Daily reminder that in less than a month kat's game will have no longer online and thus some outfits will be unattainable
Also gravity rush thread
Daily reminder that in less than a month kat's game will have no longer online and thus some outfits will be unattainable
Also gravity rush thread
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Are they not doing anything to make them obtainable in a seperate way?
Why is this literal daily shilling allowed?
im friends with someone who works at sony and they're releasing a pack with all the outfits for 4.99 after the online goes down.
Sadly, it doesn't seem so
this probably means it's the end of Kat's adventures
>Sony game
>Online servers up for less than a year
they really are in trouble arent they
Umm they're a business, profit comes first, its not making any money so
when will kat's game go on sale
You realize there's no actual reason to get rid of the outfits when they could just make Dusty Tokens in game currency where you buy them with real cash right?
>this probably means it's the end of Kat's adventures
Doesn't it state this fact flat out in the end? Let Kat live happily with her other half, you jerk.
She's probably gonna be a lazy neet and stay on her sewer pipe eat junk food and read comics, while Raven does the work.
>white shifter is unavailable anyway
nothing can be done to change that
Brings up a serious question, how did she pay for the Skewer in the first Hekseville chapter? I don't believe for a second that she has any amount of money and nobody remembers her well enough for a courtesy shout at that point.
>while Raven does the work
Raven's obviously going to bring in the money in their little pipe household, while Kat gets taken advantage of around town by literally everyone and their dogs.
>tfw there will never be another collab with another series
at least we've lived long enough to witness the 2b outfit
I got all my Dusty tokens, got the white costume.
I still need to actually finish all side missions and max out Kat's combat stats, but that can wait. It was nice to go back to Hekseville and Jirga during these last few weeks and play again.
kat is an ugly whore and the only good part in gravity rush was when the other girl made her her bitch
If you want the webm, all you have to do is ask
Kat is not ugly and she is pure.
I want Raven to step on me.
Alright lads, is the remaster worth $30? I keep waiting for it to go on sale but it aint.
I got it for $25 and don't regret it at all, that was new though
$30 is alright. It is not nearly as long a game as GR2, you're probably going to squeeze 20 hours out of it maximum if you do every single side mission & challenge.
delet this
Don't worry it was consensual
post more of these two
I'm going to marry Kat!
Which outfits will be unattainable? I bought the game two months ago but haven't played much of it yet
Is there porn of the celestial cat?
Can you farm dusty coins?
>tfw just platinum'd GR1 and about to start GR2 tomorrow first thing in the morning after a good night's sleep
This is a damn shame. One of the most original games along with the previous game, and people have hardly played it.
People complain the controls are hard, which in all fairness is understandable, but they are actually very nice when you get used to it and understand that flying is not the only way to get around.
Luckily people have a gazillion first person shooters and free roam "rpgs" to play so they won't ever care.
There's a farming group where people send you challenges to tie their score of killing one enemy.
Mining clothes, Scholgirl 1 and Shifter 1. A few other stuff too, but none of it's essential.
Do not lewd Dusty.
Treasure hunts.
Why don't they just host it on ps+ servers? Better keep the thing alive in someway than shutting it down completely.
I don't know anything about this game I just saw the cat in the catalog and it made me hard, is the cat male or female?
The fucking Ratchet and Clank 3 servers are still up (for PS3). What the fuck is their excuse?
wait, really?
Yea actually. And the ones for the fucking PS2 version were still up until the HD collection.
I think Japan Studio just hates leaving central servers running
Toyama is even following GravityRushCentral on twitter, does he not notice the whole thing about the servers?
Why not unlock all of the outfits for us from the start after online goes down? Or let them unlock as you progress?
Or is that too much work?
Because it devalues the effort everyone else went through to unlock them.
Furthermore, with the token buff it takes less than one week to unlock everything. There's no reason anyone who owns this game already should not have everything unlocked if they want to.
>Because it devalues the effort everyone else went through to unlock them.
Oh fuck off, nobody gives a shit.
>Furthermore, with the token buff it takes less than one week to unlock everything.
I already unlocked everything and I think it's shitty. I don't even care about the stupid outfits, I just think the online is fun.
Fuck off yourself. You don't always get to have something just because you want it.
It takes like five or six hours spread out over a week to earn the 6000 tokens you need. There's almost a month left before they shut the servers down. You have plenty of time, so quit whining and go play the game if you actually want those rewards. And if you don't want to play the game, why the fuck do you want the rewards?
I'm broke. Maybe next year.
GR3 with milf Kat when
Nah, it shouldn't be hard to add an 'unlock Dusty items' on the PS store
Who said it would be hard?
They obviously just don't want to.
Two girls can't have a baby together, user. Even if they really want to.
I'd rather they just not fucking shut down the servers for a game that isn't even a year old
>"It devalues all my hard work!"
>"Dude it's not that hard just do it now"
Sony's a big boy user, you don't need to make a fool out of yourself doing free PR work for them.
There is no justification for a game losing single player content after the online is shut down.
I've only just got over 2000 myself in between story missions, they're not going up all that fast. I rarely get challenges and find photos either.
I don't really mind because I've already got the school girl though.
>The only dusty token reward I want is the most expensive
Who said it was justified? What are you talking about?
