What would you rate the last video game you played?
What would you rate the last video game you played?
Other urls found in this thread:
>played: Devil May Cry 3
>beat: Devil May Cry 2
>Monaco: What's yours is mine
Cum on eyebrows/10
The puzzles are bitty meh and 'walk here, now there' but the atmosphere is pretty engrossing and it's got challenging combat.
Nice. I'd probably rate DmC higher than 2 myself, that game just isn't fun.
So you're saying it's amazing?
>challenging combat
are you handicapped or something? it's made so any girl could bash the buttons and win
Xenoblade Chronicles X
That -1 is because of Chapter 11
oh cool i died again/10
would of been a perfect score if extra arena wasnt shit
Resident Evil Revelations
My god I can't believe this looks like it does and runs like it does on a handheld/10
Coincidentally it's the second time this game has gotten this exact rating from me but this time I actually find it playable unlike the 3DS versions busted controls.
>So you're saying it's amazing?
Yeah actually, got it when it was free and been having a lot of fun with it.
You do know it's on auto difficulty by default, right? Of course it's going to be piss easy on button bashers.
7/10 so far. The maps are fun to navigate but get tedious when backtracking for keys is involved, and the last boss fight I did (against the "Brothers of Sith" who aren't Sith) was just frustrating and not fun. I like the charming live-action cutscenes a lot.
I mean if you like JRPGs I guess
Post more eyebrows faggots
>The Division
6/10, got it for $15, any more expensive and it wouldn't be worth it.
>Resident Evil:Remake
As of forgiving Barry for abandoning me and killing that weird mutation monster in the mansion basement, 9/10
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
8/10, goty
The live action cutscenes were incredibly fun, might be my favorite part of the whole game.
>327~ works of Thick/Defined Eyebrows.
It's my gift for everyone that likes them
I also have a few to look at in my bookmarks so it might reach 330+
It's alright. Not really standout in any way compared to other fire emblems.
If mobileshit counts, FE Heroes. It's really fun, been playing since launch day.
>went 7 and 2 with echo
Neat. Thanks and godspeed.
Empires of the Undergrowth.
Right now I'll give it a 6/10. It's fun, looks good, nice concept, and it's cute. Yet there's too little content in it, and the unit pathing is fucking dreadful. For $30 they could do more, but I hear it's only been out for a little while.
The santa hat is cute.
7/10 when it released, like a 7.5/10 now. It's fun to come back to every now and then.
Dead by Daylight
9/10, simple and fun.
>Dragon age: Origins
14-year-olds power fantasy/5, didn't remember the writing being this bad
>DOOM4 demo
its shit
I'm going to kiss those eyebrows!
Mugi is that you?
>power fantasy
Back to tumblr with you.
soul nomad on an emulator, 6/10
>Pokemon Ultra Sun
Pls don't kill me but 9/10
>DMC3 10/10
It's like everyone willingly ignores the overly long and padded campaign as well as some of the shitty enemies. It's a GOAT for sure, but certainly not perfect.
This guy knows what's up
Stellaris is a hard game to rate because it's "artificial fun" for autists.
>Hitman (tm)
9.5/10 it's okay
Cutest girl
Got so distracted by eyebrows that I forgot to contribute.
Either 7.5/10 or FUCK YOU/10 depending if things are going my way.
Doki Doki Literature Club
Played: Tokyo Xanadu eX+ 7.5/10 so far
Beat: Xenoblade Chronicles 2 8/10
>Battlefront 2 (2005)