Steam Sale Thread

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Best game for $30?

Any chance of games being sold out?

I'm not buying anything. Right now I already have over 150 games on Steam and I haven't even once installed most of them. Buying new games is pointless for me, now what I would really need is to find the time to play them.

digital games can't sell out you bozo

get 'em quick

The soy sale

Is Siege Starter edition fine? I've heard it's pretty grindy, but is it worth paying $15 for the standard edition?

good cheap multiplayer games?

Recommend me some fun multiplayer games

wishlist is just nier:atomata, but it's still 60 bucks... fuck
it was 40 bucks on autumn sale, but I wanted to wait a bit untill it's a bit cheaper...

anyway, Dark Souls3 for 15 bucks, yes or no?
I liked the first one, but havent played the second one...

Vermintide really is fun with people. Its not to hard to find a group to play with either if you have the public discord.

They actually can sell out.



The grind is actually terrible. In the standard edition, all 20 base ops are between 500 renown and 2000 renown each and DLC ops are 25k each. You get about 200 renown per game. You can unlock all 20 base ops in no time then start the DLC op grind.

In the starter edition, ALL ops are 12.5k each. The grind is ridiculous to get the 20 base ops.


Damn that's some Battlefront 2 level jewery. Thanks for the warning user.

Pretty grindy does not cut it, it is a motherfucking grind.

Could use a good wrpg or fps game that isn't overwatch or cowodooty

Still thinkan on it

Outlast + DLC was free on Humble Bundle just a few weeks ago.

pretty good desu

i have 200 games on steam. have all installed, but only really played like 30 of them, I don't have time for this...
but I like to buy games (I never play) on sale, because i save SO MUCH MONEY!!

then I get really pissed, if the games go on sale 6 months later, for a few bucks cheaper than i bought it for, because I haven't played it yet...

What are some games on sale that are fun as fuck with friends?

Heh, Sleepin Puppers was $3 yesterday from squeenix's site. Nothin personnel.

>when the 76% off bundle is actually more expensive than the non-bundled games because it's bloated with OST's
Thank you Matthew Goldenberg

If multiplayer games sell too quickly, the servers overload and render it unplayable until the hype dies down. In the case where it doesn't die down, like PUBG, wait for the company to set up new servers.

Still want tekken, rust, friday the 13th, dark souls iii, for playing with friends' sake

Still not 100% on any of them at all.
Does Hollow Knight have any difficult platforming parts? I can't beat Postgame in Rabi Ribi, for reference.

If you're going to spend $10 on Higurashi just get it from the humble for a shitload of other VNs for the same price.

Local Co-Op or are you looking for something that's not dead and being played?


In the name of Toobies butt, we do battle, Anons.
For those of you that nobly scarified your save data, I salute you.
To those who discovered Toobies secret 10 times, I salute you.
To those of you that ate the fish, I salute you.
To those of you that uninstalled your OS, I salute you.

Toobie be praised anons, Toobie be with you.
Or A2 that's cool too I guess if you want to be that guy.

For those that still haven't played NieR:Automata, but plan on doing so and putting in 70+ hours, we posthumously award you the medal of devotion. For you bought the game, not while it's on sale, but because your will to fight was strong. In the name of Toobies butt, we honor your name.

*Humble bundle

I hate you

the thing is I can afford a CS GO but I don't have a payment method(VISA MasterCard) so anyone who doesn't even look at CS GO (doesn't play it) you can give it to me lol




strip poker with ur mum

Dude it goes free all time time.
And Outlast 2 was bollocks so avoid it.

I own the game you retard, that was just an awful fucking post, not funny in any way, it was just embarrassing.
There's a reason people hate Nier fans.

Astroneer developed enough to be worth a buy yet?


Fair enough, I'll do that then. I mean I don't want any of the others, but that's no big deal. Free stuffs, free stuff.

just play honey select famalam

It's definitely worth $15, pick it up

Cool your jets I just thought you were salty.

I'll probably get these unless someone says otherwise.

HK has one or two difficult platforming areas near the end, but you can cheese your way through it with the right equipment. Nothing to worry about really.

hey guys
not a vidya player but want to gift someone GTAV because its the only real game on their wishlist
was wondering if it will go down in price like some of the older steam sales had different daily deals, or if it will stay
how does this work

I laughed

isn't it currently 60%? it's limited time then back to what, $60?

and apparently it's a scam when you factor in online, but probably fine for a single player experience

Yea there are some tricky platforming parts. theres one area in particular towards the end. It's not as bad as some games but its pretty tough.

no, the price is final.

