Do you think Bayonetta 2 will sell better on Switch than it did on Wii U (800k)?
Do you think Bayonetta 2 will sell better on Switch than it did on Wii U (800k)?
I hope so.
Yeah safe to say
People actually own switches
Same reason they are rereleasing Bayo 2 on it
Possibly. The fact that people actually bought the Switch will help.
>lying about sales numbers again
>looking at sales numbers instead of % of console owners who bought the game
Roughly 10% of WiiU owners owned Bayonetta 2 when the game came out and it's a little bit less than that now that the number of WiiU owners climbed somewhat. Also digital sales aren't included at all and since the game sold out everywhere that is what a lot of people had to resort to.
Compared to I'm pretty sure less than one percent of owners on PS3, Xbox, and PC for Bayo 1.
Bayonetta 3 is either going to prove that Bayonetta selling well is either something that happens on Nintendo platforms period, or something that was WiiU specific given the unique situation of the console.
Probably due to her appearing in Smash Bros. I bet it will break a million.
Every first party Switch port of Wii U games sold more than the actual Wii U games and it hasn’t been a year yet
What the fuck do you think
Mario Fucking Kart 8 is easily top 2 most selling Wii U games and it was easily beaten
>Bayonetta 2 reveal trailer from 2012 on Youtube
>Bayonetta 3 reveal trailer from 2 weeks ago on Youtube
it would sell better on any other console other than Nintenbro.
lol no
I'm looking forward to it having worse FPS or worse resolution than it's Wii U counterpart, the devastation would be immense here.
Just like Mario Kart 8 right
>Roughly 10% of WiiU owners owned Bayonetta 2 when the game came out
No actual source on this.
> Also digital sales aren't included at all and since the game sold out everywhere that is what a lot of people had to resort to.
Yet another damage control excuse.
Face facts, the sales were bad enough for nintendo to keep hush about how bad it sold.
Nintendo don't report on the sales for every single game they release.
mario kart 8 sold more on switch iirc so bayonetta will be fine. however i believe 3 will sell better then the switch versions of 1+2
It better. I want to see if Switch owners actually care about games like this or if it's all just voluntary shilling.
Here we go again
>Nintendo don't report on the sales for every single game they release.
Only the ones that are good, smash came out on the same month and they talked about the sales, yet said NOTHING about the bayo figures.
Exclusives like that always sell well on Nintendo, people meme about Bayonetta 2 sales but that was on Wii U
But I already bought it on the wii u I don't want it again.
>but that was on Wii U
Yeah, the system where a new IP like Splatoon sold 5 million. A game that appeals to their audience, not shit like bayo. Yet you people think bayo is fit enough to be a mascot when most of audience don't give 2 shits about the dyke.
Well, I will get it and I didnt have a wii u, and Im prolly not alone hard to say but 800k wouldnt be too hard to beat.
The thing is the other way around: multiplat means your game will sell like shit.
New ips of course.
That's why Bayo 2 was a success on Nintendo, and they literally saved.
Yeah, but Splatoon is A tier. A hack and slash will never be that popular on any console.
I told my friends the only way I'd get a switch is if Bayo 1 and 2 for good ports to the switch, and Bayo 3 for announced.
Well holy shit guys, it all happened in one night. Now I need a job.
When it sells less and the excuse is
>muh niche
Despite its counterparts doing better
This. I did love Bayonetta 2 but Splatoon on WiiU was an experience I'd put up there along with getting to experience vanilla world of warcraft.
Also Platinum games never sell well so 10% of console owners buying their game is good shit. Significantly better than Nintendo expected since they ran out of stock fairly quick
What counterparts?
How the fuck did you know splatoon was gonna be A tier material though? Don't act like you expected millions when it was announced.
Hack and slash games sell millions though
The only hack and slash games that sold multi millions are GOW and DMC and like the first NG. Idk if the new Nier counts considering its rpg aspects are too bareboned to consider it an rpg.
I didn't say I knew it was gonna be a huge success.
>Hack and slash games sell millions though
Yeah but Splatoon 2 will probably sell 10+ million. Bayonetta 3 might sell 2-3 million. Like no matter how good an exclusive is if it's a niche genre it will never exceed a certain number.
This is definitely a good sign, especially when you compared the likes.
Bayonetta 3 has 30K likes, Bayo 2 trailers struggled to get more than 6K....
