>hey user, wanna play Anno 1404, Dondonpachi or CS:GO with me?
your response?
>hey user, wanna play Anno 1404, Dondonpachi or CS:GO with me?
your response?
get away from me faggot
>that tattoo
Fucking gross, Rose is much better without it. She's also a slut.
what? I don't know what those words are.
Hi Rose
See me in Twinkle Star Sprites.
sure kiddo
I dont want aids go away
>anno 1404
sure don't don't hog the orient or i'll spread that boipucci of yours with a turkey baster.
Why do girls pretend to like star wars
Wanna fug instead?
Why do you think "girls" is a hive mind and not people like you and me?
I-If I win you have to give me a kiss!
As long as you don’t rape my fleet
Fuck off roastie.
She’s pure. Hates sex too. Likes playing her DS instead
>implying I've played any of those in years.
New Anno looks tight though.
Sure, host it.
Who are you, and what are you doing in my house?
oh no no noo nonononono.......
I think I’m going to puke
how do you know ?
I fucked her once in a railroad cubicle in Italy
no I'm playing animal crossing
>cook serve
>86 hrs in record
That shirt sucks
I have NEVER met a girl that plays Dodonpachi or any other vertical scrolling shooter. We had a thread on here a few months back where a girl thought Ikaruga was an obscure game no one ever heard of, despite it being one of the most well known shooters in the west.
Is it just the area I live in, maybe? I've heard Mexican girls like arcade games more than American girls and I'm in South Carolina. Met a Mexican-American girl that liked KoF once, but that's about it.
Replace video games with star wars
Do i have a shot with Rose yet? I've been waiting a long time guys, it's getting hard and I'm not sure I'll be able to hang on much longer
It feels like I'm blowing it at this point...
Rose has patrician taste
I wanna fuck her in the ass. Shame she's not a boy but it'll do I guess.
Oh wait, it's a tranny?
let me into that butthole too
>tfw Ash will never be real and suck your cock
Dodonpachi is a great STG. Ever play Raiden? It's the same concept.
dam shes cute
is that john ulahannan?
I want to suck her dick
Did Rose ever get lewd?
she’s curiously lewd
She has really sexy hands, very nice length on all her fingers, even her nails are well formed
I bet holding hands with her is a pleasant experience
gay as fuck dude
where do ya get the rose pics from?
If she doesn’t crush your hands first
enjoy your tranny man hands
she looks A LOT like my male friend in that photo
go away
Post pics pls.
secret user
...is that good or bad?
its... weird
Women are less interested in games to begin with and arcade games are niche as fuck these days. And to top that off, shmups that aren't gradius, raiden and touhou are niche even by arcade standards. Your chances of finding a girl that plays them in real life are zero. That said I got my girlfriend into shmups by 1cc'ing games in co-op, feels good.
no thanks
fuck off
>she didn't cum
>must be frigid
kill yourself normalfag trash
kill yourself, newfags like you who hate anime are killing this site
Yes, Rose, please, take me away from this hell into your comfy british bed with tea and your skinny white ass.
I don't care that you're 30, I love you.
What are you talking about? Those are lovely
Thin and elegant like all fine women
Trust me, i have refined taste in hands, short midget fingers or thick manly hands make me physically ill, but Rose has ideal hands for sure
Get outa my home
>skinny white ass
you black?
>Women are less interested in games to begin with
sh..... don't tell the numale cucks that. They will bring out their charts where they argue that a girl that plays candy crush is just as interested in games as a guy that grinds in Third Strike all night.
>that long coat
very cute
is this thing on
yes very
She's not even an ugly 3d woman, it's just a man wearing makeup.
you high? it’s a chick
What is she up to nowadays? I know she was a physicist or something. Did she complete her career?
A shame she was too early on this twitch era. If she were to appear today, she could have won a billion bucks streaming+patreon. A damn shame, the girl had a lot of talent and personality (that is what sells the most.)
How long is """her""" cock?