Is Bloodborne canon?
Is Bloodborne canon?
In relation to what, fammo? The Dark Souls series? Probably not.
Squid ending hunter = the Old One from demons souls
What do you mean in relation? I want to know if it's a good game
No it's not canon. Basically a "it was all a dream" gaiden expansion to Souls.
It has a cannon which is better. And the DLC adds another.
Sure. But the PvP is dead and has the worst replayability in general of all the Dark Souls becuase of it lack in gear variety.
OP is asking if BB is canon in the way the Devil May Cry 2 and DmC aren't canon
This. It's a great game and very fun, but there's only like 4 builds you can do and one of them has no fucking weapon variety.
Do you know what canon means?
Bloodborne is 24 frames of asbolute kino and yes it is canon to the Shadow Tower series, idiot.
People always ask if something is canon and I assumed it meant if something was a blast to play since a canon blasts things from it?
do you have actual brain damage
Shit if I know.
I don't know when I'm in the dream and when I'm in reality.
It has the best replayability because of roguelike mode.
>Hated Chalice Dungeons as a monotonous waste of time and misspent development time
>Realize they give great staying power to the game if you choose to keep playing it and was a fantastic decision
Why did I doubt Miyazaki
This thread is completely retarded on all fronts.
That's exactly what it means.
Their only mistake was forcing the default dungeons on you to get to queen Yharnam, otherwise dungeons are pure fun
Is this you?
Fuckin top kek
Sup Forums on nights gentlemen
it is canon yes
dude haha you're so dumb lmao xd haha kek looooool put me in the screenshot holy shit
I love you user.
don't ever change.
you got me
Never has an opportunity come this obvious to post this picture.
Cleanse this man of his beastly idiocy
Did you make this pic?
This cant be real
Does anyone have the Dark Souls IIII image?
Jesus fucking christ
That's adorable
Dis nibba
Hello, Ken M!
see you on reddit faggots
People who don't look up words they don't understand are asses.
But it's still pretty funny to watch em make asses of themselves.
Dungeons would be great if farming gems for anything other than a pure skl build wasn't cancer.
There are like 3 total gems maximum that are useful from any given boss, and there are like 15 permutations on each of these 3 gems alone. Plus the 15 permutations on the 35+ more gems in the drop pool that are completely, utterly and totally useless.
It would also be much more fun if the spelunkers over at /bbg/ weren't willingly being meme'd by a tripfagging turbo cunt. Level 98 is absolutely pointless. You'll be able to get 50 in every single stat long before you get a perfect gemset on literally anything but the rakuyo or blades of mercy.
this one?
That's it, thanks.
I propose we make this the new definition of canon for this board
's okay user.
The 2+ years this game broke Sup Forums is definitely canon, yes user.