If you want to grind out dusty tokens just do one of the early challenge missions over and over and get a score that a new player can't possibly beat
>Fuck off yourself. You don't always get to have something just because you want it.
>It takes like five or six hours spread out over a week to earn the 6000 tokens you need. There's almost a month left before they shut the servers down. You have plenty of time, so quit whining and go play the game if you actually want those rewards.
So either it is justified, or it's not justified but you shouldn't criticize it because that would hurt a sperg's feelings.
This desu. I didn't even touch challenges until after getting my 6000, but it could have gone so much fucking faster if I did them earlier. Now, I don't even do them on my own, but I accept challenges, get a great score while I'm against them, and just send a coupe of those out each time. I always turn my game on now with like 5 wins at a time, and wins give the objectively highest amount for a single activity. 180x5+ adds up fast
I kind of like it because of how unique it is, but there were so many fucking times where I got stopped when I felt like the fan(s) weren't even near me. Then there were times where I felt like I should have been stopped because of how close they are to me, but I wasn't. Not to mention people randomly spawning differently every time you play. That challenge is just bullshit rng all around
Daily reminder that Kat is a miracle and does NOT smell bad.
I have no idea how you extrapolated from that post that I was trying to justify the removal of the content. You're seeing shit that is not there.
I'm telling you to suck it up and earn the rewards if you want them so badly. There is still more than enough time. You can waste your time whining about how you deserve them for free, if you want, but they already confirmed that isn't happening.
Yeah get fucked mate. Not everyone is going to have played it and you're just punishing players for not buying it, even if it is cosmetic shit.
Syd isn't a girl, user ;^)
I spent 4 minutes the other day getting instantly caught by the fans that spawned after my screen went black.
On the plus side that challenger got an easy win and some other user's gonna have an easy time beating me for some tokens.
>I have no idea how you extrapolated from that post that I was trying to justify the removal of the content. You're seeing shit that is not there.
Other than calling the people complaining about it entitled? I already got them and it took no effort, but that's not the point. There is no good reason for single player only content to be locked forever because of the online portion getting shut down.
>I spent 4 minutes the other day getting instantly caught by the fans that spawned after my screen went black.
Oh yeah, forgot about this part. THIS is the #1 most bullshit garbage, those faggots walking into you right when you respawn. Fuck that
What and said. It's not that the shit is hard or takes awhile, since it's not. It's just that if you have other games in your backlog, or can't afford the game now or something, tough luck, because you're forced to buy it now if you want these. I'm definitely one of those people who bought it earlier than I wanted to solely for this stuff. Was a total "I'll get around to it someday" sort of game, and I'm genuinely glad I ended up playing 1 and 2 now, but this shit isn't fair. 1 year for servers is pathetic and insulting, regardless of how these sold. And to top it off, it's Sony's fault for their idiotic lack of advertising and every other they they mismanaged it all.
What is it about Gravity Rush threads that makes people act like retards?
"hurr kat is cute/pure" or "huhhh kat is smelly/hobo" Jesus, why does this always happen?
Anyway, I'm getting GR2 for Christmas, glad there's still time left for tokens.
That's not exclusive to this game, it's calssic waifufag shitposting. It's occasionally ironic so don't think too much about it.
>Other than calling the people complaining about it entitled?
That's not the same thing.
Yes it sucks for people buying the game in the future, to not have access to a couple costumes. But people asking to get them without having to earn them ARE acting entitled. They can still earn them, they have plenty of time to earn them, they HAVE HAD plenty of time to earn them. People who currently own the game don't really have an excuse not to already have this stuff, if they actually wanted any of it.
In no way does that mean I am trying to justify having the content become inaccessible. That's retarded. Of course I'd prefer that the online features just remain active, but that simply isn't the case.
>"hurr kat is cute/pure" or "huhhh kat is smelly/hobo" Jesus, why does this always happen?
You say that like it only happens in these threads.
I wasn't really a waifufag before I played this. She really is fucking cute, to be fair.
I actually agree on that point of flat-out giving them for free being stupid. You know how you get certain furniture from doing sidequests as a reward? Why don't they just now attach a flat 500 tokens across some sidequests now? Or even like 100 per sidequest, if you really want to keep some of the grind? You'd just have to replay the ones you already beat, but it's better than nothing. Or I fucking hate it, but just put it up as DLC for like $5 at most
I just wish Kat had bigger tits, is all. How old is she supposed to be, anyway (in human years, I mean)?
Also, upload them on Lei Colmosna around where you first arrive
You may only respond to this post if you are the owner of white Kat.
Reporting in
Feels good.
I can think of several situations where someone might want to get the stuff but can't, like because of work or money, I've seen some of those people posting in these threads. One guy said he was on a trip and wouldn't be back until it was already over. It shouldn't even be a problem to begin with, they should just add them to the regular game. This isn't an MMO where you have to have a dedicated team use black magic to reverse-engineer a bunch of lost server stuff it's just some costumes that you can already only use in single player.
or they could just make a patch with the stuff. This is why i dislike online components in games. SHIT preservation potential.
An offline method for earning Dusty tokens would be ideal.
>or they could just make a patch with the stuff
That's the worst part. They could easily do this shit, too. But they don't care enough
I want to marry Kat
same but I still gotta do the shining girl mission
Late teens probably.
That's the best part user, you're in for a treat.
Yeah, I always figured she's 17 or 18.