Why doesn’t anyone think this game is amazing
Why doesn’t anyone think this game is amazing
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Two was the most fun
TLC was the most fantastical
3 was unneeded though the crawler was good
It wasn't a bad game, far from amazing but it was a good RPG for it's time on the 360.
Because there isn't a PC port ;-;
Because it wasn't. It was a mediocre. Last boss was a joke.
Besides guns and the magic system being better it was a straight downgrade from the first game. Every Fable game gets progressively worse; one and two just happened to be good.
The ending was so shit, it destroyed all enjoyment I could possibly have prior to it.
I found it kinda cool that the series technology and world and shit actually moved forward as it went on.
like it went from generic fantasy world to something else as the fantasy stuff was either explained in-universe or just killed/became rarer as time went on and then the technology level increasing through the games was also neato
I personally thought Fable 2 was the best in the series.
Better than the first game by just a small margin.
Better than the third game by a fucking mile.
and Journey...jesus christ what the fuck.
The menu system in the third game was totally retarded, the weapon system sucked. The third game just fails.
The First game was really great. But I just feel like there was more depth to the second one.
I want to say people who prefer the first game are just nostalgia fags, but people who like the third game could say that about me...
So I don't know. I just liked the second game best.
I'm also one of those people who liked elderscrolls 4 over 5 and 3
Giving Lucien some magical nonsense that let him absorb the powers of the 3 heroes for a final bossfight with your same powers and skills in the Spire would have made for a god tier bossfight that woulda improved the ending a whole lot. But they just HAD to shit the bed with the ending.
I fucking hated Fable 2. Found the first to be superior in almost every way. Found the third to be superior in almost every way.
Fable 2 almost completely ditched the action RPG aspect in favor of just becoming a medieval third person version of The Sims. Fuck Fable 2.
>Liking fable 3 over anything
God i wish this game had a fucking pc port so badly
RIP IN PIECE franchise.
Man I wish fable 2 was on pc too.
>ywn marry zombie grey
feel bad man
It's sad because it oversimplified a fucking simple game
Also literally "console casual shit", and I'm saying this as consolefag
TLC is still the best shit out there, even with all "lost potential" aka lies and bullshit
>I hated Fable 2
Alright that's your opinion, it's fine whatever not your cup of tea
>I Found the first to be superior in everyway
Alright that's fair, although maybe just nostalgia, you show that you enjoyed Fable 1 and that's enough to say that you can enjoy the fable series and probably have some taste
>Fable 3 is superior
Okay faggot this is where you lost me.
How anyone could prefer Fable 3 over literally anything is beyond me.
did you actually enjoy pausing the game and sitting through a loading screen because you have to run around that gay hub room gimmick
Fable 3 is dog shitty what's the matter with you. you can hate Fable 2, but god damn user have some decency
Your health is low, do you have any potions, or food?
I just wanted more shit to do in TLC.
There isn't enough quests for me.
how is fable anniversary? i read its a 'remaster' of the game with tlc already in it as well.
But there was
I still prefer the first game because it had a proper final boss. 1 is indeed short as fuck though.
It's shit, don't bother
Watch a video or two how disgusting and uninspired it looks in compare with original
Can I emulate this or some shit. My 360 died so many years ago, and I don't want to throw money down for pre-owned one.
I do
I disagree. Magic is one of the few things fable II did worse. They removed a bunch of movement and combat enhancing spells.
>can visit locations from the first game
>original MC's hometown is spoopy as fuck
What are more games that do this, it gives me boner.
Sup Forums loved game until 2010 wave of newfags and fable 3 release
2014 gamergate wave of anti sjw newfags killed last remains of old Sup Forums
Xbox emulators are still in the dark ages
You shouldn't lie on the internet, user
What a cosy looking cottage
>Make qt waifu
>Specialized in guns
>She's now a fucking tall
Loved that shit.
Because the man who produced this game is a liar
>final boss is literally press a button to win
What the fuck?
I was so sure that back in 2013 there was fable 2 on steam; I never use the goddamned service anymore so I thought it was on there
You don't even have to press it. Still better than the Fable 3 boss.
Because it's western garbage.
