ITT: Point out something negative about your favorite game(s) that you can admit...

ITT: Point out something negative about your favorite game(s) that you can admit, but fanboys will overlook or vehemently defend.

I'll start.

>enemy loads onto map
>game becomes molasses

Other urls found in this thread:

replacing cutscenes with still pictures sucks when the cutscenes are the best part of the game, i honestly would have taken a shorter game with animated cutscenes over it

>most of the "original" content is just lazily made difficult reskins of old content, and the game's quality really comes from the remade engine and graphics

What game?


>checkpoint after every mildly challenging event
>bosses take too long and kind of suck
i play the 3DS version so motion control's not an issue

Some of the puzzles are weak and it's not available on Android :(

oh i didn't catch the last part
to be honest i can't realky think of anything bad enough it'd warrant defense
i guess some of the environments feel generic especially the volcano for world 8

helper to hero makes it all worth it though

I don't get the appeal of that. Isn't that just the arena except you can never lose your powers but are also stuck with only one?

Too easy

>it's not available on Android
What's DraStic? user

I hated this game until I played it in Dolphin and mapped buttons to the motions and realized it was just another unfortunate victim of Nintendo's shoehorned motion controls.
>three completely unused buttons on the most basic controller setup, still requires motion controls

Yeah I'm aware, it would just be nice to not have to resort to that.

Mario 64 doesn't have too much replayability if you don't play with TAS or hyper autistic skilled challenge runs.

Relies on items way too much, to the point of holding R until you're satisfied with the run you're having (especially when chasing achievements or challenges that could be broken with the right combination). Also keeper is shit.

Playing DKC3 after 2 made me miss all the little things they added

>Return of the big guy/little guy mechanic
>Only 2 bonus levels per level
>Swanky actually being useful
>Not having to pay to save
>You can't just go straight to the secret boss after beating the regular final boss

I'm fairly certain that there are no SaGa fanboys and even people who like the game (it is my favorite RPG) will admit that it is
>an unfinished mess
>has a garbage translation with references that were never in the original (did get me to watch Spriggan, though, which is a cool movie)
>could explain its systems in some way, shape, or form--I know the beauty of any SaGa game is discovery, but at least have something akin to the Volunteer Brigade
>Some characters are absolutely useless
>Monsters are a pain in the ass and only worthwhile at low BR, requiring the most grind at the highest BR for the lowest payoff of any race
>Exploits and glitches mar the game
>The graphics are an awful mashup of SNES-era sprites and terrible 3D renders
>Difficulty curve is insane for an RPG, dipping and rising without much explanation in a lot of places, especially right when stepping up to the final BR range

That said, I still love this fucking game.

This game is broken as fuck, you get so OP it becomes virtually impossible to die/lose once you beat Magicant
Such a fucking classic. One of those games I wish I could play through for my first time again

MGSV actually has terrible controls.

>Having to repeat The Arena 20 times to truly beat the game

It got really old really quick.


>uses a strategy guide. Complains too easy


Agree. It's fun, but it's not a good game from a mechanics perspective. It's a "sometimes you get lucky and win" experience.

>Secret of Mana

Where do you want me to start and how long do you have?

why did he say that he used a strategy guide?

I played DKC2/3 on the __GBA, so I didn't experience the paying to save thing
GBA__ DKC2 is probably my favorite game though

Voices get really fucking grating as you make high chains.

didn't use a strategy guide you faggot

>Awful tutorial system
>Extremely hard to get into without guides
>Some levels were way to big

The game's difficulty mostly stems from the jankyness of the game's mechanics

- non-campaign AI are fucking dumb, both new and old
- few unique characters and just not the largest unit selection

Otherwise I fucking love this game so, so, so much.

Heavy rain

Plot holes out Shaun's killer's asshole

RotK is like a non-shit version of Spring Breeze

I can sort of agree that Metaknightmare is kind of lazy but at least it has a story and the ending is worth it

Helper to Hero though. What a piece of fucking shit, it's literally the arena except you're forced to do it for every power to get 100%. And the """""New""""" boss is hardly worth it because it's literally We Wuz Kangz with acouple new attacks.

The music. Even for an early title, it was pretty horrible.

Where do I start?

>tons of cut content, resulting in the game getting padded out by numerous red coin timer missions and blue coins
>is more glitch-ridden than almost any other major Nintendo title
>unskippable 10 minutes of cutscene at the beginning of the game, with so-bad-it's-good voice acting
>FIVE Polluted Piranhas
>the slow and arduous task of bringing Yoshi to the lily pad river
>the lily pad river itself
>the pipe at the end of the lily pad river respawning you in Delfino Plaza INSTEAD of bringing you back to the start of the course
>turbo nozzle is almost never utilized or required compared to the rocket nozzle
>final level and final boss are pretty anticlimactic, especially compounded by Bowser's awkward dad voice
>shoehorn a cheap "F.L.U.D.D. is dead :(((((" tearjerker moment in the last cutscene, only to show him repaired and ready to party like 30 seconds later

But I still love Sunshine and everything about it.

