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Steam Sales/Cart thread
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how much am i missing out on by sticking with the base game of dark souls 3 over the deluxe? im torn between this. is the dlc any good? the base game price is great.. please help me decide.
>show off hidden gems
Okay, here's one: store.steampowered.com
It's a tactical SRPG (yes, SRPG, as in long-term thinking) with management and chose-your-own-adventure elements.
Don't support DLC. Ever.
You're missing a good chunk of content, but arguably not the BEST chunk of content. You don't need the DLC.
IMO the base game is better than anything the DLC has to offer and it's not worth the extra bucks.
Sorry, the jews won.
>bought Tales of Berseria
>ps4 controller was working
>take a break
>now it isnt working
>steam still detects it though
Recommendations on early 2000s tier like System Shock 2, Deus Ex, or Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines?
Does Arkham Knight work for PC now? It's really cheap and I like the series so it seems worth it.
Something like King of Dragon Pass?
Fun, good choice.
I liked it, pretty good pick.
Not my favorite, but many enjoyed it.
Why EE? Great games but non-EE are superior IMO.
Okayish. I wasn't thrilled by it.
>BioShock 2
Fair enough.
2 > 3 but they're both good games.
>Dunegon Siege
Haven't played.
I liked it and so will you if you like TPS.
End life.
stop posting these cringe gabe pics. sales haven't been great in years, this cult of personality is weird.
anbsolute drift is good
What should I expect?
Nah, not really. It's got more tactical turn-based battles than that. The management aspect looks a little similar though from what YouTube showed me.
One of Suda's worst games.
Eye cancer. The only game I stopped playing because it was so ugly.
>nier not on sale
Definitely getting Shadow Tactics, loved it a lot when I pirated it
Aragami seems cool too
Not sure about Tales, but might still get it
Not pictured are Steam controller and hotline miami.
Can anyone please respond to: I need some advice on the matter.
a suda 51 aka mediocre game.
dungeon siege is a buck? how is it?
>loved it a lot when I pirated it
nigga it had a demo, and a very sizable one at that.
I play exclusively on PC and have never used Steam. Between all the games you can pirate, will be able to pirate, can emulate, and the few that get a proper release that are worth paying for such as the Witcher games, there is absolutely no justification to giving money to Valve.
Instead of giving money to Valve and getting nothing in return, I'm buying another hard drive to put more pirated games on.
>go to see if Transformers: Devastation is discounted enough for me to want to buy it this year
>its gone from steam
>check some other sites
>its gone from everywhere
>something about Activision and licensing
Well fuck.
Can the new touhou game be fanpatched into english on steam?
>Steam controller
Dead meaningles meme that you'll use twice and never touch again.
>Hotline Miami
Genuinely good.
Haven't played yet (but am looking forward to).
>Shadow Tactics
High-tier taste.
Ehr, I thought it was okay. Buy it on sale like you're doing now, don't ever consider full price.
>Frozen Synapse 2
Never played.
Good. I liked it.
Never played.
You just ascended from "high-tier" taste to "godlike-tier" taste.
if you like action games that don't have much depth, you'll enjoy it
the aesthetics are alright at times and the soundtrack has some nice moments, if there's a game where I wish the loading screens were longer just so I could hear more of the music then this would be it
you didn't miss anything. it was made by platinum's b-team like with korra and tmnt.
System shock 2 is ok but has its flaws.
Deus Ex 1 is fanatic after you remap the keys.
Wish I knew more 2000's tier but I was a console pleb back then. Take my bump.
Currently compiling a list of good, lesser known games under $5 for all the poorfags. No AAA shit. Give suggestions for additions
-Lethal League
-Mark of the Ninja
-Super Meat Boy
-Super House of Dead Ninjas
-Tales of Maj'Eyal
From last thread, thoughts?
>Frozen Synapse 2
>Never played.
No shit it's not out yet. Frozen Synapse is amazing if you're into tactical games.
Grip is pure for nostalgia, Rollcage Stage 2
I just got $500 wat buy.
I need a game with decent to amazing story with compelling characters. Any genre works for me, but I've already played the obvious picks like witcher 3, automata, so maybe something less known would be great.
I'm already planning to buy danginronpaul 3 and also considering some fun side games like hat in time, so there's that.
refund red alert, the whole collection is $10 on origin
I got $50 in my wallet, but I'd like some newer games that I can't get on PS4. Any suggestions like these?
>mfw it wouldn't let me add the other 3000 crowns onto the same purchase for whatever reason
Dunno, but I have a hard copy of DS 2 which I've played partway through and wanted to play the original first. It's an amusing oldschool Diablo-like, not super polished like Grim Dawn.
the poor man's MGR
This desuwa. Ashes of ariendel was trash, even I could barely stomach. The throwback aspect was the only thing it had going for it. Ringed city indulges a bit more in this, but it's ok
want gamu
any gamu/pc/console
Gunpoint is shit, literally three hours long, gameplay's repetitive and boring.
