Really hoping Zelda goes back to being Zelda with the next one...

Really hoping Zelda goes back to being Zelda with the next one, I really don't want the series to be lost to this weird new "like skyrim but worse" thing they're doing.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Zelda 1 pioneered free roaming open world
>I really hope Zelda goes back to being linear zones with cutscenes
It's sad that this guy keeps making this thread every hour.

But BotW is the closest any of them have come to the original Zelda.

You guys are right, this game is exactly like that one made years ago that had very little content because of no space on the cartridge.

in their tongue he is dovahkiin

Zelda 1 wasn't completely open ended and the player was encouraged to backtrack/return to previous areas with the proper tools, whereas BOTW gives you everything you'll need at the start

No 3D Zelda has ever truly come close to replicating Zelda 1, including BOTW. That being said, the closest any 3D LoZ has come to being a successful transition of the originals is OoT, especially with the dungeons not needing to be done in a specific linear order

Zelda 1 still had you going through dungeons and collecting items to progress.
Open world a shit right now. Effort required to do the equivalent of fill each screen with shit to do is just no longer there or feasible and Open world is now about having bigger numbers on the box without more content.

>Zelda 1 wasn't completely open ended and the player was encouraged to backtrack/return to previous areas with the proper tools
Uh...thast's being completely open ended. Allowing you to go to areas even before you have the tools to go there. Or when there's enemies far too hard for you.

>whereas BOTW gives you everything you'll need at the start
Well, if you think having a crappy sword and 4 shiekah powers is all you need. You technically can kill Ganon with them. But then you technically can kill Ganon with a wooden sword in Zelda 1. And in Zelda 1, you still need to get the silver arrow.

>No 3D Zelda has ever truly come close to replicating Zelda 1, including BOTW.
True. But BotW is still the closest they've gotten. There's definitely dozens of things they need ti improve on though.

>That being said, the closest any 3D LoZ has come to being a successful transition of the originals is OoT, especially with the dungeons not needing to be done in a specific linear order
It was closest to Link to the Past. Not really like Zelda 1.

>Uh...thast's being completely open ended. Allowing you to go to areas even before you have the tools to go there. Or when there's enemies far too hard for you.
Except it wasn't every area, parts of the overworld and a few dungeons were still locked off. Open ended implies anywhere, rather than locking off parts of the world behind items

>Well, if you think having a crappy sword and 4 shiekah powers is all you need
you know what I mean

>It was closest to Link to the Past. Not really like Zelda 1.
I specified "the originals" since OoT follows the same vein as ALTTP which in turn followed Zelda 1

Have you even played the original LoZ? It's honestly nothing like BotW. Not even in the vaguest possible sense. You've been tricked by marketing.

I hope that at least they keep making 2D Zeldas, even if they butcher 3D. We need a sequel to ALBW except with a setting that's actually unique. My dream is that the painting gimmick would get expanded so there's AoL-style sidescrolling segments, and items have different uses/functions when you're a painting, just like how the ending of ALBW had you use the light arrows.

>Have you even played the original LoZ? It's honestly nothing like BotW.
Except a massive free roaming overworld. Also, I fucking hate this "If you don't have the same view as me, you must never have played the game!" argument. Go back to a Final Fantasy thread.

okay so if thats true why did people call BoTW innovative and revolutionary when its just a modern version of what the original zelda did 30 years ago?

Fuck off you nintendo shill

LoZ is not "massive" by any means. It's actually quite condensed. And there are plenty of places that require you to find and use items in order to progress, it's not like BotW where everything after the Great Plateau is optional.

Again, you've been tricked by marketing.

Sure, in 10 years.


For the NES, it was a massive world. If you're claiming Zelda 1 isn't big because you're comparing it to games in 2017, you're just cherry picking hard.

I've played it the most out the Zelda franchise, in which I've dedicated at least one or two playthroughs to each game.
Played it like 4 times, plus the 2nd quest once.
I have to agree with the sentiment. Most Zeldas since the first dedicated more to items and dungeons than the act of pure exploration.
I always thought back to shiggy's anecdote about exploring the backwoods and finding lakes and caves. I used to explore as a kid too, wandering in the wilderness and climbing cliffsides. No Zelda since the first and until BotW even tries to replicate that.

