*blocks your path*
*blocks your path*
Fuck that race in Dark Crusade especially when playing as Imperial Guard. Fucking Sonic OC commander rushes your base reviving himself summoning zombies and using an ability that makes units around him not attack.
oh yeah also
>teleports behind you
>tfw you unload a hot load of FO's on top of the Imperial Guard
God I wish there were more 40K games with Necrons in them.
I won't lie probably fun to play as but Dark Crusade is already a broken piece of shit to begin with. They're more tolerable to fight against in Soulstorm.
could make for a decent horror game
*disables your entire operation cause you have only one building that can make units*
Childhood is idolizing Necrons
Adulthood is realizing that Eldar make more sense
Maturity is unleashing eleven barrels of hell
necron fucking shits
How do you beat these fuckers as IG in Ultimate Apocalypse?
Thanks. Now I gotta reinstall and play again.
Fallen Enchantress
Is it really a good idea to make your base into a superweapon?
It teleports back to where you originally built it after losing 90% of its health, as I'm sure you're already aware. So it's a relatively good idea, because you can still build units from it while fucking shit up. It's equivalent to a teleporting, squad producing Baneblade
Godly disrupts throwing enemy infantry around, solid damage, build your forces right on the battlefield, and when it gets damaged too much it just teleports back to the initial location.
I think it's something like 3/4 health.
*hammerheads u*
eh, not really. makes anyone who runs in your face take massive losses, but a decent opponent will cap points and overtake you in resources, which will eventually bleed you out, while his production will be much great than yours.
What if you are the necrons?
Dungeon Keeper warhammer when?
Necrons have little to lose. If it becomes damaged it will just teleport back to base for repairs unless something catastrophic happens, which is rare once you realize that they FINISHED physics as a science.
We're talking about living monolith, by the time you can build it the points were capped and re-capped over and over again. Anyway, Necron does need some point (otherwise his production speed will be glacial), but he can afford sitting on 3 or so points, defending and then rolling out and killing the enemy. I've seen it happen a bunch of times from watching some streams of small local Soulstorm tournaments, there was a 'cron player would would sit on his base, spam wraiths, tech and he was surprisingly successful, I remember an SM player with Land Raider, orbital bombardment, terminators etc. trying to crack his base, getting frustrated and quitting.
I played as them in my first playthrough. Best choice I've ever made. They are like the Chads of Dark Crusade.
I always found that someone who didn't let up on the pressure would always squeeze you out of your points fairly easily, while you built it up.
also, I don't know about any tourny play for DoW, but local tournys usually don't have the quality of players you might expect. I know from experience, by hanging out in a lot of internet cafes as an early teen.
The worst part of necrons is thay they don't have voiceacting
Is there any mods with Deathmark or Obelisks?
Well it's "local" as in "the largest (at least that I know) Russian 40k site's community". Not many people are really interested in Soulstorm nowadays. I think with 'Crons they want to cap at least their "home" points, and whether it's a map with 2 or 3 easy to defend points make a bit difference.
>play as a phaeron who is fed up with the bullshit of the explorers
>the concept is to wake up as few of the other crons as possible
>because you have to keep the flayed ones happy and they can't be made happy
>the detroyer cult is annoying too
That's the best part.
*stares silently at you as it flays you to death*
Though pariahs should have been voiced, considering their lore. Oh well, nucrons are probably more up your alley.
That's only Phaerons and shit. Trazyn is my main man on the table top.
>Trazyn the Infinite game
>get to play space pokemon
>have to out steal the blood ravens.
But the great knarloc is cuter.
*removes you from the path*
Fuck, imagine if you could get the Shadowsword variant in the game. That shell would go through one Necron base and keep going.
I'm now reminded of a game I played a long time ago where you controlled various ghosts to frighten the inhabitants of a house
>do the same planet wise
>play the long game to bring in interesting people and artifacts
>just frighten people to get them to fuck off
>keep them away from the real seat of power through misdirection
>Get to table top
>Someone brings this thing out
>Someone brings out a Warlord titan
>43 wounds later
its a laser beam
Made by passing through crystallised heretics
You mean the bit where he teleports into your base then immediately gets his shit pushed in by turrets and garrisoned troops?
