Switch is in stock at my local Target, should I cop?

Switch is in stock at my local Target, should I cop?

Cop as in steal? Or buy? Use English shithead

Did you want a switch? Then yeah. If not, don't bother. The shortages are over.

Cop as in get you dumbass jit.

yes and pick up snipperclips plus

>Work at Target
>Switch in my reshop cart
>$200 repackage price sticker fuck up
>Holy shit
>Buy it
>mfw $200 Switch

Thanks for the fuck up, my man.

Which Switch games do you want to play? I usually need at least 5 good exclusives before I buy a new console.

My Target sold them out but it has something else in stock.

How you gonna cop that shit when it behind glass? You gonna set off the alarm nigga.

the fucking 3ds xl is still $200? the fuck

why would he mean "steal" you fucking idiot

>Minecraft for WII U STILL $50

"Cop" is a verb used only by ghetto niggers, so it's not surprising that a normal person wouldn't understand your retarded slang. Fuck off or speak English, you dumb fuck.

No, you're just retarded.

>Switch game is $79 there

Not an argument.

It's not often you get the absolute privilege of giving money to Nintendo. Go for it.

>the virgin angle
Every time

He's retarded because you can't speak English correctly? That's quite the reach, Tyrone.

it was never $50 goofy nigga, the MSRP is $30

If you like the games and you have the money, why not? Unless this is a stealth thread by that one leaf shitposter.

you got rekt

speaking somewhat properly is for rich white people, didn't you hear? rad kids don't have time for that.

fuck off with your sneaker talk. that shits heat, pull it off with your outfit, shout out to the plug. cop that drop yo.

because no one knows what you little fucks are up to these days. some twitch stream could have told his following to rob targets and you cock suckers would do it