Zelda needed to move on from aping LttP for the 6th time.
BotW was the shake up the stale ass formula needed.
I hope Aonuma shakes the shit out of the formula once again.

Hold up, I forgot to also mention Wind Waker. That tried a little too. I liked it despite its flaws.

After reading lots of interviews, I'm convinced BotW is just everything Aonouma wanted to do in Wind Waker. Specifically exploring the destroyed, submerged Hyrule, using weapons you pick up from enemies, sneaking system, Miyazaki inspired shaded art design, etc. It's all there in BotW.

I just want to be left handed again

Good luck with that.

>Zelda 1 pioneered free roaming open world
No it didn't, you cancerous fucking drone.
Christ I hate Nintendo fanboys.

What are you even doing in this thread?

>why are you contradicting my delusional narratives
Fuck off fanboy, Sup Forums isn't your echo-chamber.

ahhhh, let em stretch once and awhile. shit's been going on since before you were born

>like skyrim but worse
Just stop.

I didn't even make that post, user. If you hate Nintendo fanboys this much, why did you enter this thread, knowing that you'd find them here?

I'd rather have another Capcom-esque Zelda. Those and ALttP were the best

>why did people call BoTW innovative and revolutionary when its just a modern version of what the original zelda did 30 years ago?
Are you just fucking stupid or is it a condition you have?

he's one of these

What did then? ET and Ultima?

Don't you mean "like Skyrim but better"? Skyrim was worse than Oblivion.

Actually how is that wrong. The only thing BotW did right was climbing. The world sucked. The combat sucked. The enemy variety is a joke. The story is borderline non-existent. The graphics are good, but only if you're looking at a screenshot and not seeing the framerate hit 20. The world is empty 99% of the time.

Not that user, but claiming Zelda pioneered open world games is cringeworthy. I mean, I like Zelda games a lot but it's at least five years too late for that. At least.

Objectively wrong, Oblivion and Skyrim are the same game but Oblivion has nostalgia and Skyrim has more variety. Don't even use the "BETTER QUESTS" argument because 90% of them were copy and paste bullshit in the 100 copy and paste dungeons that one person designed.

Morrowind > Skyrim > Oblivion, coming from someone who's first indepth Elder Scrolls experience was Oblivion.

I'm not that user either, and I don't disagree with him, but I wasn't asking about that discussion.
I was literally just asking why he'd willingly enter a thread that he knew would attract something he hates. Why do that to yourself? Just to get mad?

All Nintendo needs to do is add more dungeons like Hyrule Castle to the BotW formula and to make less fetch quests and more side quests with actual story. The game should also have a somewhat linear story and have parts of the map accessible only if you have a certain item.

Just stop user. It's time to give up.

You haven't even argued the point. You're just begging me to stop. Please make a point.

>like skyrim but worse
BotW is like if you could actually do all those things Todd lied about. It's simply a better open world experience.

>claiming Zelda pioneered open world games is cringeworthy.
To the mass market, Zelda absolutely broke new grounds by presenting an arcade style of non-linear gaming. It was the more accessible than the complex efforts which existed on PCs at the time. It also didn't hurt that LoZ was an exceptional example of emerging Game Design. Trust me, as someone who witnessed this in '86, LoZ was absolutely a huge deal to everyone at the time.

Like what?

Wait so you mean you didn't need certain items to progress through the game?

Your points are absolute asinine horseshit. You've had 10 months of being BTFO from every angle but you stand their stomping your feet, refusing to acknowledge BotW as a triumph in the face of overwhelming evidence. Just stop hurting yourself. Let it go.

BotW is basically Skyrim with about 500 mods installed. And a variety of NPCs instead of every NPC being the same 5 people.

That's not what I meant at all. But off the top of my head, you could get through Zelda 1 without the red candle, magic wand, book of spells, magic potion, letter, bait or boomerangs.

You still haven't made one point.

You can actually climb that mountain.

