How many innocent people has he sentenced to death?

How many innocent people has he sentenced to death?

he and his brother killed millions

To save billions..

it's so weird how people call AA a satire of the Japanese justice system, because Prosecutors so rarely lose cases

Prosecutors rarely lose cases because they only ever bring cases they think they're going to win, you dumbasses

Who could have been consumed to save trillions...

>h-how dare you point flaws in glorious nippon!!!

At the cost of quadrillions...

those "flaws" exist in every country with a functional justice system, because they're not flaws

Was it autism ?

At the brap of brapillions...

*cornered starts playing*

For the safety of 1 shrek...

For the prepping of one bull....

To send a single faggot back to where he belongs...

The only thing I remember from that case was Edgeworth verbally blowing Gant the fuck out.

>Sit back, relax, and enjoy the sound of the noose tightening around your neck

>this somehow makes the Japanese court system less of a joke

You killed the train, buzz

Gant blowing Miles the fuck out was a lot more entertaining though.
>Pretty much called Miles a fucking dumbass for not reading something HE sent him.

Would you rather prosecutors just start dragging everybody's ass to court even if they don't have a good case

>that part where phoenix accidentally stabs miles in the back through questioning
>then miles does it back at phoenix later
why was the writing so magical
what happened to phoenix wright games when they turned into 3d

I think you don't understand the concept of "fair trial".

>Gant staring at the camera while the music fades
>Gant catching Phoenix and Gumshoe going through his shit
>Gant's two-frame freak out where he looks like he's being electrocuted

>it's so weird how people call AA a satire of the Japanese justice system, because Prosecutors so rarely lose cases
That's the point. In early AA, all the prosecutors you go against (sans Payne) have perfect/near perfect records.

The reddit logo is very similar to the Blue Badger/Proto Badger. Is there a connection ?

japanese cases rule against the defendant about 20% of the time. most people get rehabilitated though.

Innocent is subjective

what are some other series/games like AA? I played Daganronpa and it's meh.

Payne's held a perfect record longer than anyone with the exception of Manfred who used dirty tactics to win.

Payne would of beat Phoenix and Apollo if they didn't have Mia and Kristoph backing them up.

Ghost Trick on the DS
999 on the DS and Virtue Last Reward pn the 3DS
Hotel Dusk and The Last Window on the DS
Don't bother with the rest, there is no good other text based game

You’ve played every text based game in existence?

Damn straight. HD is one of my favorite DS games