attracted to teenage boys

You forgot Vendetta Leon
>Casualty doesn't matter, do what you must.

>implying that doesn't make it better


Why is Zero hated on so much? Isn't it closer to the old Resident Evils than the new ones?

RE2 remake better have a first person option. Just saying.

>play RE 1 Remaster
>getting my ass handed to me since I suck at dodging zombies

I nearly forgot this series used to be survival horror, with the emphasis on survival.

learn how to backstep dodge.

that would be neat
I guess they could put restrictions on sensitivity so you don't have a big advantage over tank controls, or they won't really give a fuck and leave some modern controls in there as well like REmake and zero

I'm more concerned that the Tiger has a sloped LFP.... also the turret looks too small and too far forward.

I have yet to play it but I heard there's just some really annoying parts and there's some faggotry going on with the character switching as well

No chest is fucking gay and the story is worse than CV's

>King Tiger in background

What are they trying to tell me?

poor item management

not him but that's the one where you bait the zombie into lunging, then step back, run straight into them and turn to slip around them right?

King Tiger


yes, its even easier with a knife and in RE0 the knife attack will actually launch you backwards so dodging zombies is even easier


wait is it only useful in re0 or is it just easier than using the knife to help with it in REmake

I have never played the games but I like the girls.
Rebecca is my favourite.

the knife will allow you to move faster compared to any other weapon so its better to use that when you need to dodge but it only really helps in RE0

That is just a regular tiger. This is king tiger

But user playing the games is the best way to appreciate the girls.

what a cool name for tank!!!!!! that would be awesome to drive it and shoot people in it!!!!!!!!!


What the fuck are you doing?

Becky focused RE game when? She is one of the few characters that can realistically star in a horror focused RE game because she isn't a badass zombie killer like Chris, Jill, Leon, or Claire.

I honestly don't give a crap.

Language, user.

She was just in a movie. She got kidnapped and infected with a fucking virus THREE TIMES! If Chris or Billy wasn't there to save her ass, she'd be as dead as the rest of Bravo Team.

Adding more enemiescould balance it, having first person as a different mode altogether would be the best optipn

Bros. I can't get my mind off of this. Why do the Resident Evil girls all have 10/10 asses.

>really want to play through the series
>now on 2
>the remake has been confirmed

talking about how I like tanks!!!!!!!

RE1 and RE2 are the best of the series, REmake2 is one of the few games I'm looking forward too