I'm wanting to get TW:Warhammer 1, what dlcs are a must buy?
I put 30 hours into DR1 and enjoyed it. I like Weebshit, but I was at first hesitant about playing a VN. He should be fine with it. It sounds like you already know the answer to the second question.
Don't buy Telltale games.
Go here pcgamingwiki.com
Port is pretty weird, but very fixable. It's an ok game. Getting it on sale was a good idea.
Are people already posting carts containing games that have been free on Steam/GOG/Humble/Uplay over the past couple of months? I've been waiting to laugh at that.
All this for you and purchase it all again for a friend!
Is it cheaper to not get The Deus Ex stuff without Invisible War and The Fall?
>Deus Ex
Good man. I liked it.
The remastering is the best part of this bundle, while the Kharak-shit is just okay. The remasters are worth the buy by themselves though.
>The Long Dark
Sounds like BBC. Never played.
Ehr, a slightly worse Walking Dead for me, but there again I never liked Batman.
>Crazy Couch
Never played any of them.
Pretty fun. Pretty scary too if you're a coward like I am.
>This is the Police
Meme game.
>Hive Jump
Never played.
>Heart's Medicine
Better than you'd think.
>Captain Forever Remix
No idea.
>Wand Wars
Pretty fun with a friend.
I'll look into Frozen Synapose then!
This is what I was looking for, thanks user!
>-Tales of Maj'Eyal
I like your style. The most hours I have ever sunk into a single player game.
Is The End is Nigh worth picking up if I thought Meat Boy was pretty good but not the best thing ever?
You're so wrong. It's a great game with lots of hand made charm, character, and great music. The game play is unique, and it doesn't get old BECAUSE the game is only like 3 hours. It is still one of my fondest gaming experiences. You're just no fun.
A Suda51 game. Gameplay is rather shallow, but fun enough, but personally I think the presentation is among the best I've seen. The visual style especially is outrageously gorgeous.
It's also basically like playing an anime. Don't expect to "get" the plot and also don't expect it to be because of it's deep and complicated nature a Killer7, think more of No more Heroes as in "there is intelligence hidden in all this retardation. The retardation itself has clever meaning, but this also means that some things just are supposed to be retarded".
Tales of majeyal is a great game have fun whoever buys it.
I got a steam controller last sale and it’s the best controller ever. You may just be too retarded to use and configure it correctly. Also why would anyone use trackball mode? A lot of default and custom config use this and it is inaccurate as shit for any game.
Pretty good, if you're into the genre.
I know a lot of people liked this but I just found it "okay".
>Grim Dawn
GOTY. I bought it at full price and I've never had as much fun for the money.
You're gonna' have to let me get back to you on that one.
>Total Warhammer 2
GOTY2. Really fucking fun. The new races are worth the fee.
>Hollow Knight
Good, but you've got so many other cool things on this list I'd wait for a deeper sale.
Thank you for this.
Slightly above $5 but worth it:
The Age of Decadence
Quality dialog heavy, non-combat viable, high replayability RPG.
Amazing action-adventure hack and slash with a 10/10 soundtrack.
The Final Station
Extremely atmospheric end of humanity train conductor simulator.
Great open world cyberpunk RPG with xcom/Fallout 2 combat.
>paying for sex
>literally paying for something anyone can easily get for free
Endless Space 2 is like Stellaris but more fun
Max Payne
Neverwinter NIghts
Baldur's Gate
Icewind Dale
GTA Vice City
Gothic 2
Knights of the Old Republic
There's probably more stuff but by 2006 I graduated from high school and the childhood sheen wore off games so they all sucked after that.
It's a step down from Meat Boy. Don't bother.
dont buy civ you'll regret it
I hope you like pressing X because that's literally all you do ever
This is the police was awful.
It's 100% RNG and you have 0 impact on the plot even though the game tries to make you think you do early on.
For TWW1 you want the Wood Elf DLC for sure. They're a lot of fun and don't play like any other race in the game.
If you want a Horde faction go for Beastmen. Chaos is fun too, but it's a bit more of an acquired taste. Try Beastmen first, and if you really enjoy it, get Chaos.
>t. the best goy who owns every shred of DLC for that game and has 300 hours in it
If you have any questions about the other DLC, just ask.
VTMB's original studio is defunct so none of your dollars go to them. It also needs a fan fix patch.
Night in the Woods is a story game.
Corpse Party is an rpgmaker story game.
Dropped TEIN right after realizing the music was just slightly remixed royalty-free classical music. Lazy fucks.
>Doom VFR
>Doom + Controller
Fair enough, if you really need that controller you might as well get a good game with it.
>Fallout VR
See the first entry.
>Fallout 4
See above.
>Skyrim CC credits
The first point should have you covered.
