>Do you guys have Nintendo Switch's in stock?
Do you guys have Nintendo Switch's in stock?
Wouldn't be even half as bad if he ditched the ears and tail.
>3 inch platform boots
fucking manlets
We serve FOOD here, sir.
Yes, we just restocked, get them while you can
And they wonder why their lifestyle is persistently mocked and used as the butt of a joke.
>wh*te "people"
>Splatoon fans
>not having already bought a Switch at launch or at the absolute latest upon Spla2n's release
>you will always be associated with those braindead disgusting degenerate liberals
why the fuck do we have to suffer like this.
I just like the artstyle of furry characters why am I associated with THAT?
just don't ask how the tail attaches
i've found by interacting with some of these people on the internet that these people are incredibly frail and insecure and socially anxious, but needy of attention, deciding to look as freakish as possible (wearing weird and "unique" clothing, bright hairstyles, tattoos/piercings) which works against their anxiety and makes them be further alienated by normies
you are actually able to like the smug freakish vacant expressions overimposed on animal muzzles? you need to face that you're pretty freakish, just don't need to call the attention of others to it
>Sir this is a McDonalds we only have rinkey dink brightly colored plastic toy- OH MY GOSH YEAH WE DO HAVE ONE here ya go
cmon nigga some of them are pretty cute
>being this based
What game would I play?
While your spending your weekend nights shit posting on a Russian doll making forum he is going to cons and getting laid.
Fucking me in the ass until you fill me with cum.
You look healthy and receptive to normies at the very least so you'll likely play Odyssey or BOTW like everyone.
I swear people that look like this also look like the most miserable people in the universe.
>she got rejected because some feminist cunts complained
also Asian furfags get a pass
Getting laid with landwhales doesn't counts.
No man's soy
Little Soy Planet
Any of the Battlesoy games
Call of Soy
Sir, this is a tea shop.
I'm just going to assume there's some mental issues going on here, what I want to know is where is a family member keeping him from doing this?
cut that ugly hair
Assuming he's 18 or older, why shouldn't an adult be able to dress however he wants? Even if it's batshit crazy, it's not like he's slashing his wrists or pepper spraying gamestop employees or otherwise being a danger to himself or other people. A complete lack of self-awareness doesn't make him a threat.
Stop following me faggot. You are obsessed. I guess Soyboy just applies to any guy more attractive than you now?
>t. guy with no style
that is hardly furry. furry is a western thing copying disney's talking animals movies, what you posted is clearly anime and thus, naturally, better. if it was furry she'd have a smug look, side smirk, side look with semi closed eyes, one eyebrow down and the other up, and of course the showing fangs and facial hair
so I'm safe then?good
Many of these fucktards are confirmed pedophiles and ANTIFA.
Nah user. Anything anthro animal is furry. Weeb shit doesn't get a free pass.
Is anyone doubting this thread was made by a Sony-gger? Anyone at all?
it's not about being a threat, it's about stopping someone you love or at least feel responsible for from doing something retarded
Sup Forums has been invaded by NeoGAF, soooo...
Many niggers are confirmed retards and rapists. Doesn't mean I'm going to bar Tyson from donating sperm.
jumping off a cliff game
I honestly unironically think he's cute and would go to a date with him. Or just hang out and play splatoon.
Even some furfags I know look better than """him""""
But it's not harmful to him to look like that though. You don't get to intervene in someone's else life just because you (and everyone else) think they're being pants-on-head retarded. It's when there's actual damage happening that it becomes appropriate.
I'd bet money that thing doesn't call itself male.
>what you posted is clearly anime and thus, naturally, better
the technical term is kemono my man
I just pretended like I didn't know much about them so the girl at the counter thought I was buying it for my kid or something.
Cuteness its subjective. I know furfags that are cuter than that, but that doesn't take away its inherent cuteness
Yeah, probably an enbie
>I honestly unironically think he's cute and would go to a date with him. Or just hang out and play splatoon.
yeah so you're definitely from Sup Forums and probably think trannies qualify as people
Literally no one cares about you buying a switch for yourself if you don't look like OP or a creepy neckbeard.
>smacks lips
>aye man, you got dat new Xbox?
>you got dat new madden?
>someone tries to get me into Splatoon
>the entire fanbase is rabid furries and weeaboos who hate playing the game and just spam porn in every discussion
>immediately discard the game as rancid filth
i care
Intervening is where the damage is caused, more often than not. Society does the most mental damage to people by enforcing normality and in a bunch of different areas as well. There are so many things considered wrong/abnormal/dangerous where 90%+ of the mental damage from it or incentive to do it when it's actually damaging is caused by those reactions.
I did the same thing with Cuphead and Undertale
Nothing of value was lost
"no sir, this is a school cafeteria"
Those are mostly single player games, though. Why does the fanbase matter in those cases? In Splatoon, you sorta have to interact with the fanbase since it's primarily multiplayer.
>it offends me because I actually LIKE those games
fuck off faggot
isn't that the artist for freedom planet
I came in here literally JUST to post this.
No, I haven't played either of them, but I don't get why the fanbase matters if you aren't going to interact with them.
>anthro is furry
no it's not.
for the sequel yes
apparently the devs loved his fanart so much they got him as one of the lead artists
This is why we call you degenerates.
that game does look fucking gorgeous from a technical and artistic standpoint. one of those games that will remain impressive years from now
they even got some skullgirl animators and christian whitehead on board
Anthro animals are furries. That's literally how the furry fandom is defined, people who like anthropomorphic animals.
anyone got a link to his youtube channel? i lost it but it was fascinating how someone could be so narcissistic in his content
furries are people that indulge in a lifestyle of cartoon animals going so far as to dress up as them get your definitions straight. if literally every anthro character was a furry then the entirety of the 80's/90's were filled to the brim with furries and nobody batted an eye.
>it's not like he's slashing his wrists
I guarantee you that there are cutting scars hidden under those long sleeves and bracelets.
this is a furry
Then that's what should be addressed, the self harm, not the retarded outfit.
I disagree. He's as welcome to dress like a retard in public as I am to judge him for it.
no its not you meming idiot. every single non-human character ever would be a furry then what the fuck
I'm not saying people can't judge him, I'm just saying the guy's family members/friends don't have a right to make him stop just because it's weird if it's also harmless.
>still remember simon back when he was a Sup Forums meme 5 years ago
>this is what he turned into
what happened
this art is cute as fuck
Op cares about Nintendo, op is underage
just admit you like him cuz hes tall you stupid whore
This guy is some lolcow? I thought he was just some random fag anons found on google images.
>mouth isn't wide open
Bejewelled 3 for 3000 hours
that rotund babyface is anything but attractive, but go on and assume I'm the same guy for the sake of shielding your fragile ego
>one copy of the legend of zelda: breath of the wild, with the trans link amiibo, please
>(by sleeping)
if theyre sexualized anthro, theyre furry shit. but yes furries are the people themselves that like the anthro shit
is that vsauce?
>O-one copy of atelier m-meruru!
if youre going to use trash-tier memes at least be clever about it
kys furry trash
Is this some phenomenon that I don't know about?
numale pose
mouth has to be open in surprise or something
t. closet furries
>One copy of Omega Dungeon please
anime is literally a disney rip off
>some clip art penguins and owls got chosen over this
im still mad