Is this game actually any good? It's been mentioned many times here over the few months and it's relatively cheap now.
Is this game actually any good? It's been mentioned many times here over the few months and it's relatively cheap now
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Yeah. I just started playing it because of /v... it’s alright.
Eh it's worth once or twice around the bend.
Only one save file is a pain in the ass and it's clear it's a very unfinished game.
If you can look past the flaws and don't mind listening to the same shitty dialogue lines over and over there's a metric fuckload of content to play through.
The hype is vastly overstated. It's a pretty good game with some solid strengths and glaring weaknesses.
Personally I think Dragon Age Inquisition is a better game that strives for somewhat similar goals.
It's okay. Not a masterpiece or anything but if you can get it for cheap, go for it.
Just go in with the right expectations.
>good combat system
>seemingly generic story until you get to the true end, and it all makes sense
>you can change class at Gran Soren
>dark arisen gives you fast travel items and DLC in the inn storage
Bitterblack is a really good post-game dungeon.
Just got it too on Steam after trying out the Codex version. Turns out the port is surprisingly good, the menus are still console shit but actual controls etc. are perfectly fine with m+kb
It's just okay. Worth playing without a doubt though.
It's a great combination of ideas with mediocre execution.
It's a good game.
I have been liking it so far. Try all classes and stick to what you feel is the most fun. Personally, playing with daggers and a bow is the most fun for me.
It's one of those games that really bothers you because it's so obviously low budget, yet all the ideas and combat are excellent. The gameplay is addicting, yet it could have been so much better if Capcom put a little bit more money into it.
Assassin with sword and board is surprisingly fun, and I went in heart set on Warrior.
>That Showdown buff (cancellable)
>That Enhanced Response intro Dire Gouge for scaling and bringing down big beasties
If you hate level scaling, don't pick up this game. It actually discourages trying to fight stronger enemies and exploring out of the way areas because scaling fucks you so hard it becomes a massive grind.
You can't really blame them. The same thing happened with Monster Hunter 1.
An open-world medieval western-style rpg with no multiplayer but still uses servers as a new IP? Hopefully Worlds does well so we get a sequel to DD.
>The hype is vastly overstated.
Not really, people just really like the game. The general lasted basically forever.
After seeing MHO I wonder if DD2 will even be what we want.
It's the best 7/10 game you'll ever play. The gameplay is still top tier (except warriors), that and it needs to be more obvious when pawns are learning things and what inclinations are doing.
flawed diamond
Think like a soulless out of touch Japanese corporate executive. MHW exists in the same sphere, they'd worry about it competing for the same market.
Is this game fine for someone who stresses himself out easily over options and managing? I just began recently and I really enjoy the combat but I feel like they throw everything at me very early on and I have no clue how I should follow.
Is there any difference between steam and gog versions?
DD seemed like my dream game on paper, but I can’t get over how fucking boring and vanilla everything is. It’s all basic-ass fantasy shit with no creativity whatsoever, like everything was ripped 1:1 out of a fantasy 101 book.
That's what I like about it though. Every recent fantasy game tries so hard to create it's own special snowflake setting but DD just gives me classic D&D. It's traditional and quaint.
Harpies look amazing though, and how many ''modern'' vidya have a beholder?
what do you mean not listening to my very important information wolves hunt in packs, user
Imo the game is fine but its boring as fuck
>I can’t get over how fucking boring and vanilla everything is
>basic-ass fantasy shit with no creativity whatsoever
I love it
Definitely worth trying for cheap. I loved it since the moment I got control of the character. You should check the sticky on /ddg/.
>Dragon Age Inquisition is a better game
BBI runs are fun, I just wish they weren't so reliant on weapon drops
>concept artist draws a dragon
>it's a fucking dragon
It's a flawed gem, it has moments of brilliance but the whole experience is sort of dragged down by several bad core design choices.
The sequel which is Japanese only is much better.
>The sequel which is Japanese only is much better.
ok kid
Definitely worth it
Dead serious I enjoyed my time with Dragon's Dogma Online far more than the actual game.
More classes including a Fist of the North Star fucking fistfighting monk class
Tons more enemy variety
No shitty pawns never shutting up and constantly repeating dialogue
actual multiplayer
and most importantly, no fucking empty bland garbage ass open world that takes forever to traverse and has a terrible fast travel system that basically doesn't exist until postgame.
be prepared to backtrack through the same shit a half dozen times searching for aught
Seriously. The eyes were amazing, the liches on point, goblins hate fire, and the griffins were assholes but majestic as fuck. Just about every design in the game expressed a sense of admiration for fantasy rather than some snarky, post-modern attempt to subvert it.
>and most importantly, no fucking empty bland garbage ass open world that takes forever to traverse and has a terrible fast travel system that basically doesn't exist until postgame.
So you didn't play DDO then.
