How is the combat in The Witcher 3? Be honest. Does it became engaging or tactical? I have it on PS4...

How is the combat in The Witcher 3? Be honest. Does it became engaging or tactical? I have it on PS4, played it for a bit, but got distracted by other games because it didn't quite grab me, but I'd like to give it another shot.

It's alright but gets kinda tedious, not so much strategy but more about seeing how cool you look, kinda like a rhythm game

Looks pretty with a few slow motion mods and some blood mods

i've been trying to 'get into' witcher 3 on and off for two years now. it never gets better, and you'll probably come to accept that the game will never hold your attention. it's simply too boring and long and i think anyone who deluded themselves into enjoying it just put their brain on autopilot while playing, because the gameplay is just that much of a detraction

Better than TESV, worse than Souls, DD, nioh

user, if i can enjoy fucking witcher 1, i'm fine like a motherfucker with witcher 3, there's nothing more non-dynamic and boring than witcher 1, god damn

Bloodborne isn't any better, faggot.

I never finished it. Its a long game with tons of side quests kinda cool.

combat is easily the worst part of the game.

It's shit like the last two games.

I am nit very good at vidya. I have never beaten a souls game on NG+. But I played W3 on the hardest difficulty with the lightest armor and I was bored with how easy it was. Better than Assreed/Batman "right click to win" gameplay mechanics but still.

the vanilla combat is fucking braindead boring.

on PC I installed a mod that gave me control over the direction/type of my attacks and the game went from a slog that was taking me months to beat to something I finished within the week

Got in on steam sale
Have played it like 10 hours.
The combat feels awful IMO, that's why i couldn't force myself to play it anymore.
The story and visuals are great.

But the fucking combat just ruins it. Also why are the walking and sprinting animations so stiff?

>Better than TESV

Not hardly, TW3 has inferior weapon variety, inferior spells, and inferior character builds.

The combat is average. It gets the job done, but there's nothing amazing about it.


Er, not.

>on PC I installed a mod that gave me control over the direction/type of my attacks and the game went from a slog that was taking me months to beat to something I finished within the week
You still can't do this shit natively? What the fuck. I dropped Witcher 2 for this stupid horse shit. lemme actually control my character, for fuck's sake. Devs have no fucking respect for their audience, good lord.

TW3 combat is a blessing compared to 2 and 1, but only ok compared to other games.

well the game is so simple and holds your hand so much that it is basically for people who put their brains on autopilot. It's more like watching a movie than playing a real rpg which is why it's so popular.
Bloodborne is basically confirmed the best game ever because people on Sup Forums randomly says it's bad even when not talking about anything close to it

story's great though

You should probably drive a stake through your nostril, make sure to pierce the brain. Don’t worry, no one will miss you.

They tried to copy souls but forgot to add iframes. So big monsters feel OP. Especially in the DLC.

When people sing praises for the game's story they are referring only to the first bit with the Bloody Baron. While that segment of storyline is fantastic, engaging, and gut-wrenching almost everything else is stale piss in comparison and no better than vidya writing in any other title.

yeah, pretty good, everything besides the gameplay was actually pretty good, i liked the combat too, but the game is sooooooo slow paced, it's a lot of walk walk and walk without nothing to do at times

As someone that likes the games, the combat is absolute trash tier no effort shit. It's so uninteresting and tedious.

I just play for the stories and gwent.

I wanted to get into the Witcher series, but the combat in the first was so boring I quit. I mean there was some sense of a decent game under all of it, but seeing that dude twirl around at 2mph really took a lot out of the experience for me. I don't even think I was pressing any buttons.

I honestly don't understand how normies like the game. I figured normies would lose attention really quick with something like this. Unless it's just a real meme and they play it because it had good advertising and normies will play anything that they see on tv.

Like I said though, I feel like there might be something enjoyable there, but I just can't get past the boring combat.

>Starting with witcher 1.
Start with 2 faggot. Even die hard witcher fans are unable to handle 1's shitty combat.

How was I supposed to know?
Generally when you want to start something you start with the first one.