i am the best harry potter game
I am the best harry potter game
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1, 2 and 3 were better
>Implying any of them are good
You shut your whore mouth. Sorcerer's Stone GBC was god tier.
What are you talking about nigger? This game is so shit, it just tried to make a carbon copy of the castle layout from the movie with like three bad minigames. It's boring and bad.
The first three were better because they were actually designed like video games, with mechanically interesting layout and level design, relatively speaking and for a children's game of course.
How awesome would it be to have the castle map ported into a FPS
Not very because it's designed as a single-player linear adventure with small platforming and puzzle segments.
that's not quidditch
yeah, i'll PvP you IRL fucker and see how you bitch about the "level design"
Not that game, I mean the Hogwart's castle map in general, in an FPS game like doom or something
>single-player linear adventure with small platforming and puzzle segments.
so every old fps campaign. those maps wouldn't even look out of place, pic related is a quake mod.
>immersive moving stairs that prolong your fetch quests in recruiting about 100 or so students
Fucking no thanks
>yfw there's even secret passages to the Mirror of Erised and the Chamber of Secrets
Wrong (you) lol
thanks for reminding me. shit was stupid famalamadingdong
learn the shortcuts, that is what they are there for
A first year Hogwarts student probably made this exact complaint before being told this by an upper class men lmao
Even after you use the shortcuts to find people, you still had to do shit for them/collect things which led to more backtracking and running around
my muggle.
Philosopher's Stone and Chamber of Secrets had the best games. PC and PS2 versions mostly. From what I remember about the Order of the Phoenix game it was basically just Gears of War Wizard Edition.
I liked it, it was banjo threeie to me
Half-Blood Prince is a million times better.
except that part where I can't make the luck potion, fucking game
>horrible teen voice acting
>meanwhile other students would spout insults at Harry around every fucking corner
Quite the shit taste, bud
He was lying about Voldemort and killed Cedric Diggory, took his thunder by being a 2nd Triwizard champion before that, the book is the bleakest