>implying zelda is ANYWHERE near skyrims level:


>BotW fans in this thread

Can anyone explain what people actually means by this? The game does everything differently in nearly every way.

Just stop.

Yeah botw is just like Skyrim if you installed 498 mods that all get rid of things like enemies, NPCs, quests, and places of interest, and two mods that add climbing and shield surfing.

>without bait
the food is required IIRC

"you could finish zelda 1 without potions, woah so open"

oh shit gameinformer likes it? Fuck I guess that means other people aren't allowed to not like it. Shit thanks for reminding me to get my opinions from online reviews.

They can't. It's been 10 months and they're still trying undermine BotW even though it's winning GOTY awards daily.

Christ, yesterday they were trying to pretend Okami was better. Tomorrow it will be Minecraft.

>lists half the items in the game
>dur hur only potions!

>Open ended implies anywhere
No it doesn't. Is GTA SA not open world because you can't go to San Fierro and Las Venturas right away?

I guess we should take YOUR salty assblasted opinion (which you can't articulate beyond meaningless nonsense) and ignore the millions of gamers, journalists and rival devs fawning over the game.

Did we play the same game? I saw NPCs.


These people are throwing such a stink precisely because its popular. And people have been crying that Okami is better than Zelda for every Zelda since Twilight Princess. Though that comparison is true. Okami is better than TP.


I don't outright despise BotW but it falls into too many "modern open world"-isms for my tastes. I think it has the right idea with Hyrule Castle, a large area that's freely explorable and exploits the clear focus on verticality that's at play. BotW would've been fine had it had more areas like that instead of peppering the world with the cut-up micro dungeons that were shrines.

Dude you're pretending like I'm not allowed to have an opinion. I made a thread saying I didn't like the direction the series went, and you came in with "stop it you're embarassing yourself". I listed the reasons I didn't like it and you respond with "well other people did like it so your opinion is wrong". This is my last post here because the defending is too blatant. I'm constantly having words shoved in my mouth by you guys when I legitimately wanted to talk about why you guys like it and how you're able to look beyond its blatant issues, but if you're going to be a 13 year old, I'm just gonna close the page. Have fun living in a world where opinions are facts and things can't be debated once the higher powers decide your opinion for you.

Breath Of The Wild is one of the greatest games ever made.

I always like Okami over TP and Skyward Sword but that's not really saying much.

>I legitimately wanted to talk about why you guys like it and how you're able to look beyond its blatant issues
I typed the following out yesterday, I'm tired of saying the same thing over and over again;

The reason BotW gets such praise is because of it's Game Design. It's a completely open world where you literally can "climb that mountain". You are not bound by the traditional shackles of open world environments - you are free to do anything, go anywhere, even right to the end of the game if you want. There are no barriers, no invisible tunnels to funnel you through the world, no cheap progression deadends, no fences blocking your path. BotW lets you climb right over the fence.

In other open world games, getting from one place to the next involves nothing more than pointing your character in the correct direction your minimap and pushing UP on the joypad as you move along a flat trajectory. In BotW, verticality adds depth and makes exploration FUN and ENGAGING. Getting from one place to the next involves - get this - PLAYING A FUCKING GAME.

Then consider the sheer wealth of options available to you as you explore and how these options are integrated organically into the gameplay meaning that YOU decide how to fashion your own solutions to problems presented to you. It doesn't feel binary like other games. 10 months on and people are STILL finding new ways to accomplish stuff.

Then on top of all this player agency, you have intricate interconnected systems of environment, weather,climate and physics which inform the player and encourage them to adapt to the world around them.

This is just the base foundation of the game. There's an entire world of questing and adventure built on top of this. There's too much to mention.

Haters will scoff but they can't argue against it. Because there IS NO arguing against it.

And to consider that Nintendo coded this on a Wii U - A FUCKING WII U, literally 10 year old tech - is absolutely astonishing.

>totally and completely unbiased post.txt

>totally and completely unbiased post
Backed up with reason, logic and accountabilty. Cry more.

>Backed up with reason, logic and accountability
Get some sleep, user

>No argument.

No surprise.