The atmosphere/vibe and game design/art direction are unparalleled by any Mario game desu

user, this is a "bash your favorite games" thread. For every negative I just said, I could also come up with like three times as many compliments, and the atmosphere in Sunshine is definitely top notch.

They fucked up the damage formula
You'll dread getting to a new area due to only doing 1s to new enemies, but as soon as you gain a single level you're back to doing 20-30s

Spamming jumping dive kick is the best strategy in the game bar none due to the i-frames

True, true, my b. Couldn't help myself. Last SMS thread I saw was mostly bashing it so I had to pay my respects

This is not really a shortcoming as much as it is just me being picky because going into specifics in such a vast game is the only thing I can attempt, but anyway:
- The Skellige Islands have an absurd amount of sunken chests which are tiresome to scavenge (if you're a psycho like I am and feel like you must 100% the map).
- The potion and oil mechanics are completely irrelevant if you play on 'sword and story' or 'just the story' difficulties, so collecting and concocting them is just empty labor.
- The decisions made in game are crucial at most, but sometimes it's not clear to the player. I.E. in my first playthrough I disregarded the tower quest in Velen which led me to kill keira - not particularly wise in retrospect but felt unimportant at the time.
- The island of mists should'nt have included the stupid dwarf fetch-quest, it was an annoying distraction in one, if not the most powerful sections in the game storywise.
- The master sword is underwhelming and not worth the elaborate quest leading to it.
- I personally felt like Hearts of stone was too dragged out and a bit dull, and specifically I felt puzzled by how romancing Shani had no affect over the main romance I had with Yen.
- Blood and Wine was a masterpiece, but the beast fight was miles above anything else in terms of difficulty and had me lowering the difficulty for the 1st time since the beginning.
- You can't marry Triss IRL.

It still hyped me up to kill a big bad.

Mario 64 red coin missions:

one for each main level (15)
one for each Bowser stage (3)
one for each cap level (3)
Secret aquarium & WMOTR (2)
Total: 23

Sunshine red coin missions:

One for each "secret" stage (10)
One in each level, two for Bianco and Noki (9)
Pachinko, Red Bird, Poison river, Airstrip, (4)

Total: also 23

64 has just as many

Also combat is bad and too many quests, while interesting lore-wise, just boils down to "follow the red trail and fight some monster" gameplay-wise. I also love TW3 overall.

Add to add fighting the lubberkin was nearly impossible at your current level and shouldn't have even been an option, the inventory is a pain in the ass to sort through, and selling items has you searching for the one merchant who'll give you a decent price for that category.

The Island was a 9/10 compared to the Castle and Village which were pure 10/10 kino

The later difficulties (Mentor and Master) are straight bullshit, such that the only way you can win are by memorizing enemy placements and taking advantage of enemy spawns and abusing UTs, and even then you can still get fucked.

>Respec costs were way too high
>All but a few caster classes have inexcusable mana problems
>The debuff cap should never have existed, and those who say it was a technical limitation are mentally handicapped or lying

Still my favorite game of all time.

what was cut from the game?

Rolling into enemies to kill them is actually really inefficient since if you jump when you're in a ball, you can't control it in midair. I wish you could uncurl back into running without having to jump.

The fucking music is a negative in A Link to the Past? Are you high?

I'll add one,
>the soundtrack, besides some of the city themes, is nicely ambient but lacks variety and is largely forgettable

The drop rates suck ass. Just beat again a few days ago and had to savescum to get the drops in a reasonable amount of time.

>Pathing is terrible and wasn't fixed for the HD version

>Online is still dictated by whichever player has the shittiest internet

Despite all this it's still the best video game ever made

Romances are a little hokey and some late-game combat can get tedious when you have to cast like 500 spells in a row just to get a baseline of don't-die-immediately

The game transitions from "every boss is a big wolf fucker, dodge toward them and R1" fast-moving action combat to "this ayy lmao lovecraft fucker got a GIMMICK aw bet you didn't see that coming son", which means that after Vicar Amelia the bosses become less and less interesting mechanically. If you don't count the DLC there's not a single beast boss after Amelia, which is kind of lame for a game all about murdering fuckhuge beasts. Dark Souls had kind of a similar problem post-Ornstein and Smough so I think it's just an issue with From's pacing.

>Voice acting is garbage, maybe it adds a lot of charm to the game, but for a story so important and with such a intense message it kind of gets in the way of it a little.

>The weird sidequest in NYC for the arms dealer was totally unnecessary.

>Paris should have had more content and less emphasis on sneaking around.

>The animations are dogshit and they should have spent a lot more time on the combat.

Other than these things, it's almost a perfect masterpiece.

>Even on a blind first play through the scares become obvious immediately
>"dead" body on the floor or a zombie banging on a window
>key item near by

You already know as soon as you pick that shit up the zombie will wake up or break down the door or attack you. This wouldn't be a bad thing if it didn't persist through the WHOLE game

Biggest I can think of off the top of my head is the final level before you fight Bowser was supposed to be a complete map, with missions and everything in it.

I get what you're saying, but playing it emulated on my phone was a better experience than playing it on my DS for me. It's like a minute of setup and then it's perfect.

