This game fuckin sucks

this game fuckin sucks.

there's so many goddamn moons it completely sucks the novelty out of finding them, the stupid chime happens every 10 seconds. you get one for fucking sitting on a bench. it's like botw if all you could do is find korok seeds, but at least in botw its not the entire focal point of the game.

on top of that, the fucking stupid hat tricks let you immediately move 20 feet in any direction, completely taking the challenge out of level traversal once you have mastered them, you no longer have to intelligently use the environment along with mario's acrobatics in order to get where you want to go.

fuckin thing sucks./

haha ok cūck

6/10 at best

you earned a moon just for making this thread

The game or the post?


Shitty Thread On Sup Forums Made By A Fag



TLDR: OP is a fag

The people this game is targeted to will feel more accomplishment for each moon they get and will have a tougher yet more rewarding experience mastering the movement options, this game clearly wasn't made for your demographic

Hol up
I know this is bait, but does ANYONE think that all the "advanced tricks" break the game or the levels?

Because it seems that they are required for many tasks, actually. Specially the captain toad and such

Try getting 500 or even 999 moons before you shitpost, game is scaled well in this respect

>OP doesn't like game
>"lol 100% the game and then shitpost faggot"

do you even


The point was about it being easy, of course a AAA Nintendo game is easy but if he played longer than 10 hours he should be able to see that there is enough challenge to satisfy anyone

>thing is easy when you learn how to do thing
Thanks for this insightful thread OP

OP didn't say anything wrong.
I don't think Odyssey is going to be remembered as fondly as Galaxy or Sunshine even.

I beat it and I don't think I died once, but I guess the challenge lies in actually obtaining the moons. Some of them were tough and I felt accomplished after getting them, but I don't know if they were fun necessarily

WTF you get a star for groundpounding a post game sux

Yeah but that was actually difficult because chain chomps kill you in 3 hits and you have to be very precise with the buttstomp

>bait the chainchomp once
>hit the post three times
wow so fucking difficult


>first 3d mario
>first level in Mario 64
>thinks pointing out easy star in first level is equivalent to finding 5 moons by doing nothing

Are you dumb?




is this that same angry nigger that cried BotW won GOTY?

Not only that, but in some cases the Korok Seeds are actually more engaging to obtain. Just yesterday I found a rather obscure Korok puzzle playing BotW that I never would have seen an equivalent for in Odyssey, and I'm almost up to 800 Moons in that game.

.....this almonds.....can't handle it.....

>thinking user was saying n64 difficult.

N64 isnt hard. Its gets outs for being easy because its thr first game of it's kind oddessey is the 5th game of its kind and should not have moons all over the place.

Why does it matter if there are easy moons? How does having some moons lying around detract from the challenge levels that are all over the place? Also who the fuck expected a Mario game to be hard?

Not hard but challenging, Sweetie

You're legitimately retarded if you expected anything above 64 level of difficulty.

Who outside of this board and Twitch speedrunners remembers Sunshine fondly?

Marios have become walking simulators with a few pot holes.

They are meant for kids, not you.

>Moon cap is 999
>Alot of these have to be bought
>This actually triggers a event so it is needed for 100%

Worse than blue coins

Gg ez, you mad lol

I found almost every moon was way too easy. I can't think of any that required you to actually use the hat as mario

good post

I got about 600 and thought most of the moons were ridiculously easy. What really pissed me off was a huge amount of the moons that are from the moon rocks are also very easy. I also don't get why they make you fight the boring bosses again with a small change. I stopped after a few just because they're so boring.

You don't need to get 100% unless you have a terminal case of autism