Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Thread

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Thread

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How may I be of service, Master?


One thing I didn't get: when Klaus says that the other aegis was set to a different dimension (Othos I think his name was?), was there any significance to that? Am I just retarded?

It's Alvis from the first game

why tf did malos have a monado

Guess for some reason I was thinking it was Elma. I thought Alvis was Klaus's computer though? The way xb2 klaus made it sound like othos was in alrest for some time, then left. Idk

All Aegis' are also Monado, same things. Picture Malos as Zanza's Mondado, and Pyra/Mythra as Meyneth's
X is so far in a contained universe, but the Aegis were manufactured Weapons/machines that controlled the Mechs, so I thought computer was appropriate. Also Alvis controls who obtains the TRUE Monado

I guess all the refences to X are just references? Vandam, BLADE, etc? That sucks I guess; really want a sequel to x. Literally just finished 2 though and it was fucking incredible

X is my favorite Gameplay wise, and XC was my favorite overall. XC2 is still incredible, but it needed a little more polish in my opinion.

What did you guys think YOU CAN TAKE ME?

Honestly, a pretty lackluster quote from the game, only really prevalent in hours 4-5 of the game.
Pretty much anything from Tora and Poppi is funnier to me, and much more recognizable


My feelings exactly. I was playing with the jap voices for most of the game, but it was great at the end when you hear shulk through the worm hole

>die on the boss fight at the end of chapter 7
>respawn on the fire side of a wall that requires that I go climb up a wall and crawl back over there, a trip that takes no less than 3 minutes of movement

Is there a way to open that door thing? I didn't see any kind of interaction icon on it

>Honestly, a pretty lackluster quote from the game, only really prevalent in hours 4-5 of the game.

One of those fuckers should've been a superboss

Yes right after the wall there is a lever you can pull to open the gate in the wall.

It's popular because it's right at the stsrt of the game, even the people who only play the game for an hour or so will get it. And as steam results show, most people only play their games for less than an hour. Maybe it's different on consoles.

Should I get the Switch for this game? (I could play also MK8 and Oddysey)

Fucking lost it at that part.
Then again, I was glued to the TV as soon as KLAUS HAS LOCKED US OUT OF CONTROL OF AION

You can also play botw, splatoon 2 and octopath when it comes out. I'm reply enjoying my switch right now.

But some people have been burned somehow by how anime this game is, so let me give you an idea: this game has: sweat drop animations, a villain who can control elementary particles and move at the speed of light, a tsundere girl who throws things at boys because she sleep-walked into the men's room at the inn, and a hapless villain (later hero) who is thrown by a boulder into the sky and disappear in a star sparkle. This game is really fucking anime.

Don't ask this question in XC2 threads. Of course most anons would say yes. I'd say check out gameplay videos and see if the game interests you.
Mario Odyssey is a very good game however, and a compelling argument to get a Switch all on its own.

So when's the patch coming out?

On the 22nd. So whenever from in a few hours to two days from now.

>ywn be Poppi's masterpon

Is Mythra a third wheel or Rex actually love her too?

I'd recommend it, but my rule of thumb is to wait until there are 3 games I truly want for a system before investing.
Any interest in Splatoon 2, ARMS, or any other titles coming out? If you can wait, maybe wait till they have their January update to see what's coming out for 2018, or if there are any bundles/remodels

The only two games I currently own are BotW and XC2, and I would say it's absolutely worth it. If you are asking about buying a Switch for XC2 then I assume you like JRPGs, and in the future we'll also be getting SMTV and Octopath Traveler, which I'm hoping will also be good.

Have you not played the demo for octopath traveller? I'm super hyped for it.

I downloaded it but I was too invested in those two to actually give it a try.

Both will be irrelevant when Rex realizes that Nia is best choice.

>get Aegeanon for morag
>he has 8 strength
>get floren
> _he has 20 strength


Dude, I think she's best girl too, but she'll never win.
Her blade form is amazing, and I exclusively used her for the last half of my playthrough

>two days from now
>the 22nd

>Is Mythra a third wheel
Yes. Unless the ENG translation paints her differently. I played in moonspeak

Timezones man

Mythra a best
Besides Nia

What does the patch do for new game plus? Is there a link to some place where I can see the additions?

>Mythra's skirt/dress

Goddamn, I need those thighs clamped around my head

The new game plus patch isn't until next year.


Are there any time constraints on things like heart to hearts? I tend to run around with my optimal party and blades, but I know I'm missing out on stuff like heart to hearts. Can I just run around after I finish the story and hit those up?

Did you know moonspeak?.

I the only thing that I notice here is Nia. She's the focal point.

patch is out lads

Enough to get by and notice things like this

Oh. Fuck. Well, by that time I'll want to play it again I guess. Do we know anything about it?

The only place where you would miss out is Indol

You guys are aware that nia goes into heat and fucks Dromarch, right? She's gormotti.

So only Pyra win.
What a shame.

I like this game so much better than X, holy fuck.

X has a lot more polish but I just cant get into it .

Switch emulator when?

Waifushit ruined this game

Switch hax when?

