Why is Senran advertised as a sexy game when Mirai is their only sexy character?

Why is Senran advertised as a sexy game when Mirai is their only sexy character?

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they all look same

I wanna strangle you fucking pedophiles

why dont they just make a mirai game all the other characters are fucking gross so i never want to play any of the games

Why is she wearing an eyepatch when her eye works perfectly?

lol look at this internet tough guy over here

They try to appeal to everybody with the different girls by there personality, but few of them of a different physical appearance.

>tfw daidouji was the only reason I got into SK
>barely any screentime
>estival turns her into garbage

Serves you right for having a shitty taste

Wen will she finally get over having no breast. It tiresome at this point, like Yagyu/Imu being glued to Hibari/Miyabi. 7 needs to give them a breather for their SGH stories.

isn't the point of the game about big titty anime ninjas, mirai will always be the punchline of a joke

She needs more weapons like in DC

Mirai sucks and isn't good.
Yumi is amazing and saved the Senran Kagura franchise.

>Ikaruga was the poster girl popularity wise
>Yumi came and Ikaruga dropped
She's still up there, but the Hanzo group is better than the Gessen group

Is she shitposting?

Cute lolibutt.

Shittycat posting

Is there an edit of this with that shitposting copypasta?

She actually looks human, instead of having bowling balls on her chest.


When is she going to get her day

Crimson Squad fo lyfe

Ikaruga was the most popular at the beginning, but she was never THE poster girl, before SV most characters shared publicity almost equally, except for Rin and Daidouji but at that point they only were "extra" characters.

Why does she have an eyepatch if she has an eye?

Do go on as to why. What's wrong with sex between an adult and a child as long as the child has enough knowledge to inform their consent?

I really really like this artstyle

Children aren't sexually mature nor really mentally mature enough to understand
If you want to talk teenagers that's a different story

Mirai isn't a child, she just looks like one.

>it's another pedobait thread on Sup Forums episode

Doing someone without sexual maturity is more of an issue of causing damage, which is already covered by child abuse laws. Although then you get into the whole issue of 'well adults can consent to BDSM in some countries, so could a child consent to the damage if they understood the risk.'
Depending upon how you decide where the mental maturity aspect lies, you can argue that only about 20% of people in G8 countries at 18 are mentally mature enough as well.
It's a tricky area.

>Takaki wants to make a game for women
Wonder how that's going to turn out once he gets started on it.

That hibari always gets me

She's 15, there's nothing wrong with being attracted to her, plus its a fictional character.

Always teasing...

Is ikaruga blushing because her male counterpart looks like her brother but with longer hair?

>Murasame is really good looking

That's quite the bishonen makeover.

The girls look better with smaller breast

He was pretty ugly in SV and the anime, but DC actually made him look good

I would love my waifu with any breast size.

Even when they're so big that she struggles to stand up sometimes and has huge difficulty finding clothes that fit her?

Those uniforms look so dumb, except for Mirai's. Her umbrella instead looks out of place.

>Those uniforms look so dumb
You sound retarded. These are literally standard tracksuits in red. You never did an exercise in your life have you?

The bright red is ugly and simple tracksuits are still dumb designs. They clash with their other elements.

I think Homura looks ok in it, everybody else looks like ass in them though.

The uniforms seem to have been made for the leader of each team so that makes sense.

You'll break them. And I'm not talking mentally.

Why does that man have giant tiddies?

>Mirai and Kafuru are unaffected by the change
Why did they make them smaller anyway, that's the exact opposite for the series

It's a fictional character.

Because it was ridiculous as it was. If they were just sexbots, it would've been fine, but they're supposed to be ninjas.

apple censors

Unrealistic balloon tits aren't attractive, if you're going to give them massive breasts at least apply proper physics to them too. The previous artist is a hack.

They had to tone them down to put the game on the apple app store