It won't go any lower than what it is now.



I bought Resident Evil 7 but I completely forgot about the dlc. Are any of them worth getting? I know they're not on sale individually but still.
The discount won't change. They stopped doing daily deals a while ago.

Elite Dangerous worth $7.50?
I just want to truck across space for a bit, view interesting scenery and occasionally shoot something here and there.

Kero Blaster is fun.

i got
fo new vegas
the swapper
dead cells
axiom verge

Can I gift something to a man living in some western europe shithole if I live in america?

Are Humble Bundles always visual novels or are the genres randomized?

Nothing like an area where 95% of the area is spikes and you need to have (seemingly) mastered all the platforming mechanics? I like games like this, but I'm just not that good at platforming.


>always visual novels

This is like the second VN bundle this year, before was Sekai Project.
They change when they expire.

I want to buy Steam World Dig 2, but i have no idea if I want to buy it for Switch for handheld/portability or get it cheaper on steam. What ya'll think?

thanks ily

should I do it?!


that its a crap game, you prolly dont want to buy it

Give me a RPG to play that cost $30 or less

idk what raw data is but if you're looking for a VR game just get Rez Infinite

Is STALKER: CoP good multiplayer?

Steam. You get sucked right the fuck in so you may as well be at your desk

He makes it sound really bad. Yes, the starter edition is practically a scam. That said, the standard edition can be found at 40-50% off often, and the basic ops can be unlocked relatively quickly with consistent play. I earn much more than 200 renown even in casual matches, and with the great number of challenges available both in-game and in the uPlay client, renown gain is increased exponentially. I earn several thousand in a single play session with relatively little effort. I have been able to buy and upgrade every single operator in the game thus far, and I have a little under 6k renown right now. You may not get every op, but you can get the non-DLC ops and have a solid setup very quickly, very easily.

adventure and spooky packs are okay
drop the rest dlcs

>nier isnt on sale whatsoever

the fuck is this

If you don't have this subreddit bookmarked, do it now. It really helps with spotting good sales and free give aways.

Also if you pair your steam library with something like a GPD Win, literally fuck the switch.

>ni no kuni on steam
wait what

>implying you'll ever actually play those games

who is this girl?

the fuck is this garbage?

they're always weeaboo games and also you get put on a watch list if you buy from there

wait can you not buy a gift and store it in your inventory anymore


Next you'll tell me to become gay, is that right?

If you hate yourself sure. Buy the regular edition though and it's fantastic. The only competitive FPS that isn't total dog shit right now.

>the fuck is this garbage?
help plz


The absolute state of this board

I told this to an user earlier but

I would suggest against Planet Coaster unless you like horrible framerate drops with any more than 10 coasters in your park no matter how strong your rig is. It's more akin to a table top model set with how autistic the customization is. I'm a nut for park management games and only played this for about 5 hours before getting bored. It's cool how much you can customize but it's useless when the framerate tanks as soon as your park gets even medium sized. Really limits what you can do.

Stick to RCT3 if you want something 3d, otherwise just play RCT1/2.

There's Roller Coaster Tycoon World but I've heard it's jewy so maybe pirate it

Don't bother user Sup Forums hates reddit

Barring the reddit menace, I'll flex my power level a bit. Exploit multireddits (translation: multi-boards with threaded... threads).

Here you go: FreeGamesOnSteam RandomActsOfGaming GameDeals steamdeals FREE steam_giveaway/new/

Add .rss on the end for an RSS feed and stick into an RSS feeder on a short interval for constant updates.

I just played through KotoR, KotoR 2, The Entire Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age, and Jade Empire, System Shock 2, Bioshock 1,2,Infinite. I've been clearing out my backlog.

is underrail fun?

If I visited reddit I'd have to throw my hard drive in a magnet blender so it would end up costing me more money.

bought it, I hope it was worth it...

Heres a theme park builder thats much much better than Planet Coaster. It's more RCT2 than 3.

The only difference is that the "starter" or year one ops cost 11k in game currency instead of like 2k. You can grind 11k in about 3-4 hours of casual play, or no life the game for a day using hte 24 hour booster you get for free and spam hard mode Terrorist hunts (PVE) and make about 100k in a day, buy them all, and never think about it again.

It is a substantial grind, but it isn't the suicide-worthy mistake Sup Forums and the /vg/ make it out to be.

Heres a theme park builder thats much much better than either of those shit games.

Yeah but if you don't own RCT2 already you're probably retarded.

next youll tell me to start watching rick and morty right