Remember when MMOs were good? What went wrong?
Remember when MMOs were good? What went wrong?
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When they starting catering to people that wanted a single player rpg instead of an mmorpg
It never was good
Cause they were more focused on being sandboxes, leaving players to do whatever they wanted with little restrictions.
You can't do things like that on newer MMOs
How does it feel being too young to experience the golden age?
old tibia pk videos are fun
>too young
It's both funny and troubling to see 00's underages who had enough time to waste on money grabbing skinner boxes back then now act like modern kids that play Minecraft and PUBG are killing videogames.
Wish you guys had any self awareness desu
top kek
>money grabbing skinner boxes
>Dark Age of Camelot
You can choose only one bud.
Buzzwords don't make an argument.
blizzard happened
I'll repeat my question from the last thread, would anyone be willing to play a Ragnarok single player? With AI control similar to the one on Dragon Age Origins to account for the lack of MP.
probably not, Ragnarok's gameplay wasn't that good
Goddamn this client is ugly. Even the old 3d client was better
Gee I ever knew where that image came from.
The more you know.
Right around here. The focus going towards DikuMUD and its ilk instead of on more RPI/RPE MUDs with political systems and the like.
There are still real MMO's like Mortal Online but times have changed, people have changed.
Sandbox community-driven MMORPG's still exist they just cannot by definition achieve mainstream success because it destroys them.
>ultima online being the golden age of mmo
You can't be serious with this shit.
people get tired of MMORPG shit. Grinded till you have enough stats and then wrekt shit. People today don't buy that crap anymore. They would rather have small accomplishment over long ass grind.
Is it bad or good? It's neither. People's taste change. MMORPG isn't that "fun" anymore especially now with a lot of mmo copy WoW with "catch-up" mechanic. Someone who spent months grinding for gears won't matter when there's a new guy who just subscribed a week ago and get same gear with less time.
I sure do
Protip: if you didn't play UO pre-age of shadows, you don't remember SHIT about good
fucking children, all of you
At least it had the standard shit. It amazes me that MMOs these days don't even have the full player run city/guilds with political power/all the other shit that practically every MUD had
fuck off faggot
WoW continued the Everquest/DikuMUD cancer and made it even worse. I barely consider Diku a MUD and I barely consider Everquest/WoW MMORPGs.
Anyone know the song at 4:24?
You mean pre-Renaissance, right?
I didnt play pre-trammel unfortunately.
I got into it right as Lord Blackthorns Revenge launched.
Back then on atlantic, the felluca population was popping still so I never lamented trammel existing.
I miss it so much.
Developers listening to entitled casual carebears on the forums instead of the people who actually played the game all day and night. Real world PvP and danger slowly got zoned out by devs catering to the vocal whiners to the point where now most games actively punish and discourage people for trying to kill others or straight up disallow it.
MMOs now are all safe spaces where there is no danger or loss, risk/reward gameplay is nonexistent and it became a static gear slog to reach """endgame""" aka completing whatever the top raid is and then waiting for the next upgrade. No fun allowed, no freedom allowed, just sit in your box and grind for gear little goy.
The point of origin of the "modern themepark model" was probably Everquest 1 and the emergence of autistic raid guilds that would blow throw all PvE content in a week and then sit there whining for two months until they get another raid. This started the content pattern that most games today follow and devs began sidelining the other types of players.
True sandbox games will never work again even with a very niche audience because MMO players today are all entitled whiners who demand emergent gameplay be restricted when, god forbid, another player interacts with them in something other than healing their raid party. Even when a game comes out that initially caters to players who enjoy sandbox risk-reward gameplay, the devs inevitably cave in to the demands of the vocal minority and restrict gameplay until the only thing left to do is arena pvp and queuing for dungeons and raids from town.
I don't think they were catering to gamers.
The developers want full control so they can pace the content and prevent lewd acts that might scare corporate shareholders.
Games like UO didn't exactly have a good reputation as a game to buy for your kids.
>The point of origin of the "modern themepark model" was probably Everquest 1
DikuMUD was the originator. Everquest was similar to the point where there were issues over it.
That's just me nitpicking though, your points are solid.
>Mortal Online
That takes me back. Did they ever get the additional magic schools up and running.
fast travelling literally killed wow and maplestory.