Not a Blitzkampf Thread
UNIEL is on sale on Steam
Under Night In-birth
Pass is vee
Tune and I had some fun fighting two NA pros for like 20 minutes
I think I've seen it all today. I saw someone with over a thousand ranked games played, why you would play ranked in this game is beyond me. Also they were only red somehow. I also saw a lobby that was best of 2 games and first to three rounds.
oh, who did you play?
When did tha thappen?
Why would you not play ranked? Due to the lack of players?
It was around 2-3PM IIRC
We fought Suika, a Vatista player and Squish, who is an Akatsuki main but he was playing Hyde and Linne.
Beat the Vatista with my Enkidu of all things while I perfected Squish's Hyde with mine.
Also good to see walkup hasn't gotten any worse after all this time.
That fucking IW counter
of course. I found maybe 3 people all of this week playing ranked, when I found at least ten or twelve people in one day of lobby.
I don't know how to play this game. I can't defend myself properly, and I can't open people up.
What the fuck is walkup doing with Enkidu, holy shit
Is this yomi?
yes, I predicted I would lose. nice 30 second blockstring btw.
why play this shit when melty exist?
I dunno. I never could get the cc caster thing working.
Because I can give French Bread my money this way.
Because they play nothing alike?
It's actually fairly easy to set it up. I just hate giving out my IP to random guys.
Damn it, I wanted a IWEXS
Sorry for being a cunt yesterday
I wanna do something to Yuzuriha
I actually felt like I had him on the ropes there.
You are not forgiven.
You also missed merk's despair
I highly doubt it's getting better that he wants.
I hope freund is using his teleport and basketball more.
Jesus all the Akatsukifags are showing up tonight
Nah you forgive me
Don't post samples
I made Walkup leave
We leaves when he's bored, happens a lot.
Still hitting myself for not saving any of his Enkidu matches.
ssshhhh let me believe my lies
Even when you're not doing combos, I think you should use your 66B/C more than relying on mashing out 5BB.
That and more generous use of your IW if you see someone doing something unsafe across the screen.
Fair point. Without any I frame moves or a reversal IW does offer me some opportunities to punish.
Also, if you haven't figured it out, I'm frame-trapping you in the corner.
I know. It's the meme I always fall for.
Knowing your range, you're better off shielding this until I get into a far enough range where you can safely poke me back with your normals.
I'd advise against constant usages of CVO but it is working out
how i learn orie?
Poke till win. It's KI Jago season one all over again
Using the guide I posted twice
charge 236 B. Keep doing it till it hits.
i think it was posted in older threads i will check the archive then
The person who I posted it for seemed to have seen it, you someone new or did you just lose said guide.
i'm just new in the UNI threads in general but i just found the guide you are telling me in the archives
The mission spotlights should be pretty self-explanatory then, hope it helps out.
Hildafag, if anyone is giving you time to breathe, you should always set up that orb. There's literally no reason not too. Same philosophy for Seth's orb and Merkava's worms.
Plus instead of ending your combos with another rep of 22A and pin, I think a charged 5C might do a bit more.
As an advanced warning, I'm still going to make the lobby during Christmas Eve but it might start a bit later than usual. That might be subject to change on my end so unless a thread isn't up by like midnight or later, then feel free to make one without me. I'll still try and make on our regular time if possible.
I likely won't make it to that lobby, but have fun anyways.
Under normal circumstances, good
cute. also does this mean what I think it means?
No, this was from 2015-2016. I'm just digging through twitter.
I'll make a lobby if you're missing
0Ws so far.
Christ I can't play for shit tonight
You're fighting against the usual and an Akatsuki.
The latter of which having one of the strongest pressure games with his fast as shit normals
Doesn't that date in the corner say 2017? Or is that something else?
I must depart after this match.
That suppose to make me feel any better?
Huh, you're right,
January this year.
If I'm getting blown up by his Akatsuki, I'm not sure you would survive either.
GGs mate
Hope you saved some of walkup's matches, I don't think anyone can really combo like he does but there's always shit to learn from watching him
GGs, all.