Bayonetta will sell best on PS4 where the game belongs instead of a shitty tablet for autists. Too bad Platinum is going to shoot themselves in the foot again.
Nintendo never released sales data for bayonetta 2, all we know is that it sold less than 1 million units and more than 1
>youtube views ever mattering in the age of paid bots
Remember MHW?
>units and more than 1
>March 31, 2010, Bayonetta sold 1.35 million units worldwide.
How can it sell more than 1 when as you said, never reached a million?
They're honestly retarded. Their best selling game is a PS4/PC game. Their first time they got a 2 million seller.
Good luck when its another sub million seller
Bayo 3 teaser trailer obviously isn't botted tho, or doesn't have an ad to "spoof" the views or w/e
No because it's an old and niche game and the hype is gone.
I brought a copy so that's at least more than 1 sold.
>Released on 2 platforms selling hardly 1.5 millions.
It sold that number after a significant price drop too.
Atleast the sales numbers were good enough to be publicly released unlike a certain sequel
MK8 is actually still ahead of MK8D. 8 million vs. 5 million.
Bayo 2 got a price drop as well
That's not a good sign, except for us.
>Good enough.
>Said systems were above 50 millions units sold each.
>"Good enough".
Stop being a retard and be glad Bayonetta isn't dead anymore.
It was also a reprint that didn't include the first game wasn't the e-ship Selling for about that price
We don't have sales data for Bayonetta 2 at all though, and Bayonetta 1 released on 2 with more than 10x the audience, then you can add in shit like people crying about not wanting to buy the wiiu to play the sequel.
Why do people still cry about Nintendo supporting the series?
It obviously made enough for them to push a 3rd.
Remember platinum went directly to Sony and Microsoft about developing 2 and they both declined.
>game wasn't the e-ship
English nigga
Thats the point, despite the 2 game bundle, being advertised as a character on smash and the price drop, sales weren't good enough to be brought up. Makes me think, how can a game sell this bad when wii u fags had no other real option? What the fuck else did they have to play?
>Nintendo Direct January 2018
>Bayonetta 3 trailer ends
>Shows Hideaki Itsuno as the director
How would Sup Forums and Kamiya react?
>Remember platinum went directly to Sony and Microsoft about developing 2
Literally never happened. Not a single source proves this or any of the platinum devs even directly mentions a meeting with them. The only source you fags provide for this is some article that makes up its own summary of the situation.
Why is Platinum forcing me to rebuy the same games over and over again? I already own Bayonetta on 3 platforms.
Is Kamiya sitting behind you with a gun or something?
They won't stop until you do that NSIC PP playthrough user
Wii U makes sense because Nintendo platforms never got it
Switch is getting it because nobody got a Wii U
I can't say much he's on to me
Bayonetta 2 wasn't $60 if you bought it by itself it was only you bought the 1 and 2 did it come to $60.
Yes because I'm buying it
Late ports like Pokken and Mario Kart are doing better in the Switch than the WiiU, Pokken even looks like it's going to surpass in Japan the LTD of the WiiU version at the end of this year.
So probably.
I think MK8D just did the same too. Pretty wild. Mostly just the WiiU being a shit platform sales-wise, but still.
see MK8 has still outsold MK8D
Talking about Japan
I actually own a Switch and play it regularly, so I'll be doing my part to buy the port. It'll be the 3rd time I've technically paid for Bayo 1, but whatever.
So this seems like a reasonable place to ask this. I'm playing DMC3 SE with the Style Switcher mod and just got to the mission where you start, pick up Beowulf, switch it it at the statue, and break down the door blocking combo statue. The problem is my game crashes every time I switch weapons mid-mission. Can I circumvent this somehow?
Yes, that’s why both of its sequels are being funded by a company that would allow it to be third party.
If you regret not supporting it when it was on 360/PS3, then say it. But there’s no need to delude yourself.
Definitely. Without a doubt.
Bayo 2 was always $30, it was only $60 to get the original edition with both Bayo 1 and 2.
Yeah, the Switch port and Bayo3 is gonna be when Bayo makes it big.
Bayonetta has always been a franchise that's right on the edge of success. Bayo1&2 ports will sell well because the Switch is a massive hit with still relatively few games. She's also been in Smash which is really mainstream. Bayonetta 2 was also on Wii U so not many played it.
I've bought Bayo 1 three times already
Will be picking up 3 for sure.
>bayon2 steuggles for 6k likes, because everyone cried that bayo2 was wiiu exclusive even though they never played it.