How does one get "taste"?
How does one get "taste"?
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Follow the/v/ hive mind and hate what games Sup Forums tells you to hate and praise the games Sup Forums tells you to praise, obviously.
play a lot of different games
literally all it takes is to be open to all genres of video game. the kind of person who shits on a game without ever having played it will never acquire "taste."
you don't. literally every video game ever made is a piece of paid review garbage and if you enjoy things fuck you.
on a more serious note taste is completely subjective, dont let shitters on this board drag you down for liking the "wrong" things
Don't listen to Sup Forums whatsoever when it comes to "taste", because most of the people here are underage as fuck and think taste is playing the newest shit that comes out. It's something you find on your own, scoping out whatever looks interesting to you personally. Don't be afraid to be the contrarian.
By not having the same opinion that a baby would have. You can think that Skyrim is the best RPG of all time, but if you actually enjoy RPGs enough to play a lot of RPGs, there are so many RPGs that have done so many different things that the likelihood of all your preferences perfectly aligning with Skyrim is extremely unlikely. The much more likely possibility is that you simply haven't played that many RPGs and have an opinion that a baby would have.
i suppose you could argue that applying a critical eye to a broad range of media could develop taste, but that is probably wrong
>start drinking good spirits
>start smoking fine cigars
>start eating high end dishes
you'll get there one day
There's no point, there hasn't been a single "great" video game to this day. It's inherent to the genre. You can't balance out level design, soundtrack, gameplay, art direction, plot and other minor things like cinematography, voice acting, enemy variability, etc. All together. You can't have all these things click together not only because of the complexity but also due to the amount of people who do them.
You can't truly have taste in video games because none of them are truly great. If you want to have "taste", go read literature, listen to music or just go to the cinema, at least there you can come closer to perfection.
Just think the opposite of whatever Sup Forums does. Low effort but high reward.
So you're saying you don't enjoy anything, despite it's flaws? That's shit taste.
If you have to accept flaws, then you can't really say it's perfect, can you? And I mean actual flaws, not superficial things people don't enjoy.
If you were to take the film Stalker, for example, you could say its flaw was it had low budget. But in reality its low budget gave the film a certain charm and uniqueness that you can't truly call it a flaw.
Search up popular trending games or games that are popular on websites like reddit. Avoid all of them and ditch them if they ever get popular.
I don't get hung up on flaws as the whole contributing factor of whether I think something is good or not. It's a combination of many elements that get me. Like a games's OST, how it affects a game's atmosphere, how the gameplay itself feels, and how the graphics/styling holds up, the level design, etc. Nothing in media is perfect and you can find flaws in anything. It's finding the capacity to enjoy something despite it's flaws that contributes to having "taste". Not being a critic shitter who wants to tear everything apart.
Play a lot of games, being open to varied genres
Identify what makes them good and what's valuable in them
Taste is a meme.
Stop listening to a bunch of faggots online. The only way you'll find purpose on this earth is to listen to what you want, not to what a bunch of strangers want. "Taste" is subjective, do what makes you truly happy
Can we get a DDLC edit of this?
>"Well, there's no God here today. Just Monika."
by being superior
someone who was superior would have played pc games in 1995 instead of consoles, or had a pc and consoles but not someone who had never been exposed to pc gaming in the 90s or earlier
By getting a PS4
>popularity determines quality
nice bait
Do what you enjoy even if it's considered shit by the majority but don't be autistic and not recognize that things have faults no matter whose perspective it is.
Play a lot of games.
Gotta eat some turds and see what appeals to you, become Nick Bate.
As you experience pieces of medium, develop opinions on various aspects of the subject, and come to understand why you are holding these opinions, especially in comparison to other works in the same genre or medium.
"Taste" is in this context just a buzzword where retards can look down upon your pointless hobby while having the very same pointless hobby. If you like something, you like it regardless of what some mouthbreathers on an imdonesian stepdancing congress say.
Nah, taste is a real thing. I accept I have really bad taste because I unironically enjoyed Mighty No. 9 and Sonic Forces, and don't really like Earthbound at all.
Taste is subjective, but how refined it is isn't.
Research core design concepts by reading Sup Forums threads (posts like pic related are a good example) and watching videos that explain in objective terms what makes certain games better or worse at certain things. Like this one:
>have shit taste
>enjoy everything and live happy
>have good taste
>being a jadded contrarian cunt
for what purpose?
kissing Sup Forums's hypothetical ass
Come up with your own independent idea of what is good and also play lots of games
Listener to your inner voice my child. Relax. Let the waves wash over you as you surrender your rage for a soul.
just b urself lmao
Hilarious how a lot of these ~were~ praised as "good taste" in Sup Forums
emphasis on the were as a number of them dumped these works as soon as outsiders discovered them and made them feel less speshul