Do you agree with her, Sup Forums?

Do you agree with her, Sup Forums?

here's your (you)

Stop making threads with twitter screencaps by literally whos about political bullshit.

Yes, because I'm an actual human being with empathy instead of a sociopathic loner with no friends living in his mother's house at the age of 33.

It's calls itself Laura?

Jesus Christ

>somebody tweets something I disagree with
That's it, I'm joining the alt right.

This dude is so fucking disgusting
He looks like he doesn't even try to look like a girl and is just trolling.

Isn't this the tranny who got his dick cut off before he even got his facial hair zapped? Talk about having your priorities out of order.

Fuck off, twit.

not this guy again. his whole existence is just an attention grab.

So, like an authentic woman.

I don't see a woman in your picture.


The one issue I have with "if you are remaking X, change this because I don't like it" is that if you change enough things it ceases being the game you originally played.

I mean, remakes are never 1:1 and I would be fine with the change for the most part. However, realistically, a Japanese company wouldn't give a shit.

>ancient babylonian dieties giving a single fuck about your mental illness definition of what a woman is

This is why I believe trannies when they say they're essentially women in men's bodies. They usually have even the worst of women's traits. Go over to /lgbt/ and look at them being catty and passive aggressive to eachother and tell me they're not acting like real women.

At the same time though, I'm looking at this and still seeing a man. Nothing much you can do about that besides double down on the titty skittles and maybe get a shit ton of surgeries like Blaire White.

Twitter screencap threads should be autobanned, fuck you

>Before video game journalism

stop fucking posting this

>After video game journalism

>Trans believe they're x in a y body
>Want nothing more than to be x
>Want nothing more than to be treated and considered as if they were x
>Can create an x character in a videogame
>Not good enough they want a specific trans option.


He typed unironically, before submitting his post to Sup Forums's Sup Forums board.

Is that the one that's whats-his-name's (from penthouse magazine) son?

Odd. He made a more convincing female before the sex change.

Female to male are a lot more convincing

They are and that's nice but they have to mainline the fuck out of testosterone which isn't terribly healthy and cause weird issues like your heart growing unnaturally large too quickly. They either drop the T and start withering back into a woman or they keep using it and drop dead one day

There is no explanation. It's like modern feminism. It has no logical reasoning behind it, nor does it actually want what it shrieks about.

Not even putting in an effort to pass, I'm not that big a fan of trannies, but at least some of them take efforts to at least look female, yeah genetics still fucks over a lot of them, but this person doesn't even look liek they're trying.

>she gets nightmares because she's really male

I'm mtf trans and I actually liked that detail. The only actual thing atlas did wrong with Erica is that she fucks someone without them knowing she's trans

>the ease of FtM compared to MtF
Granted, the penises are fucking shocking looking, but you can pull off just about anything with some facial hair and muscles. I think these peopel went on T early as fuck though, look at the waist to shoulder ratio. Minus the middle guy who looks the most feminine and whose ratio can't really be determined.

>tfw I know what "dead naming" is
>that tranny term has occupied neural space and I won't ever be able to unlearn it


It's just a nice angle, and no butter on his face. He looks almost identical to what he is now.

>SJWs expecting from Atlus to listen to them
Just because they made a mistake once with Tokyo Mirage Sessions doesn't means they'll do it again.


Luckily the Japanese don't listen to freaks like this.

>instead of a sociopathic loner with no friends living in his mother's house at the age of 33
you would be surprised at how many sjws still live with their parents past the age of 30

Disgusting. This is MCM Expo London Comic Con. I go to this. I need to wash. Being in the same building as this thing is horrid.

I know these SJWs like to complain but do they honestly believe they're going to change this?

I have no idea what that means or what theyre referring to and I dont want to know

They don't want change. They want attention for being virtuous. Hence the term virtue signalling.

you are a man.

Japanese olympics are coming. Now is the time to ban loli and objectification of women.

Isn't that the fucking loser who got a tattoo because he got a leak right.

As someone from Japan I am dreading this. Every country that has Olympics always gets messy and filled with trash in the area.

Why can't people fucking pick up after themselves?

They're Sup Forums.

I do think you guys need more trash cans though. I had to walk around Tokyo carrying garbage for like three hours because I couldn't find a place to throw it away


Can't argue with that. My jacket is usually filled with wrappers by the end of the day.


>Why can't people fucking pick up after themselves?
You should see the theaters here. I used to work as a janitor and people are absolute slobs.

Can this mentally ill fuck just be quiet, fucking hell we need some help in this world.

I hope this mistake is victim to a hate crime one day

Is the other arm going to be "Things I got completely wrong"?

All trannies should be permanently dead-named, if you sniff my drift.

Why are people with her personality always huge in localization and gaming events?

"I'd say it's the thing I most regret doing to my body but the giant gash where my penis used to be is worse"

>women who want to be men can legally get testosterone
>men who want to be better men can't

Wanting to roid out isn't a medical condition. Gender dysphoria is a serious mental illness.

Because they want to play as someone they identify with. And they just so happen to be trans. So they want to play as someone who is trans.