My Shadowsword only sees the light when I have to say "WHAT DO YOU MEAN HAVE A TITAN?!"
Knarloc is like the least useful relic unit.
*gets stuck in level geometry*
*takes forever to turn 90 degrees*
*gets tarpitted by infantry because it lacks an AoE attack*
*secretly has the strongest single target melee in the game, but will never come close enough to valuable units*
Volcano cannon is an oversized laser.
*don‘t block your path*
Please delete this and never bring up this abortion of a game again.
Playing necrons on normal is like playing with any other faction on easy.
I hope they're more balanced in SoulStorm
Oh, whoops. I thought it was a different variant that had the laser.
*activates invulnerability*
*sends immortal wraiths at your turrets*
Don't count on it. They fixed Tau and Eldar slightly but Necrons are still Necrons.
You can still steamroll the campaign with T1 units.
Fuck the chaos, IG and Tau Strongholds.
>mfw using mass basilisks in ultimate apocalypse
>enemy's infantry can't even leave his base anymore without them instantly getting their morale broken and half their squad killed
The basilisks in the IG stronghold gets 10 times worse with mods.
Until a Titan is summoned but that's another story.
Pretty fun camping dead necron lord with 3 Death cult assassins.
Also dawn of war 3 is great game fuck you
What's the point of making the game overbloated and broken?
Is it really? Have they actually fixed anything in the half year since it came out?
Fixed plenty, but they did not slaughter everything good about the game to make it appeal to dow1 noobs so I assume you don't care.
Why is everybody whining about DC and SS balance, and no one plays DowPro?
Well I actually like both DOW 1 and DOW 2 and thought DOW 3s multiplayer wasn‘t completely hopeless. But you're an asshole so I guess I still won‘t buy your game.
No campaign. I do enjoy playing coop against harder AI in pro with a friend though.
Imperium vs Necron games were some of the most fun I had. Trying to hold off the green tide. Felt so good getting the upperhand with artillery and eventually a Baneblade to turn the tide.
Spot on. Really best dps vs other relic units but a bitch to get there in the first place.
for the campaign, I used titanium wars. Too much fun.
Also, I consider DowPro more of a MP mod. It delivers what DC and SS didnt, I dont know why are so few MP matches with DowPro. All this people complaining about Vanilla balance but no one seems to want to play Dowpro...
Cadia is dead, who should I fap to now?
It's time to let go
Necrons were also teased at the end of credits
I like to hope they bring CSM or necron in a expansion
Its alright game though alot of the criticism is just bandwagon haters
>teammate AI is doing bad but I feel like I got the game under control, just wiped out one of the other teams
>realize that one more team also got pushed out
>realize that the last team remaining is chaos combo and I haven't seen them for a while and they had time to build up resources
>try to do a push with everything, almost pull it off but 2vs1 is a shit fight and my ally is doing nothing at all
>my offensive falls apart 40% into destruction of their bases, can't ship troops fast enough
>their titans roll out
>Desperate last stand as I get rolled over
Ultimate apocalypse is a blast.
yeah more like a mod made by retards for retards. Titanium wars is where the real deal is.
>UA fans
>Civilized and just like to enjoy their game
>TW fans
>Autistic and obnoxious much like its developer
It didn't have to be this way but it be.
The Planet broke before the Guard did
>Anything but civilized
faggot do you even consider yourself civilized, your shitty mod only spawned the most obnoxious brats who only brag about how epicXD would be that all vanilla mod races would be in UA and alienating every single modder from dow into working only and only for UA when none of them want to have any of that shit
>UA fans
>Autistic and obnoxious much like its developer
>TW fans
>Autistic and obnoxious much like its developer
>FoK fans
>Gentlemen of high quality much like its developer
You are the only one with a bone to pick here, nigger, I don't give a shit.
>Creed is still alive
>Armless's forces completely fall apart
Why is rushing with dark eldar so fun? Why are space marine players so against fun?
God I hate space marines
>Why is rushing with dark eldar so fun?