Best looking hammer
>western fantasy game
>griffin is some disgusting looking mutant turkey
>meanwhile, in dragon's dogma
One of my favorite games. Amazing combat mechanics, music, enemies, etc. Though I enjoyed other games like Skyrim or Dark Souls, DD blows them out of the water, especially with magic and combat.
It's a strange but enjoyable one.
Shame the community has kinda died out because hiring each others Pawns and going off on adventures was really fun.
the entire story is kinda dumb except for one of the "final" cutscenes which is honestly fucking brilliant and gives me chils just thinking about it. They hired the greatest voice actor they could for Grigori (the dragon).
I found the entire game apart from boss battles to be one huge boring ass repetitive chore.
Then again I only played vanilla and never played Dark Arisen, that doesn't excuse the shit experience I had though. You shouldn't have to rerelease your game to make it playable.
Nah, you just have shit taste.
>fighting the 3 living armors near the end of BBI 2.0 as a fighter nothing came close to how fun that was.
Sorry I don't like incredibly bland plains and mountains filled with the same enemies who spawn at the same locations while your pawns constantly spam the same dialogue.
Also there was literally zero fucking reason to not have decent fast travel in the game. I'd say around 30 hours of my 40 hour playthrough consisted of nothing but walking down the same empty fucking roads.
inb4 HURRR DURRR CASUAL, yes, I'm so casual for wanting what was good about the game (combat, boss battles, dungeons) instead of wanting to walk down bland empty roads for hours. It makes me casual wanting to do the thing where I can fail and die and not the tedious thing where there's no danger, of course.
it's incredibly boring, pretty much a single player MMORPG
It's a solid 8/10 but I'd still recommend it.
God BBl 2.0 was a wild ride
>Ready to just straight up re-murder Daimon
>This starts
I was not prepared to get fucked that hard
it's one of the most hit and miss games ever. Kind of like Monster Hunter, which I loved.
This game is shit in my opinion though.
2nd form is fucking impossible as a fighter. Had to have 2 strider pawns break him out of pawn toilet so I could mash on his face mounted otherwise I couldn't do shit. Meanwhile mage or sorc can kill him so fast its not even funny with the fucking basic attack
It does some incredibly cool things but like 70% of the game is mediocre to bad.
at its worst it's a 4/10 and at its best it's a 9/10
They got a lot of shit blatantly wrong but it was their first go, a sequel that fixes all the flaws would legitimately be one of the best action RPGs ever.
I wanna see your arisens
The main campaign is a 7/10 game
The end-game dungeons make it an 11/10 game. It's like Diablo-esque dungeon running with cool 3rd person combat. It's neato.
>when he opens up that hole
how the fuck are you suppose to fight that as a none range class? it drains all your stammina in seconeds.
It’s the game that proved nips make better WRPGs than westerners do
>dat custom waifu companion builder
>making loil and shota companions
those japs know what i like.
Vanilla is garbage compared to Dark Arisen.
And again, that doesn't excuse the game I got being such an overall horrible experience. They shouldn't have had to rerelease it with a bunch of changes to make it decent.
Best looking boss fight.
It is both really good and really bad, travel is tedious, but at same time traveling can be the most fun things. Lots of limitations on quests and game requires mundane effort at points although does have some amazing endings and is pretty amazing when you near the end so I guess if you have patience I recommend
Sure, but what's your point? Yes, they fucked up and Capcom was being capcom, don't give them any more money if you don't feel they deserve it, however there's a great experience you miss out on if you didn't play the expansion.
yeah but it was boring as fuck
pic related, best boss fight
eat mushrooms at lightning speed
wait, you said non-range class.
in that case you bash his head in while he's doing it
stay away, it's shit
-The game balance is retarded. Places in the main campaign get random huge spikes in difficulty but this difficulty becomes trivial if you use the pawn system, which is encouraged, so overall the game feels either inanely hard or insanely easy.
-Some of the open world could have been a bit more fleshed out. At least problems with traveling were fixed in the expansion with the riftstone things.
Pros: Combat becomes really fun when you get the hang of it
-Equipment/Itemization is very enjoyable, especially in the end-game
-The parts of the world that did get fleshed out feel great to adventure through.
-End-game content is amazing and the balance seems a lot better than the main campaign.
-Fun dungeon running, and rare item hunting.
-Cute waifus.
>low budget
It was one of Capcom's most expensive vidya endeavors. 10 million budget, if I remember right, paltry to Rockstar games or whatever but Capcom themselves said it was fucking expensive. They were banking on it being "Japanese Skyrim" but that didn't happen, funny when you think about how all we've seen from both series for years is MMOs and ports
You all must know it by now that THIS is what straight men like.
Sorry little gayboys, deal with it
The IGN reference made me lol
It's the Devil May Cry 4 devs making a Fantasy ARPG.
If you played that game you have a pretty good idea about what's good and bad about this game.