>*posts picture of a hex dump on twitter 24 hours after switch launch*
>"I'm already running unsigned code lol"
>6 months later, nothing since

It happened the same with the first game.

I personally like X's gameplay the most out of the three most recent Xeno games, but I admit the characters and story are a lot better overall in XC2

XC1 wasn't this blatant with waifushit, though

The dignified waifu in a sea of whores also has the most beautiful eyes, no surprises here.

What do you think about the game? It is good? I have played the first one (XC) and it took me like 100 hours to complete and I enjoyed a lot. Is this one like that?

>Game is about bonding Blades and Drivers
>Blade is a girl
>Most Blades (especially in story) are also girls
>Ruined the game
Waifushit established the premise and mechanics of this particular game, and keeps people talking about it even after beating it.

so the patch is out, did they fix handheld mode and the memory leak yet

Not exactly a boss, but there is a unique varient in one of the prison cells on the titan battleship in torigoth. Shame he's only around level 13.

>Be male Rare Blade
>Most drivers are guys
>Not a homo

>when you're just trying to get another healer blade on Nia but Kosmos appears instead

>can't go back to Indol in post-game

I was only half paying attention to what they said when Indol became a hostile nation and what happened to things on it

You'll be able to send main Blades like Pyra and Dromarch on merc missions,
Pneuma will get a level IV special, and it was implied you'll be able to get enemy Blades.

There is nothing there but two shit side quests and all the shops move.

>be a female (male) Rare Blade

>level 4 Pneuma special is probably just the cutscene attack where you grow swords out of your sword

do your autism dance for me, please

I thought he was a girl and even checked out his well modeled butt am I gay now?

I'm sorry for your loss



How did Mythra know what “one-eyed monster” meant? Is she not a virgin?

Fucking terrible

Those guys at Monolith really know what they're doing.

She's been alive hundreds of years, could have heard it anywhere.

Honestly surprised Rex knew what it was

>final boss is the "Pelt Erde Kaiser with KOS-MOS's fucking stupid LV2 while everyone else just stands there because they can't reach it (feat. Herald)" Power Hour
As someone who loved this game and just finished it, that was so fucking disappointing I just have no idea what to say

Looking back that's exactly what I did while standing in the corner. which apparently melee weapons can reach him there too.

What exactly are you SUPPOSED to be doing

finished the game last night, but unfortunatly I overheard that, can anyone link me a youtube-clip where you can hear that, please!

can we sure that it is Alvis?, I guess it makes sense tough

Vandam is basically the Cid of Xenogames, he only has different names in the western versions
Vanderkaum in Gears and Saga
Vangarre in the first Xenoblade
in X and XB2, he kept his name

I mean Tora and Nia were making themselves perfectly useless until the Colossi spawned while I melted Aion's fucking face with the Hilbert Effect while pulling healing duty because lmao KOS-MOS. If melee reaches Aion they weren't doing a good job of showing it. Shit, I was even hitting it when the Colossi spawned, and I only stopped because I wanted to have fun.


I beat Aion so quickly that I barely knew what its attacks were, besides one where it disables heals. Wasn't even higher level than Aion, a Chain Attack at 2-3 elements just destroyed him so fast.


Reminder that this should've been the final boss OST, if not at least for one of the phases

>doing Poppi QTpi's Reflect lvl 5 affinity requirement

He is supposed to withdraw and then summon two Colossus Artifices, but Ether Cannons can still reach him so it doesn't even matter if someone is already pulling their aggro. I got hit with the heal disable exactly once. They should have just made it a regular old fight in an arena, and Aion should have attacked much faster and had a barrier and a heal or SOMETHING. I heard "Prometheus" and then didn't get hit by an attack called Prometheus until 30 seconds later.

Only by basically standing on the very corner of the arena can you hit Aion and the AI doesn't bother to do it themselves.

I was able to do combos with my other weapons standing there.

maybe you both where too overleveled
or you are just too good in that game
either way, I must agree that final boss wasn't really that hard
even the last time you fight Jin was harder

Big tits

Just to add to this, the Mk. VI Gerolf earlier in the Tree was a much better giant mech fight than Aion. Summoned Familions regularly chain topples and he constantly hammers his target with powerful attacks.

I was LV70. Aion was LV70. It should have been fine.

Pneuma's tits covered in black spandex.


Nigga show me the cleavage.

it'll play for the elysium DLC

I was L68 when I fought the final boss, a L70 enemy should not have died that fast but Pnuema still decimated him

Seriously for some reason the L50-something enemy you have to fight for PoppiQTpi's quest took twice as long to kill as the final boss.


Anyone know where I can find and battle enemies in the mid-70s?

L80+ enemies are too tough for me right now, and everything else I encounter is too weak to give exp.

ok, then I guess I am only shit in that game
was still an easy fight tough

Was it because you had a bunch of HM Slaves equipped and you weren't expecting a boss? Because that's what happened to me.

Fuck. Nice. Shame she can't exist in the epilogue.

Who's more powerful, 3rd Form Pyra or Alvis + True Monado?

Just remember, it can't be a sin if there's a bible verse.