Which MOBA is worth playing?
A-asking for a friend...
Which MOBA is worth playing?
A-asking for a friend...
none of them
no, really, they're an awful genre stuck in archaic conventions of a genre they are not actually a part of and that don't enhance core experience at best and are detrimental to them at worst
whatever one your friend is playing
when you git gud at any of them, the only fun you will ever have is with friends
LoL is more about landing skillshots, Dota 2 is more tactical. Both can be very fun if you get a decent team going.
It was inevitable the moment Blizzard introduced heroes to wc3. Just let go already.
If you want something faster paced and more similar to fighting games, play LoL.
If you want something a little more rts like with no freemium gameplay aspects, play DotA.
This is coming from someone who has played LoL for at least 5 hours a week for the past 8 years.
mobas are based on Aeon of Strife from starcraft (1998), not war3 dota. They were popular long before war3.
>Heroes of the Storm if you want just quich matches
>Dota if you want to test your micro skills or simply break the game with overpowered mechanics
>LoL if you want to see who can blow up who first and waifus
pick your poison:
Vain Glory
you get 3 choices
1. become a meta slave
2. become a casual fag
3. never touch mobas
all LoL girls look like shit tho
If you are going to spend hundreds of hours playing a game might as well play the more skillful moba, dota 2. LoL matches are decided within the first 20 mins because abilities scale with items meaning that 2/0 enemy Leblanc that BTFO your midlaner will roam top or bottom and get easy kills also support role in LoL is literally just babysitting in lane unless you are one of the few support champs that can roam mid (not top because you will get reported) and you are already winning lane.
goodnight sleep prince. one of the few mobas I actually enjoyed
dota is hard to learn, easy to master. lol easy to learn, hard to master.
If you're going solo don't bother with any
wc2 and starcraft had heroes in the campaign.
Playing MOBAs with your friends is one of the best ways to lose friends.
Are you serious? I play both (Diamond 3 in LoL and 4k MMR in Dota) and I can say without a doubt Dota takes more skill the turn rate alone stopped many of my friends from LoL from playing Dota
>They were popular long before war3
no, they just existed
Honestly an entirely different beast
people confuse it as a moba because of perspective
League. Don't bother playing Dota2.
both has ups and downs but dota2 has more downs than ups.
Ugly as fuck heroes, very very toxic community who blindly sucks Valve dick, less players than LoL so you will have a hard time finding players unless you are in hue country, shitton of hue in US server and cis scum in EU server because there's no region lock server, muh free heroes which actually really retarded because as a beginner you will learn only a handful of heroes at first, literally gambling scheme where you have to buy a lot of keys to unlock a specific hero's skins.
LoL has more white players and english speakers. Region locked. Better matchmaking unlike dota2 retard who copy everything from LoL. Now they have badges system which is basically ranking system in LoL. Fucking non-original game. Dota2 is piece of shit full of hues, pinoys dick suckers, sea monkeys, drunk loud ruskies and retarded kids who think they can earn millions if they copy pro players play.
t.Riot employee
Psh, DOTA2 is the Dark Souls of MOBAs kid... u just have to ask urself 1 question... are you tuff enuff to run with the elite...?
i think lol is more fun
Heroes of the Storm
Whichever one your friends are playing. If none of your friends play them, or you don't have friends, then don't bother.
They're both shit and if you unironically play or consider to play any moba you should do everyone a favor and remove yourself from this website and from existance permanently.
>interface is in spanish
Top lel never change dotards
I strongly agree____
DOTA 2 definetely has the more unique heros and a wide array to select from
>lol forces you to grind forever/pay an infinite amount money to have access to all heroes while they keep shitting out more in a 2 week interval
>dota has everything available for free, with cosmetic shit being the only form of microtransaction
I play neither, but why would you even consider playing an objectively worse game as long as dota 2, a truly free game, exists?
>ugly characters
are you a female? Why do you care how they look like?
>toxic community
you need to go back
>less players than LoL
700,000+ daily players on an old patch means its a dead game?
>Dota copied LoL
Now I know this is b8
Arena of Valor or Mobile Legends since matches are designed to end in 15 minutes instead of being 45 min+ snoozefest
What's the wolf's name in LoL? Asking for friend.
>Arena of Valor
yes let me play TANK on a Butterfly a fucking assassin and 1v5 the enemy team because thats balanced, fuck off retard
>Mobile Legends
better than AoV but still unbalanced
jesus christ all those characters locked, is this how LoL is? I would be pissed if one of my teammates couldn't counter pick because he didn't spend hundreds of dollars to unlock everyone.
LoL is pretty much the only relevant MOBA at this point, however it's also more casual. Go with Dota if you have a lot of free time to learn the game but if you're just looking for a simpler game that retains a competive mode just go with LoL.
Mobile mobas are designed around game ending mechanics instead of embracing long laning phases, it's such a better experience fun wise. I'd recommend SMITE, but it's one of the longest match time mobas which kills it for me. Also Butterfly is a pubstomper and falls off late game, seriously git gud.
at the beginning you only get the 10 free rotating characters. you have to unlock everyone else. and since the free characters change every week, you can't really "learn" a character until you buy one.
>play league with friend
>all we do is verbally shitpost
>game is fun as hell even when we lose
you're friends with the wrong people mate
I've dabbled in most of them and I prefer Dota. Learning curve is a cliff but it's incredibly rewarding to play once it clicks. It's my favorite multiplayer game of all time.
fuck off dude, those games take no skill.vain glory is the only good moba on mobile
was this supposed to make it seem better? I would honestly afk at the start if my carry was FORCED to play a disadvantage lane just because he didn't spend money
No love for adventure time battle party? Its the best one
>git gud
I have been playing since Russian Beta you retard and Butterfly can carry in high level all it takes is two kills and she snowballs
This and i do mean unironically. That game was so fun with friends. Is it still up anywhere?