Dragon Ball Fighter Z/DBFZ discussion thread.
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Dragon Ball Fighter Z/DBFZ discussion thread.
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Oh and for the fun of it - all confirmed characters with invisible backgrounds to create your team mockups
Kefla for DLC
Post those teams boys.
Which character is worse:
Teen Gohan or Fat Buu?
Is kid buu in?
These are great
No, but Kid Buu is in
>another Dragon Ball FighterZ thread
shitty crop and black background cause I'm a paint subhuman
hit point, gotenks support, chad as anchor (for now)
That's a tough one. Teen Gohan seems to only have the assist going for him, which Chadhan has anyway... I guess at least Kid Buu has his own gimmicks? Maybe?
He has a nice overhead to open people up...
>playing more than one saiyan
>Gohan as anchor and Gotenks mid
>not the other way around
>another thread
>another day
>another minute
>another second
Why do people keep saying SS2 Gohan is bad?
>Not playing more than one saiyan
Here's mine
>not playing a full team of saiyans
>Why do people keep saying SS2 Gohan is bad?
He's boring gameplay-wise
>The character that benefits the most from meter is anchor
makes sense to me dweeb
So he isn't bad he's just boring? He's just a beginner character so I don't see the problem.
isn't gohan most logically an anchor? blow up those bars and pop x-factor and go to town? plus he should be very self-sustaining in terms of combo potential because of reverse beat
meanwhile gotenks doesn't really seem to have anything to make him an anchor, but he has a godlike assist
he doesn't seem to have anything exceptional/unique about him, he's part of the generic simple characters they introduced at first, but he's also stubby af
Because he's fucking useless.
He doesn't have a single good thing besides damage.
Well, more than the reason I gave.
he just seems like a stubby version of vegeta/goku/trunks.
none of his specials really give the impression he has some godlike move to open people up
his dp assist is cool but chad has it too...
Gotenks intro is so fucking good
>show's the fusion dance
>goes up every level of Super Saiyan as the camera cuts to a different shot
Fucking incredible shit they did man, I t was better than I expected.
Whom team stoic/boring?
80's as fuck trailer. I like it
Nappa, by far.
Please rate my team. Gonna have a blast with these guys btw
>another faggot on Sup Forums
Okay thanks for the info, I was going to play him to get use to the game before I dive into my real team. The damage is good though right?
Reminder that if you have two or more of these bad boys on your team you have a gigantic penis:
Nappa, Piccolo, Tien, Krillin, Freeza, Ginyu, 16
I'll fucking fight you
What do you think the sales are gonna be?
Who don't you guys just go to /vg/?
>Krillin and Piccolo
Fuckin A. But what happens to my penis size if I include 18 or Hit?
p good but whats with the image
High because DBZ
I mean anything we say here can easily blow up at the end of the day.
We're just theorycrafting based on what we've seen, but for all we know his normals could have amazing frame data we can't possibly know yet and he will be strong.
The damage for characters in this game is the same all around the board, really, it's more of a question of what combos you can pull off of them.
Just play whatever characters you want, it really won't change anything until we have a real meta develop, which could take months.
You will have to settle for an 8 inches one instead of the 10 inches you would have with a third bad boy.
confirmed dlc
Would you rather have Gohan with Sparking or Gohan with a tracking assist?
At least 3 million worldwide
Thanks, Doc.
doc, this dose is a little weak.
10 inches dick confirmed
Who would fit on my Hit and Tien team
Thanks doc
More than Xenoverse 2.
Less than Xenoverse 1.
You're gonna want a beam assist character for sure
point hit, anchor tien, any support for mid (vegeta, cell, kid buu, gotenks, ginyu)
Tien's thing is going to be destroying problem characters. Shin Kikoho can drop a character from 100% to 20% in a single go. So you're going to want a good battery to build meter for Tien.
any Goku
>Shin Kikoho can drop a character from 100% to 20% in a single go. So you're going to want a good battery to build meter for Tien.
>Enemy blocks
>Tien loses almost as much life as well
>burned all your meter
great game plan
I hope this team is worth it or else I'll look like an idiot.
Now that the power level list for the ToP is
Golden Freezer
What could we get for future arcs?
>Enemy blocks
>You simply stop using Kikoho
It's that easy retard.
>Not confirming anything
Obviously don't put at the end of the long combo to reduce scaling but this is assuming you can confirm into Shin Kikoho. Which I would be shocked if you couldn't
Too bad Tien's self damage ain't blue recoverable hp. Krillin's assist would have been crazy with it.
Why does Japan and Toriyama hate Tien?
he's bald and gay
bros I just figured an OP strategy
>play 16
>insta kill
>krillin senzu
>repeat twice more
what the fuck lol I hope this gets patched out... how did they overlook it??
He is the chinese guy.
they're all fucking chinese
intsta kill is a one time use
Guess i'll go with Goku or Cell, didn't play the first beta so i need to get a feel on how they play.
Manly, stoic characters are not up to their taste.
They either need to be fuccbois or goofy tards.
krillin won't always give a senzu
I hope we get majin vegeta as DLC so i can go three vegetas
they are not though, for example roshi isn't chinese, bulma isn't chinese
>Krillin gave up fighting to be with his family
>Tien does nothing with his life other than train
>Krillin is presented as stronger than Tien
Tien should just kill himself. Honestly, going to Other World is his own chance of getting stronger
tien didn't get that guru boost
Which character will require the highest IQ to play?
Surprised there aren't more people playing Hit on point.
Okay time to get serious
which character would be SSS and wich one F for tournaments?
how is Roshi not chinese? that still doesn't help the point of why Tien is shafted. Nobody cares about Tien anymore
Probably Beerus, Ginyu, or Nappa.
Beerus by any indicator so far.
Hit if the counter playstyle is actually integral and not a gimmick.
Nappa and Ginyu possibly.
You still lose health whenever you use it retard.
That scene of Beerus holding Goku's arm looks pretty cool. Aesthetic as fuck. Is the movie actually good?
he is on a remote tropical island
I expect to see a few pocket Ginyu's
That's pretty cool, desu.
Nappa seems kinda difficult to play, he doesnt seem to have good string combos and relies too much on the saibamen.
Find a flaw I dare you
If you want to add a character to keep away your opponent and control the flow of the match
+ strong assist to help Hit
>Kid Buu
To keep harassing him
You used Cell instead of Meta Cooler
was he born there?
dead character, just couldn't take it