The hell are you talking about? You can walk into a clinic and get testosterone supplements if you want to and your doctor agrees. You seem to think that's illegal. Bro, unless you're in weightlifting competitions or the Olympics literally nobody gives a shit.

>tfw you ain't a freak

Oh I'm a freak, just in a male sort of way.

Isn't it obvious to you? You can infer its meaning by the context it was used in.

I am but not in the way that makes everyone super uncomfortable and gives my parents suicidal thoughts.

>tfw you are a mentally ill freak but nowhere near trans levels of fucked up

Right but someone who is trans believe they are the other gender so they surgically make themselves that way. Why would they want people to know they are trans if they allegedly feel like they were the opposite gender they were?

LKD for example is a Dude who was a Chick in a Dude's body. Why can't she just pick female? Because after the surgery she is female right? Why would she want to er...dead-gender? herself.

If I fucked someone and they didn't tell me they were trans i'd be pretty pissed.

You're right. It's so easy to get your doctor consent to your own perceived notion of what drugs you need. I told my doctor that I hurt somewhere last week and now I have a pound of oxy.


Is it okay to live with your mother if your father's passed away and you know your mom's depressive and you're there to make sure she doesn't go back to binge-drinking or kill herself?

I just really want my mom to have a good life. She always used to say that I'd better take care of her when she gets old and grey, and now she says stuff like, "You better take care of these cats if I die," and it makes me really sad but I want to be there for my mom.

Have you not stepped foot in a doctor's office in the past 20 years?


No amount of surgery and hormones will make a person forget that they're trans.(Unless they're completely delusional) Ultimately, it comes down to being self centered. They want to play characters that are like themselves.

BTW, I think playing as your own gender is retarded for the vast majority of games. But people feel like because they're a man, they have to play men. Or because they're a woman, they have to play women. It's all for the same reason. Wanting to indulge in their own identity. "ME! ME! ME!"

I really don't know user. I'm in the same situation and it feels like there's no way out.

I'd rather live and support my mom than live with my old man.

No, also I hope she dies.

b-but rabbids!

I have very recently and they told me to go to an urgent care because it would cost me thousands of dollars less, then they charged me $150 just to tell me that.

So you have absolutely no experience. Thanks for your ignorant, waste of time input.

It's not that he accidentally fucked a trans woman it's that he accidentally lost his virginity to one.


i wish the name wasn't the only dead thing about trannies

Post the image of the cupcakes guy getting banned from Neogaf. That's the funniest.

An emotionally abusive layabout alcoholic cunt or a physically abusive layabout alcoholic dick? What amazing options.

I think so. It's just American culture that tells you it's not alright. Look at Asian countries, those niggas live with their parents for generations, because they have respect for their parents. The only reason it's not a thing in American culture is because of the pursuit of the American dream, which is owning your own piece of land and being self-sufficient. When we Americans get old, we're too proud to admit we need help (especially us dudes), so it's seen as a negative thing having to have a person there to help.

If it makes you happy and it makes your mother happy, fuck what everyone else thinks. You're not here to make them happy, you're here to treat your mother the way she deserves to be treated.

My mom's nice though.


I mean, I've been encouraging her to spend more time with friends and she's been getting better and moving on a lot, but sometimes she still breaks down in tears or admits she's really lonely when she comes home to the house she built with her husband and it's just empty. For forty years, her life was going to work, coming home, cooking dinner, then spending time with the man she loved, watching TV or movies together, stuff like that. Now she comes home to a house made for a family (three bedroom, four bath) and it's entirely empty.

I'm still planning on moving in with my girlfriend into an apartment in the same city sometime this Summer, but I just don't know. Some people can be so critical of living with your parents, and I get it, but I also think that moving back in with your parents isn't always some horrible thing where you're giving up autonomy or returning to some womb.

Like, fuck, people in other cultures have three generations living in the same home and they get by just fine.

Get her to start dating

no and he should kill himself

the one on the left pulls it off
the one one in the middle fails completely
the one on the right looks like some sort of deformed freak, which it is

the british aren't even human

Well, she started dating not too long after dad passed away, but then the relationship floundered and she admitted she was only even dating the guy as a rebound/to fill the void and wasn't actually all that into him.

She's in her 60's, so I'm just kinda encouraging her to forge a lot of really good friendships/relationships that will be healthy for her in the long term. Her mother is still alive and knocking at 100, so I don't think mom's going to pass away from natural causes any time soon.

>paying to house my mother
>can't bring GF home
>she still lives with her father
>can't fuck at her place
>thinking of moving to a different city together for job opportunities
God dammit user stop being me. Even I don't like being me.

Hitler was right

You're a good son user, never let anyone tell you otherwise.

No experience with what? Begging for pills?

What does she do? Im feeling journalism but speedrunning is a close second.

Mom goes out with her friends on the weekend and is really cool with my GF staying over here for several nights on end. My GF's stayed over a bit when mom's been here and mom is really encouraging of our relationship. Like, if a weekend passes where we don't spend time together, she wonders what my GF is up to and asks me what's up.

That said, my GF does still live with her family, and, yeah, they're far more conservative and, while they let me stay over, it's never been in the same room as her.

poor socialization