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I love these threads
I should really get 7 day survivor one of these days.
lifeseeker's entire album is pretty cool
Worst part of the game, I turned it off because of how frustrating they were. Games aren't fun when they're stupidly difficult
Looking back, was Dead Rising one of the GOAT games?
I was really happy when I found out he returned to do a track for Off the Record
1 and 2 were pretty good, three was where it started going off the rails
Not really, it was more than a little buggy, the NPCs were suicidal and the save function was practically broken.
>save function was practically broken
>go to washroom
DR1 and 2 are amazing games, DR1 would be hands down the best one if it had co-op.
I'm having a hard time stopping the bank robberies in Off The Record, any tips? The assault rifle guys are ridiculous.
I always believed this until I actually played the game myself. They never hit you and are really easy to get to slam into a tree, then it only really takes a couple of hits to knock them out. Plus you can just steal their turret and use it against them.
Also, they're nowhere near the hardest part of the game. I thought I was going to break my fucking controller fighting Isabella on her stupid fucking bike.
I played the game for the first time like a year back, so this is without nostalgia. I REALLY liked the game, but it wasn't GOAT tbqh. Very unique, and an experience I won't forget, but some shit, especially around the end-game (like catching the bees) was total nonsense.
Lots of shit didn't really work together, and the plotline wasn't interesting until the literal end-game.
I do wish the series continued what DR1 left off with though, it had really cool, if unpolished, ideas.
Is DR2 worth finishing? I have it sitting around on my HDD and I never got around to playing more than like an hour, but it feels a LOT more like DR1 than OTR did.
Literally gives you one save slot so good luck with the game working correctly and the NPCs not breaking in order to use it without issues
Dead Rising was great but can we all admit that it has no replay value? All the other endings are just shittier versions of ending A. Unless you're an achievementfag there's really no point in going back and starting all over.
also some of the bosses are really hard unless you cheat with the chainsaws
DR2 was as good as if not better than the first. Never played 3 or 4, have no interest in doing so. Did just buy Off the Record though which I have yet to play.
Great song selection here. Really adds to the panic mood.
I killed them and took the truck once. Took forever.
>he didn't get the zombie genocider achievement first and then play through the game at a high level with the megaman gun
The time mechanic, while cool, also means you're going to have long bouts of standing around doing jack shit, especially after the halfway point where there's suddenly like no side missions; which in itself turns me off from ever replaying it.
I think at two points I had to let the game run for like 20 - 30 minutes real-time because otherwise the story content just would NOT start; I heard the heli-pad sped time up but that seems like total bullshit because I still waited forever and ever.
I keep thinking about buying 3. The weird shading and coloring (or lack of) is oddly appealing to me, I'm curious to see if the larger open city is more fun and since there's no Hilde 34, I figure I'll just check it out in-game.
Isabella isn't even hard, the real bullshit part is when you have to fight Carlito in the underground tunnel
With Isabella you want to hide in a fountain and shoot her from there. Very tedious because she drives away when you go inside the fountain.
you can cheese it by camping in one of the exits and whack the van when he's not moving
>DR2 was as good as if not better than the first.
>New engine makes movement feel like dogshit
>Combo weapons are overpowered and ruin one of the key points of the game in finding useful weapons in the mall or using whatever is nearby
>Removed or dumbed down a bunch of key moves from the first game for no reason to further encourage combo weapons
>No photography, instead you gain PP by again spamming broken combo weapons
>Mall is more boring
>Psychopaths are less interesting
>Zombrex and money grinding make the game more annoying
>Cutscenes and plot have gone from being meme funny to straight up bad
it's lousy
This was the only strat that worked at all. If I stood anywhere outside of the fountain she would knock me down and then fucking drive around my corpse. Or if I stood near a wall she'd glitch out and kill me without letting me do shit iirc.
Also best part is there's like no gun spawns around there, and I didn't know you NEEDED one for the fight; so each time I booted it up I had to kill cop zombies and exchange my superior melee weapons for pistols because I think I wasn't able to beat the (ridiculously hard, cheese-required) gunstore fight beforehand, or in the allotted time I had left. FUCKING AGGRAVATING.
I had a pretty comprehensive playthrough recently, if you try and save everyone and kill all psychos you won't have much downtime. iirc there's survivors that aren't called in by Otis and you have to find them during certain triggered set pieces.
You're meant to use this time to rescue survivors or kill zombies. There's no down time.
I just stood on top of stuff near the supermarket
Ok, how about not as good as the first but still pretty good and worth a playthrough?
>survivors that aren't called in by Otis
I fucking hate this, I was so close to getting all of them in my first playthrough but I didn't know how to start with those guys
>Mall is more boring
The mall in DR1 fucking sucked dude, 90% of the shops were filled with lousy garbage.
Lmao for me she'd do a 90-degree turn on her bike and hit me no matter where I stood. Also, if you're hit, you're knocked way the fuck off and are doomed.
I liked both malls
>Mall is more boring
I wouldn't say that, especially compared to the majority of DR1's mall, but I did find that if you played OTR first (like I had), my god it's way more hollow.
OTR added a fuckton of things to the mall, it's mind-boggling if you play the two in the backwards order.
It's basically luck unless you look it up, appearing at certain times/after certain prerequisites have been met.
I don't see how these boss fights would be possible without cheesing. I never was able to beat the gun store boss.
>Play off the record
Problem solved
it's not fair
I was so close
>you will never be in highschool at home on a snowday playing Dead Rising again
In all honesty I tried the same thing with the 50 cal and still got destroyed. Never killed him either
>yfw shell shocked vet mission
I hate that fight
then again I hate every fight
The jeep handles like shit. It's stupidly easy to get them stuck in the trees, kill the gunner, and the other two are sitting ducks.
Isn't it physically impossible to get the save all the survivor achievements in your first playthrough?
why not?
what did he mean by this?
How did you guys know I was just playing this?
I always found Cletus to be the least psychotic boss in the game. Felt bad for him after he died.
>don't get everybody on my first playthrough
>trying to get everybody on my second
>the only people that I missed are the three in the gunshop that are only there for 16 hours and without any call from Otis
Mountain tops maybe?
Pretty sure there's an achievement for it, I know I've been within 1 or 2 before
It might be circulating on spotify's recommendations
no it's possible, there's an achievement for it
Isabella is terribly easy to cheese. There's a box you can stand on that her path finding doesn't recognize, so she'll drive around for a second, spin around to stare at you, and then drive around again. Go in with plenty of guns and she's a cake walk.
Why is Dead Rising Sup Forums approved?
it's a good game
It's a good game before zombies became completely overdone.
It's old and most people haven't played it so you can still elitist and cool for liking it.
It just got a remaster last year you dweeb.
Because it's a pleb filter and only retards hate the time mechanic.
A remaster that added literally nothing.
We gpt Dead Rising threads aat least. I think they actually took out the Dawn of The Dead don't sue screen.
Rush them. Throw some shit at them first if you have to. Pick up a gun they drop and empty it into another guy and pick up his gun.
I mean fuck dude it's really not hard. I just ran up to them and beat them with wolverine claws
The guys at the bank themselves are easy, but going from one bank to another, I can't seem to not get shoot at.
If you focus on the cases there's no way you didn't miss a lot of stuff.
Do you guys think we could do a Sup Forums sings of Gone Guru tomorrow night?
Sup Forums isn't one entity