>lots of cool character and designs
>most of them serve no purpose and arent worth using

He just doesn't want to have to take drastic measures if he can avoid it

Forgot something. I think Gwent was badly integrated in the game, and I personally played 2 playthroughs and both expansions without playing once because it felt irrelevant to me. I will come back to finish the entire thing on Death March and then I'll probably do all the Gwent stuff but it feels like there's no real incentive to do so.

I've heard a lot of people dissing the combat, but I don't really get why. I don't have anything to compare this with since I played this during the only vacation I had in the last 5 years so I'd like to know what makes it so bad (if it's not just a meme).

>no manual pit speed limiter button
Please Kunos.

My one issue with this game is that it ends

what game is that, and what platfom?

There's a song in the game that is impossible to listen to due to the fact when you enter the level you immediately hit the switch.

In my opinion what you are saying is a shortcoming is a plus.
I went in to the game blind expecting it to be just about beasts and as a huge lovecraft fan was pleasantly surprised.
Also, Paarl is after Amelia and there are plenty of beast bosses in the chalice dungeons.
Chalice dungeons are shit though.

>Stiff controls are a pain in the ass
>Enemy placement in is borderline stupid in some levels of every game in the series

I'd actually forgotten about that game. I still have a copy of it somewhere though, might fire it up and play again. Its been ages.

Do any of the character even matter?
Genji-gloveXoffering is the only character that matters.

It's called Mario Twins

boku no pico for the commodore 64

I think it works well mostly because the game overall does get interesting as it goes on, and there are some great late-game bosses, like Ebrietas. But I think we can agree that while thematically they're great, in terms of fun factor Rom, The One Reborn, the Celestial Emissary, Mergo's Wet Nurse and Micolash are way less fun than the big doggos of the early game.

>Camera is ass
>Songs and level themes are reused far too often
>Being kicked out of a level after collecting a star is extremely obnoxious, especially after playing Odyssey
>some stars are dumb as fuck like Shoot into the Wild Blue and 100 coins in JRB / TTC / RR
>some stars are piss easy and are just there for padding like the Toad stars in the castle
>shitty reward for 120 stars, doesn't even save, meaning you get to see Yoshi once and that's it
>Mario sounds gay

You have a fair point but I never found the starting bosses that fun nor challenging apart from Gascoigne who was fun to fight.

Abusing I-frames with the claw izuna drop to, trying to fight enemies on their own terms if suicide. That said NG2 is very front-loaded, the hardest fights are in the first 2 chapters, if you get past that you have a real chance at finishing the game, the next gauntlet is stage 11 with over 300 enemies standing between you and the end, including 12 spider boss mooks, 3 at a time.

Most of the monsters are too easy with a full party

But even that's a shitty criticism because you can control how many people are in your party

holy shit that is one ugly ass dog

you're an ugly ass dog

If you can't listen to it, can you even say it's in the game?

boom bam pow de stroye d

this game would be 100% better if you had some kind of brakes when you're using the flying hat

I remember beating Mentor using primarily the Lunar staff. In fact, I may even have gotten both the Mentor achievement, and the one for the Lunar. And I did it entirely by abusing the 360 UT, and its Izuna drop, which is one input slower than the claws? I forget. Oh, and its XXY combo. Was still total ass to do. I didn't even bother with Master once I learned that there were incendiary ninja everywhere. Fuck that.

You can pause just before landing and hear the song, albeit in a low volume.

fuck the swimming and sniper sections


>People used to joke about underwater escort missions
>This game actually had one

>too many cutscenes
>time wasting ladder section that serves no purpose whatsoever
>tranq gun makes the game too easy, gadgets make the bosses trivial
>stronk blonde womyn are boring

If you strip away the graphics and (sorta) the music, it's an average RPG with a tolerable gimmick

Second one was less guilty of it than the first, but I hated how your only dialogue choices were "yes" and "no" and if you said "no" one of your party members would immediately be like "actually he meant to say yes"

It's average but it's portable and released near launch of the GBA. You really couldn't find too many portable RPGs back in the day.

>time wasting ladder section that serves no purpose whatsoever
This is a pro

>ladder section

It is supposed to be a breather in between the hectic previous section and the assued climax to come, the rising suspense punctuated by boss's literal rise.

whatever you say fanboy


mudville baby detected

I want to be anally penetrated by Silence

It's not a meme for me at least. The thing I dislike about TW3 combat is how limited your options are. There's essentially two types of battle - against humans you parry and counter, and against monster you roll around (or pop the shield run and just smack them). There's rarely any tactic to using signs, you just use the one you spec'd into whenever you're able to. The fact that most monster seems to attack in basically the same way and the fact that Geralt always fights at the same range and the combat was what made me take a break a few hundred hours in - I wasn't even bored with exploring and questing the combat just got to dull. There's also an issue with aggro ranges and gray level enemies still going after you relentlessly so you have to stop what you're doing and 1-shot them.

Compare this to a game like Bloodborne where you got a bunch of different weapons and hunter tools and more importantly enemies that require special tactics, or BotW where the combat system is barebones but your mobility and the physics engine means you can play around with a lot of different ways to attack bases.