Searching at for visual novels at Android

>Searching at for visual novels at Android
>Half games are crap like that
What went wrong with western indie games scene?

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>lumping in visual novels with indies
Go fuck yourself.

This, but unironically.

>for visual novels

I think I can figure out what the problem is.

The western indie gaming scene is just a microcosm of the degeneracy of the west currently.
Here's some good ones.

making a visual novel about yourself has got to be one of the most self masturbatory things you could possibly do

Well what else are you going to be looking for at

>lesbian tumblr games
pick one

calling themselves indie so they can lump themselves with successful indie who put in effort in their games like meincraft, anti-nip fez, starjew valley and dankest dungeon.

Picked one.

>indie games arent indie games unless I say so

>visual novels

Don't kid yourself. They're games, and Sup Forums fucking loves them.

oversaturation and early access

This girl has a hime cut, therefore I'm interested.

There's always been great and shit western indie games. Here's three good ones coming out next year:


>iconoclasts finally coming out in a month
>fp2 coming out in 3 months
hell yes

btw best waifu coming through

romance cop is cute

>>fp2 coming out in 3 months
It's not, they don't even have a release year estimate on the Steam page when they said a few months ago that it's coming out "sometime in 2018". Where the hell did you even pull three months from?

Bunch of rpg maker shit. Fuck off back to tumblr or reddit or wherever you came from


If cinematic games like Uncharted count as games, then why not story-focused adventure games?

>If cinematic games like Uncharted count as games
They don't.