Post your gamer pose, Sup Forums

Post your gamer pose, Sup Forums







What games can you play without arm and leg?
Is dance carpet a viable option?

This picture made me feel pretty down.

I'm going to go find the console war thread and try to forget.

Oh here's my pose

You realize that kid is probably having more fun than anyone on Sup Forums has had in years

Where can I get a boy torso?
To love

There was a guy who played league with his mouth
He wasn't good, but he wasn't as bad as you'd expect, I think he was plat. Makes you think, huh?

literally me

Why are we still here, just to suffer?


What the fuck is a "gamer pose" besides a meme phrase excuse to make a shitty thread?

>Just a little off the top Doc



kill me now pete

don't forget Brolylegs.
dude plays fighting games with just his face, and he's actually really good

Elfen Lied was shit.

nice rimworld cosplay


Maybe you. Nugget kid is having a blast.


this is me when I sit myself down to partake in the playing of a delightful computer game wow just look at that cool customer (laugh on line)

what's wrong with you people



This is my fetish.