>that kid who did a school presentation on ethics in gaming journalism
That kid who did a school presentation on ethics in gaming journalism
That wasn't a thing when I was in school
>tfw you still encounter "those kids" in graduate school
I want to get off MR BONES WILD RIDE
What the fuck sort of classes do kids have nowadays where gaming journalism is an appropriate topic?
You know, I can't tell who's the cringier, the kids that did this or the kids that go home to make ironic threads about it on Sup Forums.
Even though it kills me inside to see people bring stuff like this up, isn't it even sadder that some user thought he'd make a thread to mock those people?
I'd place them far above you OP, if only because at least they wanted to talk about something that interested them.
I took a video game design course at my uni for the easy A by writing two essays and stole some user's Gamemaker project. Got my A, but the professor recommended me to some other professor as a programmer when I can barley program basic shit.
I did a college level presentation on ethics in journalism in general, I cited the Hulk Hogan sex tape and some rapid fire examples of conflict of interest, including the gg scandal and some other and old reviews and a few other things too tho. I went over the journalist code of ethics and some other things, it was an ethics class, I got a really good grade too.
Would a professor really be impressed by GML? Doesn't seem plausible to me user.
I did my final presentation in college on MGS2 as a piece of postmodern Japanese literature.
It was fairly well attended, given that I was the president of the nerd club at the time. The person presenting after me was pissed when everyone cleared out after my Q&A finished, though.
Pop culture has been an elective in most high schools for decades.
And everyone clapped.
That's generally what happens after a presenter finishes speaking, yes.
Has it? I live in California and haven't seen any sort of class like that.
>that 35 yo man who did a 6 40-minute youtube video series on ethics in gaming journalism
Other californiafag here, can confirm about the popular culture electives.
It was called Humanities at my school and was part of the social studies curriculum.
t. Floridafag
That kid who posts on Sup Forums despite being in high school.
Holy shit, I graduated highschool six years ago. Kids who were in elementary school when I graduated are now adults. And I haven't finished college yet. fml, wake me up
Exact same situation and years passed here user. Do you at least go to a 4 year college or have job? If yes to either you're better off than me.
I have my associates, working on bachelors, but have taken a s̶e̶m̶e̶s̶t̶e̶r̶ year off due to finances. I've got two jobs I desperately hate, and right now the only things keeping me sane are the prospect of going back and the next time my dealer can hit me up.
>that kid who did a essay on why violent games don't make kids violent and then got bullied by his chad teacher about it
That kid was me
I wrote a research paper on this, focusing on Doom. This was shortly after Columbine and I was worried vidya was going to get censored hard.
Little did I know it was the anime titties they would come for first, but back then those barely existed.
I fucking graduated school and college before gaming journalism became a mainstream enough thing for undesirables to infiltrate and subvert.