Because they have amazing T1 units and shit everything else?
Yeah but fuck space marine players haha.
Got me.
>We will never get updated DE in a RTS because DoW3 was a piece of shit
I've got my minis but it's not the same
RTS with a Tyranid campaing when?
>Even the other forces of Chaos don't like Abaddon with how quickly they abandoned him
>In the time it took that idiot to get Cadia, every other planet in the area has been reinforced to near-Cadian levels
>No more Blackstone Fortresses
All Necrons can talk except the warriors, and warriors scream when they are destroyed.
Seriously, Newcronfags are the worse when it comes to the lore of their awful army.
>every other planet in the area has been reinforced to near-Cadian levels
They reverse-engineered Cadian Pylons? Sweet!
Fuck the Pylons. They've got the best the guard has to offer.
Catachanis are fucking stupid and ugly and worthless because they spend all their time fighting frogs
Creed is a hologram for all time. Fate worse than death since he is full aware.
>Armless's forces completely fall apart
No, it didn't. Some of the warbands broke off but the majority of his forces are in the grindfest.
>every other planet in the area has been reinforced to near-Cadian levels
Which falls into Abaddon's Crimson Path plans. These planets and the apocalyptic wars waged on them are what feeding the Eye of Terror and the Great Rift's expansion. Galaxy's fate is sealed to drown in Chaos.
>>No more Blackstone Fortresses
Wrong there. Huron who is Abaddon's lackey now has the last Blackstone Fortress.
You guys gotta accept the L. Abaddon has the upper hand unless Cawl finishes his Imperial pylons and the work which we all know it won't happen.
How's it going to feel when Alpharius Omegon and his legion go "Fuck the Cabal, we're loyalists again" and tear the rest of Chaos a new asshole?
He is confirmed dead.
And the Alpha Legion have broken up to many warbands. Most of them are dedicated to Chaos.
>that worry about necron production after monolith gets wiped out
Not sure how its now, but in DC times when i avoke the first monolith i have like 2-3 (4 was the max?) another HQ being build or one completed so i would spam monolith one after another while scarabs repaired the damaged ones.
Never lost th game. If enemy tried to mass infantry, i spammed that morale breaking melee zombies. If they tried going full vechicle, destroyers and immortals says hello.
the only more broken shit was eldar rushing scouts at the starts.
>that UA and titanium fights
Well, never understood extreme fanboys. Both are pretty fun mods and like both becaus ei can feel a true warhammer rts battlefield even if one reaver titan is enough to wipe 3/4 of the other units all by himself until someone spawns Emperor or warlord as a IG and breaks game due to bugs and errors imperator titan produce
That was Omegon
Never, Cadians are like Orkz, once they take a planet they colonize it.
wait what are Alpha Legion fighting against Chaos now?
That could have been anyone in the legion. Rogal is an idiot.
They'll come back together when the right trigger world is mentioned. They're tricking even the Chaos Gods.
I believe it in my heart.
*destroys ur path*
>implying Gulliman isn't actually Alpharius
>implying Chadmarines aren't alpha
Nah, I just hope they're secret loyalists.
...but also not because then it's gonna make my AL army look retarded.
The tears of infantry blobbers are sweet,
>play campaign
>necron guy can 1v1 any other factions main hero and win once he gets in reach of melee.....
>besides the fucking dark eldar who somehow just shits out massive melee damage, more than warboss
what the fuck?
>playing SS campaign
>Emperor Alpharius is slowly being driven insane by the fucking Ultrasmurfs that keep trying to fellate their papa
>Galaxy torn about by Warp storms
>only hope is Girlyman coming back as the de facto emperor
>playing any campaign instead of just running stronghold missions
Campaigns are fucking garbage low quality skirmish filler in both DC and SS, and vanilla DoW is braindead easy.
Winter assault is the only one with solid campaigns if you can deal with bugs and shortness.
Girlyman was alright though. It's the rest of ultrasmurf wank that's an issue.
God what a piece of shit game, people that "love" this game even fucking dropped in not 2-3 months after. Even DoW II was peaking better numbers