What makes you think you're a real peasant Sup Forums?
What makes you think you're a real peasant Sup Forums?
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I dress like one, and I smell like one. Gimmie a few minutes and I'll be on fire like one.
>level ten of 20X6 never.
was it kino?
I hope Seth Green has a stroke on Christmas.
I hate everything about this.
Did the writer just take a shit on a notepad, smear it around, then hand it in as a sketch?
I know there's no such thing as a sacred cow but something about this genuinely upsets me.
that's fucking awful
The movie was good.
Has anyone beaten it? matter of fact has anyone speedran that game?
>they added the throw baby command to the game after this
good times
it always had it didnt it?
shit man I still do this sometimes. That and "good jorb."
>give the kerrek a cold one
I'm probably remembering wrong then
That's apart of what your supposed to do.
The only added parts were
>Make Friends with Kerrick
which says
>It didn't work with Strong Bad, it won't work either.
>Buy Kerrick a Cold One
which speeds up Kerrick really fucking fast.
thanks, it's been a real long time
No problem.
Homestar Runner is the one thing in this world that keeps me from killing myself.
been a rough number of years, eh Steve?
They sure have.
They sure have.
In fact, the day before the April Fools Day update, I noticed the website was down, I panicked like shit and ordered the Strong Bad Emails 50 Greatest Hits DVD, and at the time, it was the only one on Amazon (store was down too).
Next day they updated, and I found out the DVD contained some stuff not available on the other DVDs, so I didn't cancel the order.
This shit was my Looney Tunes, I've been watching it for 14 years now.
still mad I never bought anything from their store
kick the cheat doll and all those figures
I became dirt broke around the time those showed up
Still have my Homsar Figure on my desk. Apparently the Brothers Chap aren't planning on restocking the stuff any time soon, sadly.
sad days
it is
kind of random but do you know anything about this gif?
I found it a long time ago on /x/ and I'm not sure why it's a counterfeit bubs
That's from a DVD Extra where the Director of Compliance (Craig Zobel) and the Brothers Chap went on a road trip with the Puppets.
holy shit thank you
no problem.
isn't that the weirdo bubs from one of the main pages
>Strong bad sounds nothing like strong bad, and just says crap every 2 seconds
You can tell this was made by people that just "researched" Homestar for 5 minutes rather than people who actually watched it.
It's because there's not even any jokes being made. It's literally just "What if we took these well known characters and shot them?"
shark tooth bubs
they got a sample bubs dolls from some chinese doll shop and they seriously misunderstood what bubs looked like
I miss video games.
>It's because there's not even any jokes being made. It's literally just "What if we took these well known characters and shot them?"
I guess you're right. I don't think there aren't jokes to be made but it's like they aren't even trying to make em. It's just real bad shock humor. Also Strong Bad sounds like he did in the super, super old toons which kinda bugged me for completely different reasons.
have a Tony Stony
I miss my mom
I miss video games
I miss my mom's videogames
Never got the appeal of either of these shows.
Throw baby was in the original game trailer
nothing in this world will ever be as honestly charming and entertaining as homestar runner.
Shark Tooth Bubs was actually a prototype that the factory in China really screwed up on apparently
>this is what liberals actually believe
Did they get rid of their writing team or something?
>newfags can't even get ye flask
>tfw dennis
>they sit there thinking how on earth they get ye flask
Why are the HSR games so damn good?
>tfw working out twice a day