>Skyrim SE
Thanks man I like the way you worded that. I'll stick with the base game which is a much more reasonable price. Honestly I was leaning more towards the base game simply because of the price. This is actually my first Steam sale because I just finished building a PC a few days ago. I got what I wanted more than anything which was Killer Instinct and while DS3 was a close 2nd, the deluxe ed price isn't very good.
>anyone can easily get for free
Where do you think we are?
Why? Just pirate
Tons of fun, worth your money and a lot more.
Pretty good. Not GOTY-tier, but good.
I won't spoil it for you, but far more engrossing than you'd expect.
Hated it, remove from list.
>Night in the Woods
Okay, worth it now that it's on sale.
>Corpse Party
Genuinely fun.
>Tokyo Dark
Haven't played.
Lisa and Hotline miami, you are going to have fun tonight.
> still using this image despite how absolutely fucking garbage modern steamsales are
> all the fags in the thread asking for advice on shit that is barely discounted at all
i need something to pull me out of my mini depression
The first Zero Escape you can just watch on youtube, it's not as good as the rest.
The second and third ones have an interactive lets play where you can control everything.
You could just play that if you are low on cash, its not as good of an experience as playing the games for real but it's still good.
>thanks to todd you can pay for mods on pc now
god will surely punish us for this faggotry
Can anyone honestly recommend me Titan Quest?
Do I get the new dlc right away as well?
That's actually a pretty nice cart, user. Just remember that Spec Ops The Line has pretty generic gunplay and Hotline Miami 2's gameplay is significantly worse than the original's.
Buy a gun
Personal niche recommendations (1/4)
Desktop Dungeons — coffee break roguelike with puzzle elements and huge replayability.
Tales of Maj'Eyal — the best roguelike on the market. Simple graphics, but almost limitless potential for hours to spend in it. Has in-game chat with friendly community always willing to help.
Battle Brothers — medieval fantasy turn-based tactics with exceptionally deep, enthralling gameplay, and fantastic atmosphere. Arguably the best turn based game among those that came out in the last 10 years.
The Talos Principle — first person puzzle made by Serious Sam devs. Smart and interesting challenge, with profound story and beautiful world.
Antichamber — first-person puzzle that doesn't play like Portal 2 at all. It's a mind-bending game, that makes you throw away preconceptions and prior experience playing video games and think differently.
Lovely Planet — Super Meat Boy from first person perspective with colorful world and VERY challenging levels. A speed run game.
Snakebird — surprisingly hard but neat puzzle game. Easy buy for those who want both challenging and clever experience.
Teleglitch — Quake II-esque world with top-down perspective and one life per run.
The Fall — sci-fi platformer / puzzle / adventure with good story and dialogs. Rather short.
100% worth it. Second best game in the series. Pretty sure the current state is fine, going off what I've seen people say
I run a clean ship matey
>not getting horror masterpiece that is darkwood.
so full of babies this place
What should I buy
I just picked this. Its cheap and looks pretty fun assuming you can see anthropomorphic animals without screaming furry
I think GoG has better support. Either way, don't forget to install the unofficial patch, it fixes a ton of shit.
Night in the Woods
It doesn't feel like a $15 game.
Personal niche recommendations (2/4)
Infested Planet — take control of a squad responsible of purging huge amount of xenos in a top-down realtime strategy. Has this Aliens / WH40k vibe.
Jets'n'Guns — absolutely fantastic and rad SHMUP with ridiculous number of levels, enemies, jets and guns. Gorgeous soundtrack by cult power-metal group Machinae Supremacy.
Shadowgate — very well done remake of an old Macintosh adventure. Just the game to spend dull winter evenings in almost pen-n-paper atmosphere. Good experience for those who love the genre.
Silent Storm — RPG set in WWII / post-WWII world with ridiculously smart turn based system and destructibility. Rare game to have Axis story arc in it.
Pix The Cat — a VERY good variation on the classic ‘snake’ formula. Huge replayability, addictive soundtrack, and co-op designed for parties.
Duck Game — imagine Smash bros. with ducks, huge variety of different weapons, destructible environment, and a dedicated QUACK button. Must have for parties.
Hammerwatch — probably the best Gauntlet inspired game that has ever came out.
Devil Daggers — addictive arena shooter with unique atmosphere and audio/visual design (if you’re into it). Geometry Wars from first person. Go and beat 500.
Bunker Punks — high speed, no bullshit old-school FPS with graphics straight from the last century. If you liked the new Doom, you might like this one too.
Mini Metro — stylish strategy sim about making a subway map for evergrowing city. Minimalistic yet fantastic art style.
Neptunias at 80%
I'd make you a list criticizing your taste but those are all genuinely fun games. Okay, Lisa might not be """fun""" but you get my point.
Stardew Valley
It might make you want to become a farmer instead though.
It was for Mankind Divided + Season Pass, and it is cheaper like so (already have Human Revolution). Plus I'd get the original Deus Ex.
Cute cat
Seriously? Surely there had to have been enough money from the previous games to at least outsource a composer.
There is no saving you if you fell for bait as stale as that.