You could just write that it panders to skyrim and minecraft babies and it'll be same shit tho's his opinion? You're an idiot for thinking it was trying to be unbais.

I completely agree with you and even dropped BoTW before finishing it but this thread will max out with people defending it to the hilt regardless as it's switch's only Zelda so it must be protected.

But most of what he said can't be found in Skyrim or Minecraft. Good job proving you're a parrot who doesn't know what he's talking about.

Zelda 1 is small and open with emphasis on player skill and exploration unlocking new abilities to make traversal of the map progressively easier.

BotW adds bloat to everything my last sentence had. It is large and open. Player skill is padded by monster health pool bloat and a disposable weapon system in place to treadmill our behavior. Exploration is pared down to fighting larger health pool enemies and rewarding us with no new skills, only higher stats.

BotW is a perversion of what Zelda 1 offered.

Good job for not playing any of those games and just shitposting for the sake of YAAAAAS BOTW GOTY

Not them but there's no sense in arguing with someone who saves their own copypasta defending a game for future threads

It's the nonsensical argument of the desperate.

Whats so great about Super Mario World? It doesn't do anything other games haven't done!
I can jump on platforms and bounce on enemy's heads in Bubsy The Bobcat!
I can ride dragons in Golden Axe!
I can fly in R-Type!

>gets called out for being a parrot
>proceeds to parrot the guys argument back at him

>here's no sense in arguing with someone who saves their own copypasta defending a game for future threads
It's been 10 months. I'm sick and tired of typing the same thing out over and over again just because clueless assblasted kiddies can't accept that Nintendo made a good game.

Call me a drone so we can go full circle and I can get some peace to finish playing ACO on my PS4.

This, but unironically. BotW was a solid 7/10 and is easily the most overrated modern game in existence, they could do so much better with the engine they created.

>buying Ubisoft games

>haven't played the most fun shit out there called Steep
Your loss

There is only one good snowboarding game and it's 1080 Avalanche

SSX Tricky wants a word.

>Zelda 1 is small and open with emphasis on player skill and exploration unlocking new abilities to make traversal of the map progressively easier.
So much wrong with just one sentence... Getting new items in Zelda 1 doesn't make traveling the overworld easier. The only items that make things easier are the three swords and the rings. The other items just unlock new options you didn't have, like burning a bush, blowing up a hole or rafting over water. None of these make transversing the world easier. On the flip side, getting new items in BotW does make traveling the world easier. You can say this makes BotW different than Zelda 1. But you totally reversed how they are different.

Zelda 1 also has very little factors in "player skill" since it is literally just stabbing with a sword. About the most player skill you have is learning how to throw a boomerang sideways. And if you consider learning enemy weaknesses to be a skill, BotW has the same thing...

>only one good snowboarding game and it's 1080 Avalanche
Disgusting taste then it is
Also Steep have more shit than just snowboarding

My nig-

WHAT! The game that fucking killed the IP?!

It was fun, I liked it

Oh shit bro you just might be retarded.

And it's all "realistic" bullshit like everything developers push for. SSX is the fucking king in my book because of how weirdly goofy it is.

Then it should be real easy to counter my points.

>it's all "realistic" bullshit like everything developers push for
Play games atleast before acting "NO ONLY MY SHIT IS GOOD"
Yeah, I do acknowledge that SSX is damn good, but you shouldn't be that much of ignorant fool to skip on actually good game, and somehow from Ubisoft nonetheless

Not really. You made a bunch of fucking non points. Finding new things in new areas with new equipment IS traversal. Arguing that you can't get better at fighting enemies and that it is tied more to player skill than statistical growth is also just outright demonstrably false. Nothing you said had any merit. You're retarded.

>Finding new things in new areas with new equipment IS traversal.
Wow, the goal shifting is hilarious. Using an item to find new stuff is not the same as making "traversal of the map progressively easier." And if you're going to claim it is, then BotW has the same damn thing. You get items, armor or weapons that allow you to find new things OR fight enemies easier OR climb/run/fly faster/farther.

But somehow I think you're going to claim somehow its different in BotW with no examples and call me retarded.

The combat in Skyrim is worse