It's nowhere near as good as it could be, decisions are black and white to the point that they are stupid and they don't understand level design, it shouldn't be hub based.
I played the first one completely blind and loved it but the second one was definitely the better of the two.
it completely lacked any sort of minimal challenge. Enemies popped up, you started mashing magic button and they died, it really wasn't engaging at all.
The artstyle was top tier though and it had nice production values all around. I also really liked the whole good vs evil character progression
Yes... looks lovely
I liked the gameplay of II the most, but that ending had so many problems.
Like, with the base version of the game, you were basically fucked unless you chose the "neutral" option as a wish, or whatever, cause Good and Evil killed your dog, and you needed him for a number of quests.
...But then the first DLC came out, and let you get your dog back like it was nothing, completely invalidating the consequences of two of the endings, and making one of the endings almost completely pointless.
>microshit well never put fable 2 on pc, fable itself has been reduced to a card game
>actiblizz will never put the movies back on steam
>ea will never put black and white 1 and 2 on origin or steam
such a shame. despite molyneux's lies lionhead made splendid games. its so sad the industry is such a rush to pretend the 00s and ever early 10s never happened by letting games be lost.
Can you still get the dlc through xbone?
>combat is shit
>writing is shit
>level design is shit
>progression mechanics are shit
>NPC's have either no personality or are extremely obnoxious
I played fable 2 to completion and the only thing I remember positively is the jump scare comfy winter cabin demon door. Everything else about the game is fucking awful.
I do. This was as close as the series got to being a top tier RPG. The combat held it back and that ending was terrible. Everything prior was amazing if you just accepted that it was never going to challenge you.
3 did some things right but dropped every semblance of RPG. You aren't even given much incentive to change weapons. At least 2 had stats. Too bad they didn't mean anything because everything was so easy.
Oh and the dog got really annoying but the idea was so great I let that slide.
I wish it would come out on PC. I have 1 and 3 and neither are as good as 2 though 1 is good in it's own way.
You say the combat, progression and ending are terrible but still you claim the game is good. What exactly is so good about it? The uninteresting story? The randomly generated townspeople with no personality? The mediocre visuals? The complete lack of weight or consequence to any action you take? I seriously do not see what people love about this game.
My favorite game desu.
I wasn't allowed any video games as a kid, so when I was 14 I got a job and saved up enough to buy an Xbox 360 and Fable 2.
It was a truly magical first gaming experience. Nothing I have played since then has been able to live up to it.
I liked it a lot.
I enjoyed it much more than the first, even if it was flawed as fuck. The only game in the series to get the alignment system right.
I was never more hyped for a game. I remember following the development with my best friend religiously and we freaked out when it got delayed. It ended up being good but not nearly close to my anticipation for it.
3 was absolute shit and I still hate myself for buying the collectors edition of it.
What came with the collectors edition?
An art book, a pack of cards, a metal coin and a special case that was designed to look like a book but it had “secret” slots to put everything in. I ended up using it to hide my weed in high school but holy shit was that game garbage.
Is it worth picking up fable 1?
Fable 1 is a good game and it's like 2.50 so I would say yes
What do you mean? I know a lot of normies who loved it.
1 is pretty fun, 2 and 3 are just too easy. it's impossible to lose
>Enact policies that benifit the people
>Everyone dies, you end up alone in a land full of unspoiled trees and parks. This is the "good" choice
>Enact policies that gather you the required funds to stop the evil
>Everyone is alive and the world looks a little worse. But everyone is alive. This is the "evil" choice
What the fuck were they thinking?
It's so easy to buy property and get a fuckton of money every five minutes or whatever that you can have the world be pretty and have people in it, making the whole thing pretty insignificant
Yeah but it doesn't excuse the retarded backwards logic. I'm liberal as you can get really and even I couldn't stand the retarded "Hurr trees pretty you good coal evil you bad" nonsense.
I'm just glad those binary moral choice systems have mostly been abandoned by all but the most creatively bankrupt.
Yeah, originally the serie system was supposed to be more sensible, choices could've had bad consequences regardless wether your decision was good or bad, instead it became "save this man from a bandit" or "torture the man before selling him to slavery while keeping his kids as your personal butt toy while you double-tag his wife with the bandit"