If you need some Akatsuki-specific advice. I notice you keep getting hit by the aerial A in the corner. I generally don't use j.6C in the corner, so it's probably a safer bet to just standing guard that part, then crouch block once I land. Granted, I don't think I'm playing Akatsuki correctly, so take that advice with a grain of salt.
Yeah, I seriously need to look over some of those walkup replays some time.
How are you doing on his missions, there's way too many delays for me to learn him at the moment but even the missions have them so there's a place to see exactly what's being used.
I've cleared 40.5% of them, but I hardly practice those.
Well I personally don't have anything useful to say about the quality of Akatsuki's missions. Hyde's missions mostly showed me what he was capable of off certain confirms so that's what really helped me
Maybe we should tell everyone that shielding a jump-in basically means their turn ends. Everyone is using shields but not really capitalizing that shift in momentum.
Hell, some of the "pros" I fought didn't seem to notice this all that much.
Don't expose our secrets, I need to fraud my way into some wins.
It took me a while to finally make use of it properly but I guess that's really up to everyone else to realize.
And wolfy, stop trying to chicken block.
Don't know what that is, don't panic and block?
wolfy plz stop holding up. plz.
Chicken Block, as in, jumping so you don't have to deal with blocking mix-ups.
In short, stop jumping on wake-up. What you're doing is equivalent to mashing on wake-up except having zero chance of getting a lucky hit.
I was asking a question, fuck off.
for future refrence hilda, if you're trying to timer scam people, charge burst or do hail, don't do the tracking projectile.
It's a habit I'll have to break, defense is scary, so I try to go on the attack as I can.
>defense is scary
Without a doubt but being in the air is 70% of the time a death sentence in this game
Was trying to get some safety out
Alright, I'll have to practice that in matches some.
exactly, the tracking projectile is for oki, not saftey. If you want to safely put them in blockstun do hail.
I don't have good block stun. Too negative
also thank god Wolfy joined. I can finally get a W no offence wolf love you man
hippie, is there anything else but linne you know? I know you've pointed it out before and I'm not doing most of it correctly or at all, but is there anything interesting else?
You shouldn't feel good about those wins.
You can confirm that 66C into a charged 236B. The microdash afterwards and a light should be able to confirm into an easy combo afterwards.
But I'm probably better off showing you mission to really get down into your muscle memory. I'm going to end the lobby pretty soon so I'll just note out which mission you should really keep practicing with.
I haven't played enough Linne to really offer too many tips aside from the really basic ones I've given you previously. Somehow Chaos was easier.
> I don't have good block stun. Too negative
I.... don't compute.
I should've probably pastebin'd everything you've told me about linne, but I didn't.
If you have the range my block strings are crazy punishable. Case in point Merk's hit grab can punish everything I do.
Were as I can't punish him because his shit is actually safe.
The benefit is not everyone on the cast has the range to punish
a W is a W and actually motivates me to keep getting better.
I will feel good about it
And you should realize that Hilda's range is less but still fantastic compared to most other characters.
then end your blockstrings in something safe like fireball or hail. If you never end your blockstrings safely no one will ever respect them.
Goddamnit, I know which combo that is but trying to land the midair fireball is fucking hard and I can barely get past that part.
If you're going to super, stop using up your properties on the repeated 22A and Pins
I'm not sure if it helps but I delay the 214A-A as much as I can.
What a shame I really do want to get into this game and it's characters
Is it that dead?
hilda? merks hit grab is like -14 on block, you can punish with a long range normal if you're fast enough. or just wait for him to do it and just dashing normal on block since it's your turn
Fat fingers and accidentally use up my meter.
Whatchu talking about m8
We're still playing in a lobby
I save it for a kind of pseudo-reversal
But when it isn't the case I auto lose out
Hail is not save. you can tech out the way. But I do use it sometimes hoping they forget to tech right. You have a point with fire ball though. Need to mix it up from just 22A/B
Fighters tend to die pretty often
Well these lobbies have been going on 5 months straight since release. We're not much but we're here.
Do you guys have a general or something? Or am I just going to have to hope for a thread once in a while?
game isn't even out in the states but we got lobbies. Dead? Fuck outta here.
Wolfy, I just looked a video up on Linne's missions and I'd still say 4-1, 4-2, 4-5, and 4-6 are good to keep in mind. I might do the rest myself before the next lobby.